#bbc casualty



So I’ve been away for a while working on improving my mental health and have let this page slide slightly.  There are a couple of confessions in the inbox but they don’t seem relevant to the show now so I hope people don’t mind if they are not posted. 

I hope to get back to more regular posting about casualty, so feel free to send in your confessions!

Sorry I have let this blog run into the ground. I just don’t have as much time to run things as I once did. Follow @casualtyconfess for more up-to-date confessions and with better time management. 

Sorry once again

 Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

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Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Post link
 Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions!

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Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions

Submitted by anon. Feel free to send in your confessions

Post link

In between working full time, completing a qualification and volunteering, I don’t have as much time as I would like to run this account, so am looking at someone who would be interested in helping to run this page alongside me!

No need to have experience editing photos as I use a basic online photo editor which is pretty simple to use. You just need to be open minded when it comes to people’s confessions and try not to be bothered by them!

If you’re interested feel free to message! 

Thanks x 
