#basically im gay


Credit to user @thelionandthellama and their twitter @//FinalJudgement (I’m so in love with this) ️‍

I am a queer poc who has never felt more valid than this moment. I’ve been watching Dan since I was 12 years old. Now I’m 18 still terrified of my sexuality but so glad to be alive. I’ve wanted die more days then I’ve wanted to be alive. I was raised by Jehova’s Witnesses. I’ve tried to come out 3 times. I’ve been shamed every time. I’ve never felt like someone understood my loneliness till now. I sobbed in the bathroom at my job because of how relived i am that someone gets it. I didn’t realize how much it mattered that someone i looked up to understood till now. Someone who I genuinely admire gets it. This isn’t a big star who feels out of reach. It doesn’t feel forced. It didn’t make me feel like i wasn’t gay enough. I’ve never been so genuinely relived. I’m sitting next to my mother and she has no clue what I saying right now. I still feel like I’m hiding a dirt secret but i know I’m not alone. Someone else felt this way too. Someone else was afraid. Thank you Dan. You didn’t have to make this video and you did. I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my life. Happy Pride!
