#be fearless











Human Moment

Alright, writeblr—

When you see this, reblog it with three things that make you (unconventionally) beautiful— or just something you LIKE about yourself. We have a lot of negative self-talk and self-deprecating humor in this community, and it’s time to take it back.

Here are mine:

  1. I have countless freckles.
  2. I’m good at making children feel seen and heard.
  3. I like the stories I write!

And you’re going to see this and be like, “Oh, but this isn’t for me,” but it IS and it’s time to own YOU.

Inspired by a conversation with @madammuffins. And I’m tagging @mvcreates@pens-swords-stuff@jojoscoffeeandwriting@caitwritesstuff@crowswritetooand@scottishhellhound to help me get this started, too?

Let’s do this.

1. I love my writing and my OCs SO MUCH.

2. I have kind eyes and smile a lot.

3. I’m authentically and infectiously optimistic and excitable.

Gonna tag you guys


This is so right up my alley … even though I find these things more difficult than I probably should …

1. I have a crooked smile. 

2. When in groups, I am always the one who will go off with that one person who doesn’t seem interested in what everyone else is doing.  If I can’t bring them into the group, I just hang out with them.

3. I love supporting other people.

And here come the tags …


Thank you @mfackenthal@likethetailofacomet@zaffrenotes@speedyoperarascalparty!!

It is so hard to compliment ourselves. I know how hard it is for me. So here goes!

  • I can talk to pretty much anyone. I’m extroverted and get this trait from my outgoing dad. At the grocery store, at work, when we are hanging out with friends. I can converse pretty well.
  • I have, knock on wood, a decent memory. I can remember pretty minute details about people, things they do, say, wear. I can remember facts pretty well. (It’s how I can keep all this fanfic straight!)
  • Being a damn ray of sunshine. I like making people happy. Gonna lump on here that I get very excitable (when I have the energy for it).


Thank you for the tag @brightpinkpeppercorn! This is such a good post chain. I struggle to compliment myself like most of us do, but here goes…

1. I’m adventurous. Maybe it comes from trailing after a lot of older siblings as a child, but I can never stay in my comfort zone for long.

2. I aim high. I’m not one for giving myself easy goals.

3. I’m relentlessly optimistic and (to quote a friend) persistently kind.

I’m gonna tag @melodyofgraves@pixelburied@pixieferry@missameliep@ifyouseekheart@rulesofthebeneath@ludextruction and, as per usual, anyone else reading this!

Thanks for tagging me @mfackenthal@itsbrindleybinch

I’m good on complimenting people, but I struggle to compliment myself and even accept compliments from others so I took my time to answer:

1. My hair. Big, volumous and curly. People used to make me hate it when I was growing up, but I grew to love it. And it’s one of my favourite physical traits nowadays

2. I’m on a good mood pretty much all the time and I can make people laugh with me (I’m funnier in Portuguese, however, and that’s one of the things my husband says have made him fall in love with me) and I laugh a lot too (so often I cry from all the laughter. ).

3. Creativity. That’s a trait I’ve had since I was a child and I think it’s positive. I always liked and was good on creating things and stories… Wheter it was writing (I’ve been writing since I was a child), cooking, handicrafts (DIY is something I love) or photography… it’s my thing.

Tagging:@choicesbyjade@lou-who-writes@frugalchoicer@fairydustandsarcasm (sorry if you have been tagged before or have already answered it)

Tagged by @missameliep, thank you! You’re lovely!

Pffffft, here we go. I’m not really sure but this is what I thought of.

1. I think I’m fairly smart. Like I get good grades, I’m interested in what I learn, and I can pick up fast and can think on my feet. It helps my confidence in a lot of situations, honestly, but I’m also smart enough to know I’mnot as smart as I’d like to be.

2. I have very good memory! It helps in many situations.

3. I think I can give pretty solid advice and I know exactly what to say in certain situations. There are instances where my friend push me forward to do the talking, and I think it’s partly because I’m sensitive (which lbr gets a problem sometimes) but yeah.

Let’s see, I’ll tag @worldofchoicesand@itsbrindleybinch! I’m so sorry if you did this already!

Thanks for the tag @fairydustandsarcasm !! It’s a great idea and honestly got me thinking haha.

  1. I love my hands. I know it might be weird to some people but my hands are really well proportioned, not too thick, not too thin, having moderately long fingers. Anyways, I think they look good in pictures
  2. I’m a great listener. Anytime my friends have to vent or get some advice, I try to listen to what they have to say before saying anything. I think I do a good job at it since no one has ran away yet lol.
  3. My eyes. I’ve been told I have beautiful eyes. At first I used to laugh it off but I really like my eye color and shape now. It’s color is in between Hazel and Amber.

Tagging@indiacater@lilyofchoices@cj7567 I’m sorry if you did this before!

Thanks for the tags @brightpinkpeppercorn and @worldofchoices​

My hidden beauty is: 

1) I’m smart. Not in the conventional sense but in the if you put your nose to the grindstone you can accomplish amazing things. I never thought I would be able to follow my dream and teach and yet, here I am (I teach Latin and Formal Logic).
2) I am a good writer even when I struggle there is beauty to be found in my writing.
3) Stemming from #2: I love to branch out and try new things. I’m kind of fearless that way. An example. I write scholarly papers (think, “The Role of the Latin Language in Education in 20th Century America”) but you lovelies inspired me to try something new and I’ve caught the bug. Writing fiction has been so freeing. It has quickly become my go-to for stress relief.

Tagging@galaxiia-quean  and @hatlley If you’ve been tagged already ignore this tag but know that you, and all the other writers out there are my heroes and you inspire me every day to experience something new.

@lilyofchoices you’re amazing and you, along with all the others who leave comments on my fics, are the reason I continuar to write. I’m kind of a perfectionist and never fully happy with what I write so I wonder why you even enjoy reading my work, but it really makes my day

To be honest, I’m only replying now because I had to think hard about this. I grew up with a lot of insecurities, so I never actually liked anything about me, but here it goes:

— one of the things I’m most proud of about me, is how easy English is for me. As most of you know, I’m Portuguese and I am not kidding when I saw I know more about English than my own language. It warms my heart when people on fanfic writing websites think it’s my native language.

— when I was young , I immigrated to Switzerland (I’m back now) and I was super scared because I didn’t know a word of French. I adapted pretty quickly to the language and the country and managed to be one of the best students in my class, surpassing kids who grew up there. I often dismiss how big of an achievement that was for me, so it’s nice to be reminded once in a while.

— thirdly, I guess I can make people laugh? By people, I mean my parents. I can be quite annoying at times and don’t know when to stop, but I can always make my mom crack a smile when she’s feeling down and my dad and I are thick as thieves. My brother, not so much, but he’s an exception.

I’m tagging @cordoniansqueen@radlovedreamer@valiantlychaoticbarbarian@perriewinklenerdie you all are the reason I find the inspiration to write and you make me smile even when I feel my work is shit, so thank you for being awesome human beings!

Once again, thanks @lilyofchoices for tagging me, you’re great, never change!
