#beauty clinic

Teenage Good Grooming Clinic(Stan Wayman. n.d.)

Teenage Good Grooming Clinic

(Stan Wayman. n.d.)

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Nutraskin Collagen Drink review

Hi guys,

Another year has passed! And a new year has started, yet again! This is the last year I willl be celebrating my thirties because next year, I will be a women in her forties! Can you imagine? Anyway, that made me wonder, what’s your age? I know, I can check my statistics, but that’s quite general. It’s more fun to be able to add an age to your face!

Talking about age, my fine lines and wrinkles are getting more visible every day, so it’s about time to put a hold to that! In addition to my new anti-aging skincare routine (more on that later!), I also started to take the Nutraskin Collagen Drink, to help my skin to maintain a more youthful look.

Collagen is a substance produced by the body itself, found in our hair, nails, muscles and skin. When we get older, the collagen production decreases, resulting in less elasticity, causing wrinkles and lines. Taking collagen supplements doesn’t just improves the skin, it also improves the condition of hair and nails and can help you to minimize the visibility of cellulitis.

NutraSkin contains 7,5 gr Verisol and Vitamin C and the collagen powder arrives in easy to use individually packed sachets. One sachet a day, dissolved in a glass of water, tea or juice, is all you need to maintain a youthful and healthy, plump looking skin. The powder doesn’t have any scent or taste and it’s easy to use and drink. You just have to make sure to use room temperatured drinks because in cold drinks, the powder doesn’t dissolve that easily. When using room temperatured liquids, the powder does dissolve quickly and completely.

After using NutraSkin for a few weeks now, I don’t really notice much changes in the lines and wrinkles departement, but I do notice that my skin is feeling more plump and firm and looks healthy. My skin feels really soft and hydrated too. Any changes in lines and wrinkles should be visible after a month or two. The only downside is the fact that NutraSkin isn’t vegan friendly, since the collagen powder is derived from bovines. But other than that, I’m really satisfied and definitely will keep taking my daily sachet! ❤


What do you prefer to use to keep and maintain your youthful and healthy glow?

Get your own box of Collagen Drink by clicking the link below!

A huge thanks to NutraSkin for giving me this opportunity! ❤️

Azra Botanical Simplicity No Rinse Hand Cleanser Review

Hi guys,

During my quarantine, this No Rinse Hand Cleanser from Azra Botanical Simplicity was my best friend!

I was quarantained in my bedroom, to make sure my family didn’t catch Covid and I obviously spent most of my time up there alone. When I came downstairs for dinner, I always used this handsanitizer before touching anything. I was the only one that got sick, none of my family members did, so I guess we can say the Azra Hand Cleanser really did a good job! 

The brand Azra Botanical Simplicity was created by Azra Secerbegovic, the owner of Beauty and Skincare Salon Aspa Den Haag, a beauty and skincare clinic in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands. Her mission was to offer a natural skincare routine which is both effective as simple, by combining high tech ingredients with natural ones. The Azra Botanical Simplicity skincare range contains only a few ingredients, to make sure they don’t cause irritations and can be used on any skintype, even the most sensitive ones. Obviously,I did receive some skincare products, but since catching Covid, I wanted to take a moment to tell you some more about their No Rinse Hand Cleanser too. I will get deeper into the skincare range very soon!

Some handsanitizers cause irritations to our hands. others are so greasy and sticky it feels uncomfortable. While the Azra No Rinse Hand Cleanser feels a bit sticky after applying, it doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. The sticky feeling dissolves rather quickly, leaving your hands feeling clean and soft. It has a nice scent too, fresh and minty. I also experience a hint of some sort of clinical scent in there, caused by the alcohol it contains. While alcohol often causes the skin to feel dry, my hands aren’t feeling dry at all, because this hand cleanser contains glycerin, which ensures the hands not to dry out. It also contains Water Lily Extract, Peppermint Essential Oil, known for it’s aromatherapy properties, and Comfrey Extract, a medicinal herb that helps to protect and condition the skin.

A full list of ingredients is published on the back of the bottle.

The bottle is easy to use, thanks to the pumping system on top, and the slim design makes it easy to carry the bottle with you. My quarantine is over now, but I always carry my bottle of No Rinse Hand Cleanser in my bag, just to make sure I can clean and sanitize my hands at any moment!

With every purchase of Azra Botanical Simplicity No Rinse Hand Cleanser, Aspa Den Haag donates to the Emina Foundation.

Find your Azra Botanical Simplicity products by clicking the link below!

Or if you’re looking for a treatment in the Aspa Beauty and Skin Clinic in The Hague, you can find all their treatments and more information by clicking the link below!


How do you keep yourself Covid safe?

A huge thanks to Azra from Aspa De Haag for giving me this opportunity! ❤
