

Requested by:@somewereinthegalaxi


Relationship: Bash x reader

Prompt: modern day AU with Bash where she goes to the castle for history homework and gets lost from the tour guides and bumps into Bash and spends the rest of the day with him without knowing who he is because she’s oblivious to the royal family and Terrible at history

Word Count:611

“Godammit,” you whispered fiddling with the tour map, your tour guide was pulled away and you were left to travel the Valois castle on your own. “Stupid history project, this is pointless, I’m going home and using google.” 

You quickly slipped the map and your notebook into your purse. You whipped around frustrated but you met with a tough surface. You were close to the ground when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. “I am so so sorry,” you spoke as the person put you back on you feet.

 “It’s not a problem,” the voice was deeper, obviously a man, nervously you looked into his beautiful blue eyes. 

 “I’m Y/N,” you whispered, mesmerized by the eyes in front of you. You stayed silent for a few moments waiting for him to reply with his name. 

 “Oh, um…” He looked flustered like he forgot. “Bash.” 

“Um, if you don’t mind me asking, do you know your way around here?” Bash smirked at you.

 “Oh I know it very well,” he winked before motioning for you to follow him. “So what are you here for?” 

 “Stupid History.” You fiddled with the map, searching for where you were. You huffed and shoved the map into your purse.

 “University?” Bash questioned as you turned yet another corner. You nodded in frustration. 

“Where are we?”

 “It’s a secret shortcut.” He smiled down at you. 

 “How do you know secret shortcuts?” You looked down at your faded nail polish. 

 “Well, lets just say I’m here a lot.” You looked up at him quizzically but decided not to question any further.

 You went along with him. Bash took you all over the castle, telling you facts about the family and the architecture everything you need for your project. He had all the answers. Soon you stopped in the gardens. You sat on a bench next to the water fountain. Behind you sat two rose bushes filled with red roses. 

 “Bash, who are you?” He looked away from the flowers his eyes meeting yours.

 “What do you mean?” You sighed and stood up off the bench.

 “What I mean is you know your way around this castle and even secret shortcuts that aren’t open on the map. Who are you?” 

 “Sebastian De Poitiers,” he whispered. You stared at him for a second connecting his name to his social status.

 “The bastard son of the king,” you whispered backing away.

 “Y/N.” he jumped up and grabbing your arm. “Please look at me.” 

 “Why didn’t you tell me?” You didn’t look at him, you spent a whole day with him and not once did he mention this. 

 “For one day I was just Bash, a Frenchman, not Sebastian De Poitiers, the bastard of France.” He moved in front of you, forcing you to look into his eyes. “I wanted you to see me as Bash.” 

“We don’t even know each other Sebastian.” You ripped out of his grip and started walking back to the castle. 

“But I’d like to change that.” He yelled causing you to turn around. “I would love it if you would get to know me. Sometimes you just need a friend.” He finally caught up to you “can we just be friends?” You nodded

 “Friends,” you confirmed. Bash smiled down at you and you smiled back. “Now help me back to the real world you sap.”

 Bash laughed before leading you out of his home. Not allowing you to leave until you left your number and promised to meet him for dinner. You left the castle with a smile. A terrible day no longer, guess it helps to suck at history.


Requested by:@somewereinthegalaxi


Relationship: Bash x Reader

Prompt: #100 “Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.”

Word Count: 540

You ran to Nostradamus’ chambers. You didn’t care what anyone would say about a princess running. Bash was hurt. You didn’t know how, or how bad the injury is. All you knew in that moment was the man you love was hurt. The moment you got to the door you saw your brother-in-laws blonde curls.

“Francis,” you whispered. You felt like your chest was on fire and your heart was going to pop out of your chest. He turned away from the wall he had been staring at. His eyes became sympathetic when he saw your tear stained face. He opened his arms to you and you bolted. In need of your best friends comfort. In that moment you let the tears fall. Francis ran his hand up and down your back trying to calm you down. 

“Why don’t we sit?” He whispered. The both of you slid down the wall. You unconsciously began to bounce your leg. You didn’t even noticed you were until Francis placed his hand on you leg and gave you a look. “Calm down, princess. Everything is going to be fine. Think of Scotland, not of Bash.”  You looked into his eyes.

“Sorry,” you whispered “It’s just hard, my country is at war, the man I love was just stabbed. It’s like the whole world is against me. When we came back to France,” You paused and looked away. “I thought things would be better.” 

“I know Y/N, we all thought it would get easier.” You looked at Francis before getting up and pacing again. You waited and waited for Nostradamus to come out of the chambers. It felt like hours that you were walking back and forth, but finally Nostradamus opened his doors. 

“Children,” he grumbled. “He’s going to be fine,” you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. You felt a tear run down your face “would you like to see him?” You nodded silently and Francis with his hand on you back protectively, led you into the chambers. 

“Bash,”you cried, choking on your breath. He was pale and lying in a cot. The sweat ran down his face and his torso was wrapped in bandages. 

“Y/n,” he croaked. You ran to his side, he attempted to sit up as you sat on the bed, but you pushed him down lightly. He shook his head and tried to sit up again. “I want to sit up,” you pushed him down once more. 

“Will you please sit still, for the love of all that is holy,” you huffed causing Bash to let out a rough laugh. “What,” you asked, “what are you laughing at?”

“It’s just,” he smiled “I love you.” 

“I love you too.” You smiled 

“I’m sorry,” he whispered as you pressed your forehead to his. 

“You better be. Never do that again,” you whispered. 

“I’ll try,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. 

“Well, this is uncomfortable,” Francis mumbled causing you and Bash to giggle. 

“Sorry, Francis,” you giggled and moved yourself off the bed and into the chair next to his bed. You held on to Bash’s hand as he spoke to Francis. You never wanted to let him go again.


Requested by:@weirdnewbie



Prompt: Bash is in love with Mary’s twin sister and wants to court her

Word Count:707

“Mary, when you get a moment, can we speak?” Bash asked your sister, avoiding eye contact with you. You turned towards Francis, who was standing on the other side of Mary. 

“Francis, why don’t you show me the lake.” Francis raised an eyebrow,

“You know where the lake is Y/N.” Rolling your eyes you took Francis’ arm and dragged him towards the lake. “Y/N is everything alright?” You held tighter to you brother in laws arm as you walked through the castles fields. 

“Bash hasn’t spoken to me in days, he didn’t even speak to me when he came back from that hunting trip. I don’t know what I did wrong.”

“You did nothing, Bash isn’t your typical Frenchman. Most nobles will tell you what they want. Bash, however bad his reputation is, is more respectful than many.” You smile softly looking towards the ground. 

“You’re the best big brother I could’ve asked for.” You looked towards each other smiling. “You know,” You teased. “I remember when I first met you and Bash. You two tried to prank Mary and I, you switched places. Told Mary she was going to marry the brunette, and she was so nervous because she liked you better. She was so afraid to hurt Bash’s feelings she forced me to be with the two of them everywhere they went. You kept that up for a whole week, and when you finally got caught, Mary wouldn’t speak to you for the rest of the week.” Francis let out a laugh as he stopped at the bench by the river. 

“She never did fully forgive us for that. But you were happy with anything, you were such a lovely person since the moment we met you. The beautiful Scottish princess my kingdom fell in love with.” 

“I’m glad my sister fell in love with you.”

“I’m glad she loves me too.” You sat there in silence leaning against Francis’ shoulder, something you two had done since you were young children. You would never love Francis as Mary did, the way you loved him was different. He was a guiding light you were grateful to have in your life. 

“Your grace, Princess Y/N,” You heard a servant call, you stood and faced the young boy. 

“Yes, dear?” The servant bowed his head, “Am I needed somewhere?”

“Yes your grace, Sebastian De Poitiers requests to see you in the throne room.” You nodded at the boy and looked back at Francis nervously before making your way up to the castle.  

When you entered the throne room you immediately noticed the worried look on Bash’s face. 

“Seb,” you asked worriedly “Are you alright.”

“Y/N, since the moment I met you I knew I wanted you in my life.”

“Seb,” You blushed “What is this about?” The nervous expression retook his face.

“Please, just let me finish. I’ve always wanted you in my life in some way, I waited nine years for you and Mary to return to court. Within those nine years, I realized how I wanted you in my life, but I knew being the bastard of France would make it hard. But, by the caring nature of your sister’s soul, your agreement will make it possible.” You looked at your best friend confused. 

“Sebastian, what do you mean?” He walked forward until there were only inches between the two of you. 

“I mean,” Bash moved his hand towards yours, intertwining the two of them.

 “Give me permission to call you mine. I want to court you and one day I want to be your husband and the father of your children. I want to take the first step in that direction. Please, allow me to laugh in the face of the nobles when they attempt to flirt with you. Let me court you.” You smiled at the man in front of you. 

“Yes, Sebastian, yes.” He picked you up and spun you around, causing your giggles to echo throughout the throne room. As he placed you down, neither of you could tear away from each other’s eyes. Both of you leaned in and the fireworks exploded. Finally, you were with the boy you always wanted.
