

I drew Damian and his pets! I know I forgot Goliath but I couldn’t figure out how to fit him in :(.

Anyways, he has brown eyes bc he’s half Arabian, but the green highlights come from the Lazarus pit bc I think it’s a cool design. All in all, look at my boy.

Preview of my piece for the @holycoloringzine , a non-profit Batfam centric coloring zine. There are

Preview of my piece for the @holycoloringzine , a non-profit Batfam centric coloring zine. There are so many talented artists and writers contributing, this is going to be one amazing zine! Lovely stories and lots of art to color! All the proceeds will be donated to The NAACP LDF and  Bright Prospect.

Pre-orders start on September 5th! 

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You know when u go over to a friend’s house u sometimes bring over your dog?

Let’s say for plot reasons Jon Kent is staying at the farm with Ma and Pa for the summer, Damian being a mind fuckingly stupid rich boy decides to go visit him and he like,,,he just brings over batcow so she can make friends.

Imagine your grandsons friend is coming over and you’re so happy because “aw what cute kids” and then BAM new cow who visits regularly along with the angry boy ur grandson somehow befriended
