#beautiful hike


Went to Malibu for the first time.

I didn’t get to see the pier though because it’s closed.

First time going somewhere since quarantine.

So many people at the beach weren’t wearing masks. What do they not get . There’s a virus out killing the younge and old and to lessen deaths all you have to do is wear a mask. It’s not hard. Also a couple had like a new born out with no mask or any protection. Not trying to judge but if I had a baby I wouldn’t let my new born out during this pandemic. Especially with out protection. I can’t even see my grandparents because of this and I fear they are going to die soon due to age and I don’t even get to spend time with them v.v but it’s for their safety. This just sucks so hard and some people aren’t even trying to protect themselves and others around them.
