#fandom imagines


Requested by:@somewereinthegalaxi


Relationship: Bash x reader

Prompt: modern day AU with Bash where she goes to the castle for history homework and gets lost from the tour guides and bumps into Bash and spends the rest of the day with him without knowing who he is because she’s oblivious to the royal family and Terrible at history

Word Count:611

“Godammit,” you whispered fiddling with the tour map, your tour guide was pulled away and you were left to travel the Valois castle on your own. “Stupid history project, this is pointless, I’m going home and using google.” 

You quickly slipped the map and your notebook into your purse. You whipped around frustrated but you met with a tough surface. You were close to the ground when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. “I am so so sorry,” you spoke as the person put you back on you feet.

 “It’s not a problem,” the voice was deeper, obviously a man, nervously you looked into his beautiful blue eyes. 

 “I’m Y/N,” you whispered, mesmerized by the eyes in front of you. You stayed silent for a few moments waiting for him to reply with his name. 

 “Oh, um…” He looked flustered like he forgot. “Bash.” 

“Um, if you don’t mind me asking, do you know your way around here?” Bash smirked at you.

 “Oh I know it very well,” he winked before motioning for you to follow him. “So what are you here for?” 

 “Stupid History.” You fiddled with the map, searching for where you were. You huffed and shoved the map into your purse.

 “University?” Bash questioned as you turned yet another corner. You nodded in frustration. 

“Where are we?”

 “It’s a secret shortcut.” He smiled down at you. 

 “How do you know secret shortcuts?” You looked down at your faded nail polish. 

 “Well, lets just say I’m here a lot.” You looked up at him quizzically but decided not to question any further.

 You went along with him. Bash took you all over the castle, telling you facts about the family and the architecture everything you need for your project. He had all the answers. Soon you stopped in the gardens. You sat on a bench next to the water fountain. Behind you sat two rose bushes filled with red roses. 

 “Bash, who are you?” He looked away from the flowers his eyes meeting yours.

 “What do you mean?” You sighed and stood up off the bench.

 “What I mean is you know your way around this castle and even secret shortcuts that aren’t open on the map. Who are you?” 

 “Sebastian De Poitiers,” he whispered. You stared at him for a second connecting his name to his social status.

 “The bastard son of the king,” you whispered backing away.

 “Y/N.” he jumped up and grabbing your arm. “Please look at me.” 

 “Why didn’t you tell me?” You didn’t look at him, you spent a whole day with him and not once did he mention this. 

 “For one day I was just Bash, a Frenchman, not Sebastian De Poitiers, the bastard of France.” He moved in front of you, forcing you to look into his eyes. “I wanted you to see me as Bash.” 

“We don’t even know each other Sebastian.” You ripped out of his grip and started walking back to the castle. 

“But I’d like to change that.” He yelled causing you to turn around. “I would love it if you would get to know me. Sometimes you just need a friend.” He finally caught up to you “can we just be friends?” You nodded

 “Friends,” you confirmed. Bash smiled down at you and you smiled back. “Now help me back to the real world you sap.”

 Bash laughed before leading you out of his home. Not allowing you to leave until you left your number and promised to meet him for dinner. You left the castle with a smile. A terrible day no longer, guess it helps to suck at history.


Requested by:@weirdnewbie

Fandom: Harry Potter

Relationship: Draco x Reader

Prompt: the reader loves animals and is always around them and Draco finds her one day singing to them and he compliments her and they start hanging out and maybe it ends in fluff

Word Count:595

It was Christmas time at Hogwarts. As a seventh year you had an open block, which you spent down at Hagrid’s hut caring for his magical creatures. Growing up you looked up to Newt Scamander and Strived to be a magizoologist, just like him. Once Hagrid found this out, he offered to let you help with his creatures. So that’s where everyone found you, with the new magical creature of the week.

Today, though, because it’s the week before break, there was no creature. So, you decided to take a walk through the grounds. You sat on the bench by the lake and suddenly a deer walked past. You laughed to yourself, thinking it was just one of the Weasley twins pranks. You tied your Y/H/C into a bun and followed the creature. As the deer laid down, you sat a little further away. Admiring the deer’s beauty before heading back to Hagrid’s hut.

You walked over to Fang who was sitting outside of the hut. “Hey fang,” you whispered as you pet him. You say for a few moments until something ran by causing fang to freak. You jumped up holding him back and petting him. “Shhh, fang, it’s okay.” You sighed. “ Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,” you sang “Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?” Fang finally began to calm down. “Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines,” you sat beside fang on the stairs, keeping your hand petting his back. “Ding ding dong, ding ding dong” you continued to him the song, getting softer as he began to sleep.

“That was beautiful,” you jumped, whipping your body around to see a bleach blonde boy standing there. You curiously looked at Malfoy, it was unusual for a Slytherin to be nice to a Y/H/N.

“Thank you,” you whispered. He nodded looking away.

“I’ve never heard that before,” you let out a giggle causing him to snap his head up.

“It’s a muggle lullaby, something you commonly learn on piano as a child.” You looked at Draco noticing his pale face go red. “I could teach you sometime if you like,” He let himself smirk a little bit at you before nodding, “I have to go, I’ll see you later Draco Malfoy.”


“You’re telling me you’re friends with him?” Harry yelled.

“Yes,” you calmly spoke, “could you please quiet down, people are staring.”

You dragged Harry down to Hagrid’s, Hermione and Ron followed in close pursuit. They knew to keep their distance though. They all knew when you got mad the only people to calm you down were the Weasley twins.

“I’m nice to those who are nice to me, he asked me for help and I provided-”

“But-” you held your finger up glaring at the young Gryffindor.

“Harry, Draco is a good person,”

“Oh bloody hell, Y/N,” you clenched your fists and took a deep breath.

“You don’t have okay with it you just have to deal with,” and with that you took off, storming towards the castle. You passed by everyone not even stopping when the twins called your name. It wasn’t until you bumped into a body causing you to fall to the ground, that you finally stopped.

“I’m sorry,” the familiar voice whispered. You looked up to see the blonde boy.

“Sorry Draco,” he reached a hand out to help you up.

“Never worry,” he smiled at you, the smile only you had seen. “Come on let’s walk.” He jerked his head in the direction of the field and the two of you walked. Never letting go of each other’s hand.



Requested by:@weirdnewbie

Fandom: The Flash

Relationship: Barry x Platonic!Reader

Prompt: Just got a strike of idea. For the Flash, maybe the reader is a metahuman and she controls nature and she’s just really mellow and the team try and get her to help them but she refuses every time. Is that okay? If there’s no pairing? You could have her be friends with someone on the team if you’d like.

Word Count: 329

“Hey Joe,” you smiled at the older man as you passed his desk. It was lunch time and you were meeting your best friend, Barry. 

“Y/n,” he smiled as he stood up to give you a hug. As you pulled away you handed him a brown paper bag with his lunch and a coffee from the tray you were holding. “Aha this is why you’re my favorite,” you shook your head before heading up to Barry’s office. 

You were one of Joe’s honorary kids, seeing as you have been best friends with Barry since before his mom died. You saw Barry sitting in his chair, he was going through some more files. 

“Hey, Bartholomew,”  he scowled before looking up at you.

 “You know you are the only person in my life who insists on calling me that.” You smiled placing the brown bag down. 

“I’ve earned the right to.”

“How so,” Barry raised his eyebrow at you.

“Coffee,” you replied as you placed his cup on the desk before taking a seat in a rolling chair. “How’s Star Labs?” You kicked your feet up onto his desk. You saw Barry roll his eyes as you dug into the sandwich you made. 

“The offer is still up there-” 


“No,Y/N,” he commanded “hear me out.” You sighed and stared at him for a second. 

“Okay,” you whispered.

“We need you,” you shook your head. 

“No,Barry. I told you I’m not using my powers. It was a mistake.” 


“No,” you yelled as you stood “Barry, the man who runs that lab made me this way.”

“He’s,” he paused standing in front of you “he’s willing to help you.”

“I’m going to go,” you gathered your purse and walked towards the door.

“Y/N,” Barry called causing you to turn. 

“I’m sorry Barry, but I can’t be near that man. Who messed up my life.” You turned around again and headed down the stairs to go home.

read part 2


Requested by:anonymous


Relationship: Charles x reader

Prompt: a Charles Valois imagine where you’re getting married to him and what that whole days like ….

Word Count: 799

Nerves ran through your body, this wasn’t suppose to happen yet and you weren’t sure if you were ready. After Francis’ death scare, you and Charles decided to get married sooner than planned and today was the day. The day you go against your Royal Irish heritage and become a French ally. You reminded yourself Mary was not going to leave your side until she had to walk down the aisle. Bash would be with you too, seeing as you had been close when you were a child. It seemed so long ago now that you and Charles were just children running throughout the fields of France. You never thought you would marry him, seeing as he was promised to another but here you are. Just hours away from being his wife. The servants were helping you with everything, the shock of this reality taking you over. “Mary,” you whispered before you stepped into the gorgeous white dress. 

“Yes, darling,” she asked moving away from the bed. You looked at her, eyes watering. The fear she knew too well. “Bash?” 


“Martha, dear please find Sebastian and send him in.” 

The rest of the servants stood to the side waiting to be dismissed as Mary sat with you on the bed. She rubbed your arms and dismissed the servants leaving you two in silence. Bash strides in a few moments later before he could even bow to Mary you attacked him in a hug. You didn’t care if you messed up your hair or make-up. You just held on to the man who served as your older brother. He finally put you down and walked you over to the bed. He kneeled in front of you, causing you to look at him. 

“I’m scared,” you whispered. 

“And that’s okay, but Francis is okay, Charles is okay, everyone is okay.”

“I’m going to be the future queen,” Bash shook his head.

“Don’t worry about that now. Mary and Francis could have an heir any day,” you nodded and silence filled the room again. 

“Bash can you stay?” His eyes widened as he looked towards Mary. 

“I don’t see why he can’t.” She said with a smile. 

Bash quickly called the servants and you were surrounded once more. Unable to leave until Francis came to retrieve you. 

“Look at you,” he whispered “all grown up, it seems like just yesterday I was chasing you and Charles in a field.” You smiled at Francis, holding in the tears of the memories of how great Francis had been to you in your childhood. 

The four of you walked in silence to the hall. First went Bash, then Mary and Francis, who gave you a wink before heading inside. Then went your ladies,Margaret, Ann, and Saoirse. Finally, you. When the guards opened the doors you looked towards the floor. You could feel the people of the court’s eyes burn your skin. You took a step forward. Your heart beats faster. 

“Look up and see his smiling face,” you whispered to yourself. You slowly lifted your head and caught Charles’ blue eyes. When he smiled at you all of your nerves went away. 

The rest was a blur. 

Tears filled your eyes and you whispered “I do,” 

“I now pronounce you, man and wife.” The priest announced. 

Charles smiled at you as the two of you turned to face the crowd. He helped you down the steps and out the door to the feast. About halfway through the night you and Charles finally had the time to be with each other. 

“May I have this dance my wife,” you giggled as he reached his hand out and copied the nobles who had asked to dance with you all night. 

“You may,” you grabbed his hand and stood up from the chair. You walked to the dance floor, you danced and laughed, enjoying each other’s presence. 

When the song ended you were heading back to your seat near Mary. When you heard a traditional Irish song begin to play. You stopped dead in your tracks before turning back to Charles. “Did you,” you whispered. He nodded as you attacked him with a hug. “Thank you,” you whispered. You turned your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder causing you to turn. “Mary-” you were cut off by Mary pulling you towards the dance floor. Giggling you two danced like you had as children. You knew the people were staring but you didn’t have a care in the world. It was like everything was perfect. Soon after your three ladies came up to you. 

“It’s time for the consummation,” Margaret whispered. You scrunched up your nose and sighed. Your beautiful day will end awkwardly but at least now you can call Charles your husband.


Requested by:@somewereinthegalaxi


Relationship: Bash x Reader

Prompt: #100 “Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.”

Word Count: 540

You ran to Nostradamus’ chambers. You didn’t care what anyone would say about a princess running. Bash was hurt. You didn’t know how, or how bad the injury is. All you knew in that moment was the man you love was hurt. The moment you got to the door you saw your brother-in-laws blonde curls.

“Francis,” you whispered. You felt like your chest was on fire and your heart was going to pop out of your chest. He turned away from the wall he had been staring at. His eyes became sympathetic when he saw your tear stained face. He opened his arms to you and you bolted. In need of your best friends comfort. In that moment you let the tears fall. Francis ran his hand up and down your back trying to calm you down. 

“Why don’t we sit?” He whispered. The both of you slid down the wall. You unconsciously began to bounce your leg. You didn’t even noticed you were until Francis placed his hand on you leg and gave you a look. “Calm down, princess. Everything is going to be fine. Think of Scotland, not of Bash.”  You looked into his eyes.

“Sorry,” you whispered “It’s just hard, my country is at war, the man I love was just stabbed. It’s like the whole world is against me. When we came back to France,” You paused and looked away. “I thought things would be better.” 

“I know Y/N, we all thought it would get easier.” You looked at Francis before getting up and pacing again. You waited and waited for Nostradamus to come out of the chambers. It felt like hours that you were walking back and forth, but finally Nostradamus opened his doors. 

“Children,” he grumbled. “He’s going to be fine,” you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. You felt a tear run down your face “would you like to see him?” You nodded silently and Francis with his hand on you back protectively, led you into the chambers. 

“Bash,”you cried, choking on your breath. He was pale and lying in a cot. The sweat ran down his face and his torso was wrapped in bandages. 

“Y/n,” he croaked. You ran to his side, he attempted to sit up as you sat on the bed, but you pushed him down lightly. He shook his head and tried to sit up again. “I want to sit up,” you pushed him down once more. 

“Will you please sit still, for the love of all that is holy,” you huffed causing Bash to let out a rough laugh. “What,” you asked, “what are you laughing at?”

“It’s just,” he smiled “I love you.” 

“I love you too.” You smiled 

“I’m sorry,” he whispered as you pressed your forehead to his. 

“You better be. Never do that again,” you whispered. 

“I’ll try,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. 

“Well, this is uncomfortable,” Francis mumbled causing you and Bash to giggle. 

“Sorry, Francis,” you giggled and moved yourself off the bed and into the chair next to his bed. You held on to Bash’s hand as he spoke to Francis. You never wanted to let him go again.



Requested by:@weirdnewbie

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Relationship: Luke x Reader

Prompt: Pt.3 of the Wednesday Addams series. Luke and the reader (Daughter of Hades) are now a couple, when a little boy enters camp half blood just moments after losing his mother and they become friends

Word Count:540

As a demigod, a million things can happen in just a second. One minute you’re observing the campers and holding hands with your boyfriend. But the next second you’re comforting a young boy. A young sea green-eyed, 12-year-old little boy who just lost his mother. Another child plagued with the inconvenience of being a demigod. Unclaimed and lost. There was yelling everywhere, that’s when Luke spotted his young satyr friend.

“Grover,” he yelled before taking off in a sprint.

“Luke,” you yelled chasing after him. You pushed through the crowd in front of the big house. “Get back to your cabins,” you yelled at the other campers. “Check-in is in 20 minutes!” They all just continued to stare at you. “Go,” you glared. They all ran back to their cabin except for a few stubborn Ares kids. You held up your finger “I will put you on dishes for the next two months.” They all groaned and rolled their eyes but they walked away. You opened the door to the big house.

“There you are Y/N,” Chiron said as he sighed. “Annabeth is in with him right now.” You nodded and walked over to the door and pressed your ear. You heard the young girl questioning the boy. Rolling your eyes you opened the door. You cleared your throat. Annabeth shifted her small body to face you.

“Annabeth, go help your siblings clean. Luke and I will be doing Check-ins very soon.”

“But, Y/N” she whined

“Annabeth,” you warned “now.” She jumped off the bed and ran out of the big house. “Hiya kiddo. I’m y/n,” he looked up at you sadly. All he gave was a slight smile. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Percy,” he whispered “Percy Jackson.”

“It’s okay to be scared, Percy Jackson.” He nodded

“I know.”

“Don’t worry, darling, it’s all going to be fine,” you whispered. His wide eyes stare up at you. You worried for him already.

“I’m all alone nothing is okay.” You sighed and moved to sit on the bed. You opened your arms and the young demigod slowly moved towards you.

“You’re not alone Percy Jackson. Come with me I’ll show you to your cabin.” You jumped off the bed and Percy followed. You walked to the Hermes cabin where your boyfriend was finishing up. “Luke!” The blond turned away from his cabin door to face you. His once annoyed expression became a smile.

“Hello, Wednesday Addams.” You walked forward and kissed him on the lips.

“This is Percy,” you brought Percy closer to you. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Tom Sawyer, but he’s unclaimed. You know I would take him to mine if I had a cabin.” Percy looked up at you confused. “I’m a daughter of Hades. There’s no Hades cabin. No need for one until I was claimed.”

“I’m going to change that,” Percy assured. You smiled down at him.

“I’m sure you will kiddo.”

“Alright kid, I’ll introduce you to the others of the Hermes cabin.” Luke took the boy by the shoulders. He gave you a quick wink before introducing Percy to everyone.

“You are not alone Percy Jackson.” You whispered before heading back to the big house.


Requested by:Anonymous


Relationship: Charles X reader

Prompt: Hi 37 “When I said you’re mine, I meant it.” for Charles Valois and romantic pretty please hope you’re having a great day

Word Count: 433

“4 years ago you made me a promise,” you whispered, “today you broke that promise and for that, I can not forgive you.” You felt a tear slip down your face, the boy you love stands in front of you.
“Y/N, she kissed me. No one could foresee that.” You roughly wiped the tear from your face, keeping your distance from the man standing in front of you. The man you love, the man who betrayed you.
“Charles,” you whispered your voice cracking. “I will stay on your court as your advisor but not as your lover. I will have the servants set up my old chambers.” His blue eyes filled with tears but you couldn’t look at him much longer. With every look, you longed for him, the man who betrayed your trust and embarrassed you in front of the entire French court. All because he allowed some noble girl to touch him and press her lips against his.
“Love-” As he moved closer to you, you stepped even further back. The throne room was large and you would not allow him to touch you.
“Do not call me that,” you spat “You lost that right.”
“Y/N” He cried his voice cracking, you couldn’t help but let the tears freely fall.
“Four years ago, When I said you’re mine, I meant it, Charles. I’ve always meant it.”
“I meant it too, If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked you to be my queen.” You wiped a stray tear and looked at the ground.  
“You wouldn’t have kissed that girl,”
“I didn’t kiss her back, Y/N,” He yelled causing you to flinch, you feared this moment in time. The moment when he would turn into his father, having a mistress, throwing you to the side. You feared that you would become Catherine, bitter till the very end. You finally looked up from the ground and stared straight into his eyes.
“Am I not good enough? Is that what that was? You’re embarrassed to be married to me?” He looked speechless
“I would never in this lifetime, ever, be ashamed of you.” He moved closer to you and this time you let him. “All those years ago when I said you’re mine, I meant it.” He moved a few inches closer, now your foreheads were lightly touching.
“Prove it to me, prove what happen tonight meant nothing.” You leaned forward closing the gap between your mouths.
“Never again, Y/N, I really mean it,” he whispered as he pulled away. “I’m yours.”
“I will hold you to that promise, Charles Valois.”



Requested by:@weirdnewbie

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Relationship: Luke x Reader

Prompt: I wanted to send this in as a part two for the one before this. Maybe Reader goes on a quest with Luke and she gets injured and in her ‘dazed’ state she let’s it slip that she likes him and he says he likes her and when she’s all healed and stuff Luke hints at the confession and it ends with them together and all fluffy

Word Count: 776

It was supposed to be an easy task, you and Luke had studied the furies. They sent you because they were sure they wouldn’t attack a child of Hades but, all you plans had gone haywire went you felt the Fury’s claw slip into your back. You fell to the ground quickly and the Fury fled even faster disappearing before the son of Hermes’ eyes.
“Luke,” You croaked, it took a few seconds for him to process your state before quickly running to your side. He kneeled at your side and lifted your head.
“Oh my gods Y/N, okay. It’s going to be okay, I’ll get us to camp. It’s right up the hill and little Will Solace will fix you up.” He lifted you bridal style causing you to groan, “I’m so sorry, Wednesday Addams. I promise I’ll move quickly.” Those seconds up half-blood hill felt like hours. The rest was a blur, but you remembered those blue eyes and Luke’s hand holding yours.
“Listen, Luke, I’m going to tell you this while she’s asleep,” Will whispered to the older boy. “ To heal her wounds I had to give her a serum, this serum will cause her to be in this sort of,” Will paused thinking “dazed state,” Luke looked questioningly at the 10-year-old.
“What does that mean?”
“Well” Will smirked at Luke “She may not recognize you, and say some crazy stuff but, she won’t remember once the serum wears off.” Luke let out a laugh that scared the small boy.
“Oh gods, well how long should this last?”
“A few hours after she wakes up,” the small blonde peered around the older boy. “And by the looks of it, she’s awake. Just let me know if she’s in any pain.” Luke ruffled the small boy’s hair before rushing back over to you.
“How are you feeling Wednesday Addams?”
“ Mmm, better now that you’re here.” Luke smiled “You know you’re pretty cute.”
“So I’ve been told,” Luke said trying to hold back the laughter. This was going to a long few hours, so he took a seat in the chair beside your bed.
“Can I tell you a secret,” you whispered.
“Anything,” Luke leaned closer to the bed, you grabbed ahold of his shirt pulling him almost out of the chair. Even injured you were still one of the strongest campers.
“I’m in love with Luke Castellan,” You let go of his shirt and Luke’s face became the deepest shade of red. “But, shhh shhh.” You held a finger to your lips with your eyes closed. “He can’t know.”
“I won’t tell him, get some rest, Wednesday Addams.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to walk away when he heard you whisper,
“I like it when he calls me that.” Luke smiled to himself before heading back to his cabin to get everyone ready for dinner.
After dinner, he returned to the infirmary to find you sitting up eating small bites of a grilled cheese, you’re favorite.
“Hi Wednesday Addams,” his smile widened at the sight of you and a huge smile spread across your face when he got closer.
“Luke! Thank gods you’re here, as much as I love little Will if he asks me one more time if I’m in pain I’m going to unleash a skeleton army,” Luke let out a small laugh causing concern. “Is everything alright Luke?”
“Well, do you happen to remember anything after the fight?” you shook your head giving him a questioning look. “Well, you were in this dazed state and um…oh gods.”
“Luke,” you reached forward and grabbed his hand “you can tell me anything, I’m sure I said something stupid about ducks.” He let out another small laugh and you giggled.
“Actually, it was about me.” You gulped and fear instantly ran through your veins.
“Oh,” you whispered
“Yeah. You um… you said that you loved me. Is that true?”
“Only if you want it to be,” you blushed and he moved closer to you. You felt dumb of course he wouldn’t like you when he could have any girl in this whole camp.
“I want it to be.” He leaned over the bed and hovered over your face. He was so close you could feel his warm breath. You looked into his bright blue eyes, the ones you had fallen in love with. “I’ve always wanted to be true since the day you called me Tom Sawyer.” Luke leaned closer and connected your lips only pulling away after what felt like minutes.
“I love you, Wednesday Addams.” You smiled at the goofy blonde standing over you.
“I love you, Tom Sawyer.”

Read Part 3



Relationship: Charles x Reader

Synopsis: In Charles chamber, as he gets ready for Francis’ funeral you attempt to comfort the future king. 

Word Count:369

“Good morning stranger,” you whispered as you entered Charles’ chambers. It was the day after the death of King Francis. Charles had spent the whole night in your chambers talking and crying, though he would never admit it. Now the servants were prepping him for the funeral, then his crowning ceremony. Today he will say goodbye to his brother and replace him, all on the same day.

“Morning love,” He croaked, you knew the lack of sleep was getting to him. You walked closer as he fixed his sleeve. You swept a piece of his hair behind his ear. As you stared into his puffy blue eyes your heart ached worse. You already were grieving over you dear friend, but to see the boy you love in this state made the pain worse.

“Could you give us a moment please my dears? Just wait outside the doors, I’ll call you when we are ready.” You spoke calmly to the servants who filled the room, they bowed towards Charles and exited the chambers.

“How are you feeling, my love?”  Charles questioned as the last servant left. You turned back to him with shock on your face.

“How I’m feeling doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are ready for tonight’s events.” Charles smiled at you.

“You are the greatest thing in my life, and I know you are hurting too. You and Francis were close, Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with me just because he was my brother.” You felt a tear run down your face and Charles soft thumb wiped it away.

“I’m so sorry I’m crying,” Charles shook his head.

“Don’t be, just promise me you will be by my side at the funeral.” You shook your head, the tears flowing faster.

“I’ll just embarrass you,”

“You never could, my queen.” You gasped

“Charles. Do you really mean that?” He nodded and smiled for the first time that week.

“Francis and Mary approved it before he passed, tomorrow we will be married and you will be crowned queen of France.” You jumped on him hugging him as tight as you could, forgetting everything that had happened. Just you and your future king, everything and everyone didn’t matter.

“I love you Charles, i am so sorry for how the world has been to you but I am certain things will get better.”

“I love you, my queen,” he leaned his forehead against yours a smile spread to both of your faces.

“And I you, my king. I’ll never leave your side.”

“The words I always want to hear.”



Relationship: Reader x Arthur

Synopsis: Arthur is in love with the reader who is Merlin sister, during a battle you serve as a healer and Arthur catches you as you perform your magic to ease a knights suffering. 

Word Count:493

It was true you were in love with the future king of Camelot but, he still didn’t know your secret. He knows you were Merlin’s twin sister but, he didn’t know that you were also born with the gift of magic and you attempted to keep it that way. God only knows what Arthur would do if he found out his queen was a sorceress or the mother of dragons. Your brother was born with the power of being the dragon lord, you were different. As the first female to be born into your father’s line in centuries, you inherited the gift of being the mother of dragons. With the same power, your twin possessed. You had succeeded so far in keeping it a secret but, desperate times called for desperate measures. You thought he had left, you thought you were in the clear to heal using your magic, speeding up the process. All of sudden there he was, the look on his face was the look you had never wanted to see. 

“Y/N?” You heard in the middle of the spell you were casting on a wounded knight.

“Arthur,” You whispered. You saw that his face once held a smile that was replaced by a scowl as he stormed away. “Arthur,” You yelled as you chased after him. You grabbed hold of his shoulder and forced the prince to face you.

“Please my love, speak to me. What are you feeling?”

“How long,” He whispered venomously.


“How Long Y/N.” You looked down at your feet, feeling as if your relationship has gone back to where it started and you weren’t worthy enough to look at him.

“My whole life.”

“what?” He yelled you tried to shush him

“Arthur, please I was born with it. Keep it down, no one can know, especially not Morgana’s men.”

“What should stop me from treating you like any other soul cursed with magic?”

“Your life,” You whispered

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a prophecy and without me and another soul ‘cursed’ with magic you won’t live to be the king Camelot will know you to be.” HE rubbed a hand over his face.

“So you are telling me someone else in my court has magic?”

“Yes, my love,” You sighed “but, I can not tell you.” He raised his finger as if to protest. “My love you must understand, You will find out in time. Come back to me and I will show you magic can help more than destroy.” You moved your body so you were lined up with his eyes. “Do you believe in the good of magic?”

“I believe in the good in you, my future queen.” He smiled at you and leaned in for a kiss.

“Thank you, Arthur, for it’s times like these you make me believe Camelot will be in good hands.” You fixed his jacket not letting go. “Get your armor and fight for the kingdom you love.”


Fandom: The Outsiders

Relationship: Soda X Randle! reader

Synopsis: The Boys come back from the rumble, hurt and missing one of the gang. You’re left to take care of them. 

Prompt: #7 “Honestly, if you wanted to have sex this bad you could’ve just told me!”

Word Count:439 

You paced the Curtis house more times than you could count. The boys had left for the rumble over an hour ago and you were worried that something was really wrong. Finally, they crashed through the door, one less in the group then how they left.  You had said their names over and over again in your head. Steve.Darry. Two-Bit. Soda. Pony-

“Where is Ponyboy?” you asked as you helped the boys put Steve on the couch. You noticed blood on Soda’s shirt and dragged him into the bathroom. “Steven Randle do not move, I will clean you up next. One of you better find Ponyboy or I will bruise you even more.” You tried to walk slowly with Soda seeing that he was in a lot of pain. “Jesus Christ,” you muttered under your breath.

“Nah baby, I’m Sodapop, but some people say the resemblance is uncanny.” You looked up at him as you entered the bathroom. You shook your head a the blonde.

“Jump up on the counter and take off your shirt,” You turned to the draw where you kept all of the supplies.

“Oo I like where this is going.” You slammed the draw and glared at Soda

“Can you just take off your shirt?”

“Feisty tonight huh?” You glared at him again

“Take off the damn shirt Sodapop,” He smirked making you angrier

Honestly, if you wanted to have sex this bad you could’ve just told me!” You gasped and turned bright red as he finally took off the shirt. “Like what you see?” You kept silent as you moved closer, cleaning the wound that looks like it was left by rings. All of the sudden you felt his finger under your chin forcing you to look at him. “Kiss me.”

“My older brother is in the other room, Steve will kill you Soda.” Soda smiled his charming Curtis smile

“Let him,” Soda leaned in and pressed his lip to yours causing you to drop the bottle of rubbing alcohol you were holding.

“Wow,” You whispered.

“This past week made me realize you’re the girl I need by my side. Be mine?”

“Oh yes, Soda.” You kissed again before pulling away and walking out the door. You waited a few seconds before popping your head back in. “Don’t get any ideas mister Curtis, we don’t need another pregnancy on our hands.” You winked at the boy who let out a laugh and headed out to the living room to help Steve.

“Why are you so smiley,” Your brother choked out as he let out a rough cough.

“Your best friend is an idiot.”


Requested by:@weirdnewbie



Prompt: Bash is in love with Mary’s twin sister and wants to court her

Word Count:707

“Mary, when you get a moment, can we speak?” Bash asked your sister, avoiding eye contact with you. You turned towards Francis, who was standing on the other side of Mary. 

“Francis, why don’t you show me the lake.” Francis raised an eyebrow,

“You know where the lake is Y/N.” Rolling your eyes you took Francis’ arm and dragged him towards the lake. “Y/N is everything alright?” You held tighter to you brother in laws arm as you walked through the castles fields. 

“Bash hasn’t spoken to me in days, he didn’t even speak to me when he came back from that hunting trip. I don’t know what I did wrong.”

“You did nothing, Bash isn’t your typical Frenchman. Most nobles will tell you what they want. Bash, however bad his reputation is, is more respectful than many.” You smile softly looking towards the ground. 

“You’re the best big brother I could’ve asked for.” You looked towards each other smiling. “You know,” You teased. “I remember when I first met you and Bash. You two tried to prank Mary and I, you switched places. Told Mary she was going to marry the brunette, and she was so nervous because she liked you better. She was so afraid to hurt Bash’s feelings she forced me to be with the two of them everywhere they went. You kept that up for a whole week, and when you finally got caught, Mary wouldn’t speak to you for the rest of the week.” Francis let out a laugh as he stopped at the bench by the river. 

“She never did fully forgive us for that. But you were happy with anything, you were such a lovely person since the moment we met you. The beautiful Scottish princess my kingdom fell in love with.” 

“I’m glad my sister fell in love with you.”

“I’m glad she loves me too.” You sat there in silence leaning against Francis’ shoulder, something you two had done since you were young children. You would never love Francis as Mary did, the way you loved him was different. He was a guiding light you were grateful to have in your life. 

“Your grace, Princess Y/N,” You heard a servant call, you stood and faced the young boy. 

“Yes, dear?” The servant bowed his head, “Am I needed somewhere?”

“Yes your grace, Sebastian De Poitiers requests to see you in the throne room.” You nodded at the boy and looked back at Francis nervously before making your way up to the castle.  

When you entered the throne room you immediately noticed the worried look on Bash’s face. 

“Seb,” you asked worriedly “Are you alright.”

“Y/N, since the moment I met you I knew I wanted you in my life.”

“Seb,” You blushed “What is this about?” The nervous expression retook his face.

“Please, just let me finish. I’ve always wanted you in my life in some way, I waited nine years for you and Mary to return to court. Within those nine years, I realized how I wanted you in my life, but I knew being the bastard of France would make it hard. But, by the caring nature of your sister’s soul, your agreement will make it possible.” You looked at your best friend confused. 

“Sebastian, what do you mean?” He walked forward until there were only inches between the two of you. 

“I mean,” Bash moved his hand towards yours, intertwining the two of them.

 “Give me permission to call you mine. I want to court you and one day I want to be your husband and the father of your children. I want to take the first step in that direction. Please, allow me to laugh in the face of the nobles when they attempt to flirt with you. Let me court you.” You smiled at the man in front of you. 

“Yes, Sebastian, yes.” He picked you up and spun you around, causing your giggles to echo throughout the throne room. As he placed you down, neither of you could tear away from each other’s eyes. Both of you leaned in and the fireworks exploded. Finally, you were with the boy you always wanted.

billy hargrove | heaven-sent | one-shot

masterlist|series masterlist |request|ko-fi

billy x hopper! oc

words: 2.9k

warnings: kidnapping, trauma! at hawkins lab, violence w/ guns (but no shooting), angst, comfort, strong language,superhuman oc,bad plot probably,set between seasons two and three

prompt: Hi I was wondering if you could write a Billy Hargrove x reader. She has powers like 11 and know each other. One day he sees her handcuffed and led by some men to a van and she has some bruises on her arm so he goes after her.

– I adjusted this because it fit too well with my heaven-sent series to not turn into a fran x billy heaven-sent one-shot.hope that’s okay!

Billy changed the route of his daily morning jog around the same time that he and Fran became…whatever it is they are. Whatever that aching knot in the very pits of his belly means. The first day, he pretended as though he hadn’t gone out of his way to run by the trailer on the edge of the lake. The second, she caught him and offered him coffee. Now, it’s pancakes or cereal or whatever she has on offer that day, and he can never say no. Not to her. 

But something’s wrong today. In front of the trailer sit three white vans. Not her father’s, the chief’s. Just…plain, ominous white vans. He slows and yanks off his headphones, sweat dripping down his neck. And then the trailer door swings open, and his heart sinks into his stomach. Fran is being pulled along by a group of neatly dressed men, and her eyes…golden. Round. Filled with fear that can’t mean anything good. 

“Hey!” he shouts, but when they spot him, the men only urge her toward the vans quicker. Fran stumbles and strains to get a look at him, and only then does he realise she’s handcuffed. “Fran. What the hell’s going on?”

One of the men holds him back like she’s some sort of celebrity. Or prisoner. 

And a part of him already knows, then, or at least can guess what these people would want with Fran. With his Fran. She’s shuddering just like she always does when an episode happens, a speck of blood beneath her nostrils. They know about her powers. They’re trying to take her away. 

“Call my dad, Billy,” she begs. 

“I’m afraid Hawkins’ chief of police won’t be able to do much this time,” the man yanking her forward drawls. As though he’s enjoying it. It makes Billy sick. 

“No. No way. You’re not taking her.” He shoves the human barrier aside and runs for the car, but his arms are pulled back and there are more of them restraining him now. 

And then a cold piece of metal presses against his head. A gun. He stops writhing, his blood going cold. 

“Let her go.” All he can do is beg, fear a shivering fist around his gut. “You’ve got it wrong. You can’t take her.”

“Just call my dad, Billy,” Fran pleads again, and then her head is lowered and she’s pushed into the back of the van. The last thing he sees before the doors close is that terror contorting her features, and those gold eyes, and the pain he knows she feels when it happens. 

A lump forms in Billy’s throat, hatred curling his upper lip, but he doesn’t dare move. What good would he be to her if his brains are splattered across her driveway? She’s right. He needs to get Hopper. “Let her go,” he grounds out anyway. “There’s a mistake here.”

“You won’t tell anybody about this.” The gunman clicks the safety off just to give his message loud and clear. If Billy talks, he dies. “Billy Hargrove, isn’t it? How’s your sister, Maxine?”

That, he hadn’t expected. They know who he is. Know about Max. Probably know where he lives. Jesus. How long have they been watching Fran? To what fucking end?

He can’t even think about that. If he gets angry, he’ll do something stupid like get them both killed, and he can’t let that happen. She needs him strong, steady, something Billy Hargrove has never felt before and certainly doesn’t feel now.

But he’ll do his damn best for her. 

“I won’t tell anybody,” he whispers. 

“Not even the chief.” The gunman’s finger hovers over the trigger.

Billy shakes his head, defeated. “Not even the chief.”

“Good.” He slaps Billy’s back, the group dispersing back towards the vans. “Glad we could clear that up. You forget about all of this and you won’t have to worry.”

He climbs into the van and slams the door, cool gaze still fixed on Billy. They drive off, leaving Billy in the dust. He watches the van with Fran inside, his lower lip trembling. What the fuck does he do now?


He shakes. For the rest of the day, he shakes like a fucking leaf. He goes to school because he knows he’s being watched. Pretends everything is normal; like Fran isn’t gone. He tries not to think about what they might do to her. She’s not normal, maybe not even human, and he realises somewhere along the line that he was wrong. He has seen those vans before, the night that Fran and him found Hopper underground. Those vine things alive, curled around him. 

He needs Hopper, and much as he hates it, he does the only thing he can think of. Gets the police’s attention.

If those damn freaks knew anything about him, they’d know he’s had a few run-ins with the law. So he skips fifth period and speeds around town until those damn lights follow him. Callahan takes him into the station as predicted with a smarmy, “No girlfriend to bail you out this time?”

Billy grits his teeth, remembering the first time Fran bailed him out for drunk driving. They take care of each other. It’s what they do. And it kills him that, this time, he doesn’t know how. 

“Chief around?” he mumbles after he’s been questioned and left with a strike in his license. 

“On his lunch break,” Callahan replies. 

Great. Fuck knows how long that could last. He leans back in his seat, knee bouncing as he tips his head and blows out a long, ragged breath. 

“Don’t think he’ll be too impressed to find you here again. You wanna date the chief’s daughter, you better stop being a delinquent.” 

He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I need to talk to him. Can you call him in?”

“No need. You’re all done here, as long as you pay the fine in the next two weeks. Another strike on your license, and it’s gone. You hear me?”

Thankfully, the station door opens and a heavy-footed Hopper struts in, a box of donuts in his hand and a bear claw in his mouth. Both are left on Flo’s desk when he catches sight of Billy. “Are you kidding me?”

“I need to talk to you in your office.”

“Oh, you’re gonna.” He glares and yanks Billy up by the collar, causing him to scowl. “Jesus Christ, what the hell does Fran see in you? What are you in for now?”

“Speeding,” Callahan supplies.

Another grumble as Hopper shoves him into his office. Billy waits until the door is closed, and then all his pent-up worry finally pours out of him. “Fran’s gone. She’s gone, chief, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to fucking d —”

“Woah, woah. Slow down. Fran’s gone where?” 

“They took her.” His voice rises with panic, no matter how badly he tries to keep quiet. “Those guys in the white vans. The ones who were there that night…they took her. Said if I told anyone, I’d be dead and made it pretty damn clear the rest of my family would be, too. I wanted to go after her, but there were too many. There were too goddamn many.”

Hopper’s features turn grave in an instant. “When was this?”

“This morning. Around eight.”

His knuckles whiten, hands curling into fists. “You should have come to me sooner.”

“They’re watching me. What the hell was I supposed to do? They threatened my goddamn sister.”

Hopper pinches the bridge of his nose. “Alright. You’re right. We have to be careful about this.”

“But we can get her back, right? You know where they’d take her?”

“I have an idea, yeah.”

Billy blows out a breath of relief, still trembling all over. “So let’s go. Now.”

“We can’t just waltz in. We need a plan. I need…Jesus, I need to call Joyce. She can get us in, I’m sure.”

He knows nothing about Joyce’s place in all this, but any plan is better than playing sitting ducks. He runs a hand over his mouth, exhausted and desperate to get Fran back. “Do you think…would they hurt her?”

Hopper purses his lips as though he can’t bear to answer. Finally, his brows lower and he heads to the telephone on the desk. “No. They won’t hurt her. We won’t let them.”

Billy wants so badly to believe it.


An hour later, they’re at the gate of Hawkins Lab, Joyce and Hopper in the front seats. After a lengthy argument about Billy’s role in it all, he’s hiding on the floor of the back seat while they attempt to convince the guard that it’s urgent. Something about Will. A flashlight flits around the car and then the gates buzz. They’re in.

“You stay in the car,” Hopper rattles for the tenth time. “If they see you, they’ll know what’s going on.”

“Right, and they wouldn’t suspect you,” Billy retorts.

“They think they can control me. I let them think that. But you’re a livewire and you have no idea what we’re walking into here.”

“Because nobody tells me a damn thing.”

“Thank your lucky stars for it, kid. You don’t want to know. Trust me.”

“Just like Fran didn’t want to know?” It’s a low blow, especially now, but Billy is pissed off and he knows how badly it hurt Fran when she found out she was adopted. She’d come from the lab and hadn’t known it. Hadn’t known she was gifted at all until recently. She deserved better than that. She deserved the truth. 

“I’m not arguing with you, Hargrove.” Hopper pops a cigarette in his mouth before ordering, “Just stay in the damn car.”

Joyce and Hopper get out, and Billy waits all of five minutes before impatience gets the better of him. He peers out of the window on all sides before sneaking out, weaving between the parked cars and behind the back of the building. Hopper is taking the long route, but Billy just needs Fran back. Now. He can’t sit by and wait and hope a small-town police chief and Joyce Byers can take on the group he saw this morning. No fucking way.

That’s why, when a guy dressed in a lab coat comes out of the back entrance by the dumpster, Billy wastes no time in knocking him out. Neil might be a piece of shit, but he’s taught him how to throw a decent punch. The scientist goes straight down, and Billy catches the door with his foot before it closes, bending over to yank off the coat. He finds a key card in the pocket and slips the coat on, licking his palm and slicking back his curls in the hopes it might make him look less like a Brat Pack teenager and more like a kidnapping, experimenting piece of shit. 

The lab is bigger on the inside. He takes the stairwell in the corner of the building where he’s less likely to be spotted, finding a list signposted on each floor. He has no idea where Fran might be, until he’s breathless and finds the word subjects listed under the sixth level. He can’t even think about what it might mean, only that it’s the closest he’s come to feeling Fran since she was taken. So he smooths down his shirt, takes a deep breath, and steps into the corridor. 

It’s grey-walled, with sad excuses for rainbows painted along every edge of it as though this could be anything but hell. He peers through each door and finds empty rooms — until the end one. There Fran is, curled on her side with her back to him. His heart leaps into his throat and he uses the key card to get in. 


She’s trembling, and he isn’t sure she’s even heard him at first. Not until she murmurs, “Go away. Go away. Go away.”

“Fran, angel.” He walks cautiously towards her, crouching but not daring to touch her yet. “It’s me. It’s Billy. Look at me.”

She stiffens finally and turns around, sitting up. She’s pale, bandaids on her elbows as though she’s had blood tests or IV drips inserted into her. Anger swirls in him. If they’ve used her as some damn lab-rat…

There are bruises, too. From the way they manhandled her, maybe. He hopes that’s all it’s from. If someone hurt her, he isn’t sure what he’ll do. 

“Billy,” she whispers, her eyes becoming glossy as she wraps her arms around him. “Oh my god. Billy.”

“I’m here.” He tucks a curl behind her ear gently. “What did they do to you? What did they do, Fran? I swear to god, if they hurt you —”

“Tests. They did tests.” Her voice wobbles, so far removed from her usual cockiness and wit. It breaks his heart right down the middle. “I’ve been here before. I remember…”

“Let’s get you home, okay? You can tell me everything when I get you home.”

She nods, her chin wobbling. “I’m scared, Billy.”

“You don’t need to be scared. I’m here.”

She places a hand on his chest as though she can’t quite believe it, and his fingers curl around her elbows to help her up. Her legs are wobbly, eyes glazed. 

And then the alarms go off. 

“We need to go. They know we’re here.” He pulls her into him and they set off into a staggering run back down the blaring corridor. She’s barefoot, unsteady, but she’s in his arms and that’s all he can focus on. Footfalls echo behind him and he knows they’re close. Breathless sobs leave her as they skip down the stairs two at a time, back the way they came. He realises at the last minute that it isn’t a good idea and pulls her into the next corridor to take another flight of stairs. Somebody will have found the guy he knocked out by now and he can’t afford to run into whoever it was. 

The lab gets busier the further down they get — but then Hopper and Joyce are there on the ground floor, relief written across their faces. 

Go!” Billy yells, urging them all out. They do, Hopper sprinting to the car ahead of them so he can unlock it. People are running onto the parking lot now — scientists, guards, people in suits like the ones from this morning, but they don’t know where the threat is, still bewildered, and it gives them the chance to get out. 

Only the gates are closing. Billy pulls Fran into the backseat and Joyce collapse into the passenger. They don’t have time to fasten their seatbelts before they’re speeding away, and just in time before the gates close. 

Billy chokes on his relief and focuses on Fran. Still pale, still shaking, still not her. “We’re going home now. We’re getting you home, okay? You’re safe.”

She shakes her head at the same time Hopper replies, “‘Fraid not. We need to get out of Hawkins. Are you okay sweetheart?”

“Yeah.” It’s an uncertain whisper. 

“I left you on your own too damn much,” he mumbles. “Should’ve been there.”

“Yeah,” she repeats. She’s clutching Billy’s hand so tightly his skin is turning white, but he doesn’t care. He’s needed this all day. He can’t put into words just how much he’s needed it. He’s alone in the world without her, floating in an abyss, and he needs her. He needs her so damn much he aches. 

He smooths down one of her knotted curls, his finger trailing down her cheek, her jaw. She gulps and closes her eyes, nestling into his chest. 

“The two of you need to stay out of sight until we’re out of town,” Hopper says. “Get down.”

They do, cuddling up on the cab floor together. Billy can’t bring himself to let go. “Scared me so damn much, angel. Jesus.” He can still feel it pressing into him, that fear.

“I’m never going to be normal,” she replies, her voice cracking. “I’m never going to be me again.”

“You’re always gonna be you.” He squeezes her hand. He wants to rip the hospital gown off. It’s too harsh a reminder of what she’s faced. What he couldn’t save her from. “And I’m always gonna be here to make sure you remember it.”

Her eyes fall shut finally, and he’s never seen her look this small, this young. He wishes he could help her. Wishes there was a quick fix. But Fran will never need fixing. She just needs to be set free, and the world won’t let her. 

“My fuckin’ angel, huh?” he murmurs, dragging his knuckle against her cheek again. “Always my angel.”

And he’d happily be her devil if she let him. He’d be anything for her. The fucking halo on her head. He doesn’t care as long as he’s hers. 

“You shouldn’t be mixed up in this,” she says.

“Too bad,” he replies without missing a beat. “‘Cos I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. It’s you and me.”

She cups his jaw finally, resting her forehead against his chin. “Thank you for getting me out.”

“I was never gonna leave you, Fran. Never.” He kisses her forehead and then cradles her head against his shoulder, snuggling in this cramped, unknown space while the engine whirs beneath them. And he’s still terrified, but he’s not floating untethered anymore. She’s here, and it has to be enough until they figure out what comes next. 

“Never,” he repeats, just to be sure she knows it.
