


A comic featuring Klavier Gavin and Ema Skye from Ace Attorney. Klavier is turned to the side, presumably leaned on a surface as he holds a case report. He asks Ema, ”Fraulein, do you have the—“.ALT
Ema (off screen) throws some snakoos at Klavier's head, cutting him off. There is sound effect text written as the snakoos hit him, "PAFF" and Klavier says, "oof" in response.ALT
Now wincing and a little disheveled, Klavier starts saying ”The—“.ALT
Ema interrupts him again by throwing an entire bag of snackoos. Sound effect text reads, "WHAM!" and Klavier says, "ow" and crumples the case report in his fist.ALT
Klavier silently turns towards Ema with tired eyes and even more disheveled hair.ALT
Ema throws an autopsy report, with sound effect text reading "BAM!", and Klavier simply says, ”Thank you detective.” as it slaps him in the face.ALT

this is a daily occurrence
