#damian robin


A Different Batman

I want a Batman story where he starts off as a cheerful and a bit socially daft guy. Where Bruce Wayne is a complete goof and hopelessly romantic fool. He tries to court Talia or Selina with the extravagance and thoughtfulness of a man with the means and mind to try to give his love the most fantastically romantic time ever. He’d be so proud and happy for Dick and his team of superheroes, and all he can imagine is the good they’ll do when they become the next Justice league. Even the criminals in Gotham aren’t too violent, just people looking out for their own.

Then Jason comes into his life, He loves this child so much. The kid adores Alfred and follows him around like a duckling and is quietly delighted with all the toys, books, schooling, ect. that Bruce can provide. He’s smart, studious, sassy, curious, and adorably enthralled with magic (magic!Jason) practically a prodigy but still playing little pranks here and there. He can imagine Jason fitting in very well with Justice league dark if he wants to follow his big brother’s footsteps. Though that plan doesn’t quite play out as he’d hoped.

(I’m just so done with Jason only ever being destined for death and nothing more, and the death of a child being treated like no biggie or a goddamn joke. That shit should be goddamn traumatic and serious.)

However Jason is mercilessly murdered by the Joker, then Barbara is paralyzed, Talia doesn’t want anything to do with him, and Harvey well…Harvey went insane chasing shadows before killing himself. Bruce then starts to spiral into his dark and broody, emotionless, cold and calculating Batman. Turning paranoid and controlling, because if he could have planned for everything then he would have prevented the worst from happening to the people he cared about.

I want Batman’s closed off and harsh personality be a result of his life getting to a point of falling apart instead of the insanity of “dead parents” because frankly I’m sick of those damn pearls. I get it as a motivation to start being a hero but the rest of why he’s a dick to his allies and so damn standoffish about being in control all the time shouldn’t be tied to that. I think it should be a process of him losing his hopefulness to the thoughtless acts of cruelty later down the line.

Give me a batman that starts with everything to lose, a hopeful man who believes that people can change for the better if they were given a proper chance. That goodness is inherent because superman who has all the power to do anything still decides to do good. A batman who thought people were only evil because of desperation, or needed/wanted something but is proven so wrong that it slowly breaks him, into the batman we’re familiar with.

(the kind of batman that lashes out at Dick, ignores or doesn’t care for Tim and Steph, beats & banishes Jason from Gotham, and makes contingencies & plans to be able to take out his JLA friends)

Maybe even have the parents be secretly not the best people. I’ve been thinking about Martha Wayne being a high ranking member of the court of owls, and his father sharing a hand with Hugo strange to make Arkham asylum a hell on earth.

Lemme know what you guys think because frankly I kinda hate how toxic Batfam is and I really don’t care for trying to pretend it’s a good time to be with the kind of batman we have. Straightup fanon gooddad!Bruce is so far away from what Batman is, I can’t imagine them being the same person at all. At least with this kind of timeline I feel like it could possibly work.

Jason in the league. I really like the headcannon that Lady Shiva is Jason’s real mother and to go further his real father is Richard Dragon. Anyways I also drew a bit of Jason and Rose, plus some interaction with Jason and Damian while they’re in the league of shadows. Damian only really knows Jason with the mask on since he never really takes it off when he’s around the compound. The only person that he has the mask off around is Rose. Otherwise it’s pretty much always on.

Being Blood Doesn’t Mean Being Family | pt3



Damian watched quietly the way Jon interacted with his roommate.

The girl was energetic and highly adaptable if the way she jumped from task to task without thinking twice was anything to go by.

“We’ve been trying to lessen her caffeine intake,” Jon had joked, but Marinette didn’t bother to do more than shove Kent lightly to the side while she moved a bigger pan to the counter. She had absentmindedly been able to shove Superboy to the side.

“Shut up, Jon! Having Billy pestering me is already enough,” the girl snorted. “Everything is ready! Let’s eat!” she smiled, offering them their plates.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng fulfilled the description Jon had made of her so many times through the phone to Damian.

She was petite, witty, easy-going, and extremely polite. She seemed too good to be true, but then Damian remembered that she was friends with Jon Kent. Of course she had to be a person like that.

“… and then he said that he was going to snitch me to my cousin! The traitor!” she gestured with her hands and arms to emphasize her words. Damian had lost half of whatever she was saying trying to understand how she and Jon could get along with so much energy to burn.

“I’m sorry, who?” the girl blinked, looking at him with her face blank for a whole minute before bursting into laughter.

“Jon’s right! You do space out when people tell you uninteresting stories,” she giggled. “Long story short, then. My best friend threatened to tell my cousin to stop sending her chinese mooncakes to me if I didn’t lessen my working hours to half.”

“Marinette is a workaholic level A. How many hours did you sleep last week?” Jon teased, earning another shoving. He fell off his chair. Marinette was strong enough to push Jon off his chair.

“I don’t know… Thirty? How much is the normal amount?” the tiny woman seemed puzzled, not really worried about it.

“66 hours per week is the healthy amount of sleep you should get. How don’t you knock her out to rest properly?” not that Damian could stand on his two feet, but he had a reason to have a hectic sleeping schedule. He was a vigilante. Marinette, on the other hand, was not.

“She refuses to sleep. There’s nothing I can do,” they had finished eating, and now Marinette was taking the dishes back to the kitchen. “But she does sleep a lot when her boyfriend is around.”

“Sleeping with him is comfy!” she argued from the other room. A hint of a smile in her voice.

“Mari, you sleep like the dead! Once he tried to get up in the morning, but you were holding onto him so tightly that he gave up! And he is twelve inches taller than you!” Jon did the same thing as her and gathered the remaining plates on the table to take to the kitchen. Damian followed him closely, strangely curious with the way they bantered so easily.

“You know I got some strength,” she frowned in their direction. Jon kissed her head and put the plates in the sink.

“I know, but it was still funny. Poor dude just went back to sleep after that,” she nodded and sighed. Damian wondered just how strong she was to be able to move Jon around. And how strong their bond was that they could get along so easily.

“Hey, Damian. Did you guys find something about your lost sister?” Jon changed his focus to his best friend, still leaning against the counter by Marinette’s side. The girl, on the other hand, stiffened so slightly that Damian could have imagined it if he wasn’t so well trained.

“Not yet. It may take us longer than we thought,” Jon hummed in acknowledgment and Marinette dried her hands, excusing herself for a moment when her phone started ringing in her room.

Damian had questions. About his sister. About Jon’s new friendship. About why Marinette looked so familiar.

He had a lot of questions, and Marinette seemed to be at the center of quite a lot of them.




Being blood doesn’t mean being family | pt2

pt. 1


The absence of results was driving them crazy.

Not only Jason was right about the loophole in the system (no one dared to admit it. His ego was big enough as it was), but they also had nothing on Ladybug’s identity.

It didn’t help much that they constantly had to postpone the research about Ladybug in exchange for dealing with the daily threats of Gotham and the World.

With Damian and Tim going to university during the day, Cass, Steph, and Barbara moving out on their own, Dick having a family in Jump City, and Jason working constantly with the Outlaws, they barely spared a glance at Ladybug’s case after a couple of weeks hitting walls at left and right.

Until the announcement came, in the shape of an off-schedule meeting called by Ladybug herself.

“I’ll be retiring from field missions for a while,” she had told them, confidently. “There are matters in my personal life that need to be prioritized for the moment. I hope you guys understand,” Superman nodded shortly, followed by Wonder Woman and Aquaman. The rest of the League didn’t offer an answer, and didn’t need to. Ladybug had left the meeting room before any of them could stop her. Shazam followed the woman shortly.

“Is she allowed to do that?” Green Lantern asked, just as the door closed behind Shazam. “Like, just drop the bomb and leave like she isn’t one of our best bets on the field?”

“She is, yes,” Superman answered, seemingly distant. It didn’t take long for him to excuse himself and also leave.

In the main hall, Robin watched from afar as Superboy, Shazam and Ladybug talked between themselves. Jon wasn’t allowed in the main room, but he seemed to be familiarized with the heroine enough to approach her outside of mission reports and meetings.

“She’s easy to like,” Nightwing approached Damian quietly. “That’s what Conner told me. The Supers took a liking to her, so they’re always around. Jon’s her favorite, by the looks of it, but she also hangs out with Shazam a weird lot,” Damian didn’t like that. Shazam appeared to be around his mid-thirties while Ladybug was barely eighteen. It made Damian’s skin itch.

“Robin! Hey, can we talk?” Superboy approached the brothers with a blinding smile while Ladybug and Shazam left. None of the vigilantes caught the name of the place they left to. “Hi, Nightwing.”

“What’s the matter?” Damian crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow. It was his way to tell that he was listening, paying attention. Jon was used to it by now.

“Are you free on the weekend? I want you to meet a friend of mine. My roommate,” Jon explained, still enthusiastic. “She’s the best, I promise you. A little shit, but still really cool.”

“Text me the day and the hour. I’ll see what I can do,” Dick glanced at his brother. He knew how protective Damian could be with the people he treasured. Robin wanted to be sure that Jon’s new roommate wasn’t a bad person.

“Cool! I need to go, but I’ll text you later. See ya!” Robin and Nightwing watched as Superboy left the WatchTower. The kid had grown up fast, and Dick still had to wrap his head around the fact that Jon Kent wasn’t a child anymore. He was a hero. A really good one.

“So, you’re canceling your visit to my place on the weekend?” teased the older. Damian shoved his brother to the side lightly.

“Shut up.”

< ———- >



[Late Late Again] Day 7 of #DaminetteDec21 : Meeting

[After *Finally* defeating Hawkmoth & Mayura, getting the Butterfly & Peacock Miraculous back, Marinette decided that the Miraculous had spend too much in Paris so She wanted to leave France as soon as possible. After accepting a scholarship over to the States, she decided to accept Wonder Woman’s offer as well to join the Titans for furthering her Fighting skills & protecting her Miracle Box]

(Late Late ) Day 6of#DaminetteDec21:Butterflies

[In the Botanical Garden in WE as Damian guides Mari inside w/o her class]

Marinette:“This is Amazing, Damian. Thank you for helping me out back there”*Sees butterflies,Landing and flying above the flowers*“I miss how Butterflies used to be a hopeful sign of nature.”

