#battle system


Hi Folks,

April-ling your way here to give ya another update!

We’re making a lot of steady progress on all the assets we need for both future things and present (demo), mainly concerning the battle system mechanics and its animated little fellas.

Over the past few days I’ve been animating and finally replacing a lot of placeholder assets, such as in the opening games tutorial and finally fully finishing it and getting to all those ‘edumacational’ bits.

I’ve attached a snippet of the tutorial in action to give you a little peak into what its like and what to expect.

For now i’ll let this short little update and its visual video aid do all the talking!

Thanks for your continued patience and support, until next time!

#ressurflection    #rpg maker mv    #rpg maker    #cartoon    #fantasy    #charlottezxz    #gamedev    #indie game    #battle system    