#being blod doesnt mean being family fanfic


Being blood doesn’t mean being family | pt2

pt. 1


The absence of results was driving them crazy.

Not only Jason was right about the loophole in the system (no one dared to admit it. His ego was big enough as it was), but they also had nothing on Ladybug’s identity.

It didn’t help much that they constantly had to postpone the research about Ladybug in exchange for dealing with the daily threats of Gotham and the World.

With Damian and Tim going to university during the day, Cass, Steph, and Barbara moving out on their own, Dick having a family in Jump City, and Jason working constantly with the Outlaws, they barely spared a glance at Ladybug’s case after a couple of weeks hitting walls at left and right.

Until the announcement came, in the shape of an off-schedule meeting called by Ladybug herself.

“I’ll be retiring from field missions for a while,” she had told them, confidently. “There are matters in my personal life that need to be prioritized for the moment. I hope you guys understand,” Superman nodded shortly, followed by Wonder Woman and Aquaman. The rest of the League didn’t offer an answer, and didn’t need to. Ladybug had left the meeting room before any of them could stop her. Shazam followed the woman shortly.

“Is she allowed to do that?” Green Lantern asked, just as the door closed behind Shazam. “Like, just drop the bomb and leave like she isn’t one of our best bets on the field?”

“She is, yes,” Superman answered, seemingly distant. It didn’t take long for him to excuse himself and also leave.

In the main hall, Robin watched from afar as Superboy, Shazam and Ladybug talked between themselves. Jon wasn’t allowed in the main room, but he seemed to be familiarized with the heroine enough to approach her outside of mission reports and meetings.

“She’s easy to like,” Nightwing approached Damian quietly. “That’s what Conner told me. The Supers took a liking to her, so they’re always around. Jon’s her favorite, by the looks of it, but she also hangs out with Shazam a weird lot,” Damian didn’t like that. Shazam appeared to be around his mid-thirties while Ladybug was barely eighteen. It made Damian’s skin itch.

“Robin! Hey, can we talk?” Superboy approached the brothers with a blinding smile while Ladybug and Shazam left. None of the vigilantes caught the name of the place they left to. “Hi, Nightwing.”

“What’s the matter?” Damian crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow. It was his way to tell that he was listening, paying attention. Jon was used to it by now.

“Are you free on the weekend? I want you to meet a friend of mine. My roommate,” Jon explained, still enthusiastic. “She’s the best, I promise you. A little shit, but still really cool.”

“Text me the day and the hour. I’ll see what I can do,” Dick glanced at his brother. He knew how protective Damian could be with the people he treasured. Robin wanted to be sure that Jon’s new roommate wasn’t a bad person.

“Cool! I need to go, but I’ll text you later. See ya!” Robin and Nightwing watched as Superboy left the WatchTower. The kid had grown up fast, and Dick still had to wrap his head around the fact that Jon Kent wasn’t a child anymore. He was a hero. A really good one.

“So, you’re canceling your visit to my place on the weekend?” teased the older. Damian shoved his brother to the side lightly.

“Shut up.”

< ———- >


