#reign imagine


Requested by:anonymous


Relationship: Charles x reader

Prompt: a Charles Valois imagine where you’re getting married to him and what that whole days like ….

Word Count: 799

Nerves ran through your body, this wasn’t suppose to happen yet and you weren’t sure if you were ready. After Francis’ death scare, you and Charles decided to get married sooner than planned and today was the day. The day you go against your Royal Irish heritage and become a French ally. You reminded yourself Mary was not going to leave your side until she had to walk down the aisle. Bash would be with you too, seeing as you had been close when you were a child. It seemed so long ago now that you and Charles were just children running throughout the fields of France. You never thought you would marry him, seeing as he was promised to another but here you are. Just hours away from being his wife. The servants were helping you with everything, the shock of this reality taking you over. “Mary,” you whispered before you stepped into the gorgeous white dress. 

“Yes, darling,” she asked moving away from the bed. You looked at her, eyes watering. The fear she knew too well. “Bash?” 


“Martha, dear please find Sebastian and send him in.” 

The rest of the servants stood to the side waiting to be dismissed as Mary sat with you on the bed. She rubbed your arms and dismissed the servants leaving you two in silence. Bash strides in a few moments later before he could even bow to Mary you attacked him in a hug. You didn’t care if you messed up your hair or make-up. You just held on to the man who served as your older brother. He finally put you down and walked you over to the bed. He kneeled in front of you, causing you to look at him. 

“I’m scared,” you whispered. 

“And that’s okay, but Francis is okay, Charles is okay, everyone is okay.”

“I’m going to be the future queen,” Bash shook his head.

“Don’t worry about that now. Mary and Francis could have an heir any day,” you nodded and silence filled the room again. 

“Bash can you stay?” His eyes widened as he looked towards Mary. 

“I don’t see why he can’t.” She said with a smile. 

Bash quickly called the servants and you were surrounded once more. Unable to leave until Francis came to retrieve you. 

“Look at you,” he whispered “all grown up, it seems like just yesterday I was chasing you and Charles in a field.” You smiled at Francis, holding in the tears of the memories of how great Francis had been to you in your childhood. 

The four of you walked in silence to the hall. First went Bash, then Mary and Francis, who gave you a wink before heading inside. Then went your ladies,Margaret, Ann, and Saoirse. Finally, you. When the guards opened the doors you looked towards the floor. You could feel the people of the court’s eyes burn your skin. You took a step forward. Your heart beats faster. 

“Look up and see his smiling face,” you whispered to yourself. You slowly lifted your head and caught Charles’ blue eyes. When he smiled at you all of your nerves went away. 

The rest was a blur. 

Tears filled your eyes and you whispered “I do,” 

“I now pronounce you, man and wife.” The priest announced. 

Charles smiled at you as the two of you turned to face the crowd. He helped you down the steps and out the door to the feast. About halfway through the night you and Charles finally had the time to be with each other. 

“May I have this dance my wife,” you giggled as he reached his hand out and copied the nobles who had asked to dance with you all night. 

“You may,” you grabbed his hand and stood up from the chair. You walked to the dance floor, you danced and laughed, enjoying each other’s presence. 

When the song ended you were heading back to your seat near Mary. When you heard a traditional Irish song begin to play. You stopped dead in your tracks before turning back to Charles. “Did you,” you whispered. He nodded as you attacked him with a hug. “Thank you,” you whispered. You turned your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder causing you to turn. “Mary-” you were cut off by Mary pulling you towards the dance floor. Giggling you two danced like you had as children. You knew the people were staring but you didn’t have a care in the world. It was like everything was perfect. Soon after your three ladies came up to you. 

“It’s time for the consummation,” Margaret whispered. You scrunched up your nose and sighed. Your beautiful day will end awkwardly but at least now you can call Charles your husband.


Requested by:Anonymous


Relationship: Charles X reader

Prompt: Hi 37 “When I said you’re mine, I meant it.” for Charles Valois and romantic pretty please hope you’re having a great day

Word Count: 433

“4 years ago you made me a promise,” you whispered, “today you broke that promise and for that, I can not forgive you.” You felt a tear slip down your face, the boy you love stands in front of you.
“Y/N, she kissed me. No one could foresee that.” You roughly wiped the tear from your face, keeping your distance from the man standing in front of you. The man you love, the man who betrayed you.
“Charles,” you whispered your voice cracking. “I will stay on your court as your advisor but not as your lover. I will have the servants set up my old chambers.” His blue eyes filled with tears but you couldn’t look at him much longer. With every look, you longed for him, the man who betrayed your trust and embarrassed you in front of the entire French court. All because he allowed some noble girl to touch him and press her lips against his.
“Love-” As he moved closer to you, you stepped even further back. The throne room was large and you would not allow him to touch you.
“Do not call me that,” you spat “You lost that right.”
“Y/N” He cried his voice cracking, you couldn’t help but let the tears freely fall.
“Four years ago, When I said you’re mine, I meant it, Charles. I’ve always meant it.”
“I meant it too, If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked you to be my queen.” You wiped a stray tear and looked at the ground.  
“You wouldn’t have kissed that girl,”
“I didn’t kiss her back, Y/N,” He yelled causing you to flinch, you feared this moment in time. The moment when he would turn into his father, having a mistress, throwing you to the side. You feared that you would become Catherine, bitter till the very end. You finally looked up from the ground and stared straight into his eyes.
“Am I not good enough? Is that what that was? You’re embarrassed to be married to me?” He looked speechless
“I would never in this lifetime, ever, be ashamed of you.” He moved closer to you and this time you let him. “All those years ago when I said you’re mine, I meant it.” He moved a few inches closer, now your foreheads were lightly touching.
“Prove it to me, prove what happen tonight meant nothing.” You leaned forward closing the gap between your mouths.
“Never again, Y/N, I really mean it,” he whispered as he pulled away. “I’m yours.”
“I will hold you to that promise, Charles Valois.”



Relationship: Charles x Reader

Synopsis: In Charles chamber, as he gets ready for Francis’ funeral you attempt to comfort the future king. 

Word Count:369

“Good morning stranger,” you whispered as you entered Charles’ chambers. It was the day after the death of King Francis. Charles had spent the whole night in your chambers talking and crying, though he would never admit it. Now the servants were prepping him for the funeral, then his crowning ceremony. Today he will say goodbye to his brother and replace him, all on the same day.

“Morning love,” He croaked, you knew the lack of sleep was getting to him. You walked closer as he fixed his sleeve. You swept a piece of his hair behind his ear. As you stared into his puffy blue eyes your heart ached worse. You already were grieving over you dear friend, but to see the boy you love in this state made the pain worse.

“Could you give us a moment please my dears? Just wait outside the doors, I’ll call you when we are ready.” You spoke calmly to the servants who filled the room, they bowed towards Charles and exited the chambers.

“How are you feeling, my love?”  Charles questioned as the last servant left. You turned back to him with shock on your face.

“How I’m feeling doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are ready for tonight’s events.” Charles smiled at you.

“You are the greatest thing in my life, and I know you are hurting too. You and Francis were close, Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with me just because he was my brother.” You felt a tear run down your face and Charles soft thumb wiped it away.

“I’m so sorry I’m crying,” Charles shook his head.

“Don’t be, just promise me you will be by my side at the funeral.” You shook your head, the tears flowing faster.

“I’ll just embarrass you,”

“You never could, my queen.” You gasped

“Charles. Do you really mean that?” He nodded and smiled for the first time that week.

“Francis and Mary approved it before he passed, tomorrow we will be married and you will be crowned queen of France.” You jumped on him hugging him as tight as you could, forgetting everything that had happened. Just you and your future king, everything and everyone didn’t matter.

“I love you Charles, i am so sorry for how the world has been to you but I am certain things will get better.”

“I love you, my queen,” he leaned his forehead against yours a smile spread to both of your faces.

“And I you, my king. I’ll never leave your side.”

“The words I always want to hear.”
