#before anyone asks




dating someone who knocks the fuck out as soon as they hit the sheets but you have had chronic insomnia since you were 7 but you both get sad if you guys dont hug to sleep is

see my partner is a very light sleeper so all I have to do is just whisper “hey hon?” or gently touch them and they wake up, and I do it accidentally rather often and feel bad about it every time

meanwhile I sleep like a hibernating wood frog and the only things that can rouse me from my deathlike state are the coming of spring and the panic response triggered by my own apnea. incidentally, the latter is why my morning alarm is set to a boss fight theme


stuff I did messing around with a quotes generator ft. me getting vaguely better at drawing these characters

“I’m going to bed.”

Sees a 250k fix it time travel fic.

“What even is sleep?”
