#because it’s his dcau design






Concept: a small child whose imaginary friend is Superman. He talks to “Superman” all the time, completely unaware that Clark can in fact hear everything he’s saying. The child and associated adults are infinitely surprised when reply letters from Superman start appearing in their mailbox

#clark is just#goin about his business#fightin bad guys and smashing through walls#listening to this little kid tell him about school today and soccer practice and#how his mom is making spaghetti for dinner and does superman want to come??#one of these days he’s probably going to do it#hello it is I superman#I heard there was spaghetti?? 

#shut UP this is so cute#he WOULLLLD#and he’d bring pie cause mama Kent didn’t raise a rude houseguest#he only comes after the kid is like can superman come to dinner and she says sure honey of course (not THINKING he WILL!#food mention#clark kent#Superman

These tags are GOLD.


Tags by @queen-boudicca

[Image description: First image: a 50′s style suburbanite mom has opened the door to see Superman is in the doorway, waving as he enters and says “I heard there was spaghetti!” while a very excited young boy exclaims “You came!” Second image: Tags that read; #this is amazing and 100% correct #Clark would highkey do that #he’s one of those chaos gremlins whose main thing is being an all-american icon so as long as he acts completely earnest #he can get away with anything and nobody is sure if he’s fucking with them or not #if it were anybody else they’d assume they were #but c'mon #it’s superman #he’s truth justice and the american way and painfully earnest 100% of the time there’s no way he’s trolling you #or at least #no way anyone will ever believe you #bc Clark is doing this 80% to make that kid’s day and 20% to fuck with their parents #but he shows up all polite #‘thank you for inviting me ma'am I’ve heard great things about you from Kevin’  #'i brought pie i wasn’t sure what kind you’d prefer so here’s nine different flavors’ #there is no way the parents can say no after that point #and also no way to tell Clark is having the time of his life watching them scramble desperately to pretend they intentionally invited him #he breaks out the 'aww shucks ma'am’ and no one can say a single word against him #'who me? I’m just a harmless little himbo’ he says while cackling inside and revelling in the chaos he creates #anyway Steve Rogers does that too #we stan two kings
