#being demons



okay sorry about this but folks were talking about. romantic gore and it activated my kink card so.

i’m just gonna go full nuts, pls feel free to ignore bc i know i am a bit extreme sometimes dw

this involves uuhhh light gore/horror themes, i’ve had this idea in my head for a while now but I started typing this stuff up bc of @house-of-laminations and the anons there who are of unbelievable taste

[full disclosure this 100% fits into my devildom culture headcanons and i have a joint WiP with a friend on Ao3/Twitter that contains these themes as well hehehe,,, one day, ]

So. I hc that demon body parts grow back (mostly bc of luci’s wings - a devilgram specifies that he tore ALL SIX out, so they must have grown back, at least four of em), and demons are regenerative to the point that they’re basically fine unless killed with some very special demon killing thing.

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i shall be mr seek

or: it’s not as easy at it looks, to live in a detective novel.

as gregor samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into a gigantic beetle. entering my body horror era and ooh, it feels good. once again, i owe much to @house-of-laminations for inspiring me with their wonderfulness - i thoroughly recommend their blog if you’re interested! gn!reader, is this angst? it’s definitely horror, one mention of mc eating spiders if that’s a dealbreaker for you. when i say body horror, i really do mean it - there’s blood, scratching, losing control of your own body, all of that stuff. please stop reading at any point if you become too uncomfortable or upset. reader discretion is advised. it was no dream. satan wandering in the uncanny valley for 2000 words or less.

there’s something very wrong with you, and it’s starting to freak satan out a bit.

it had only been little things at first. you’d look a bit dizzy after coming home from RAD, mumbling some half-baked nonsense about your PE teacher being particularly harsh lately. you’d laugh quietly at his muttered jabs about lucifer’s stupid haircut, even though he’s not sure you’ve studied enough infernal to know exactly what he’d said. you’d started to prefer eating devildom food to human food, going so far as to choose red spider sandwiches for lunch instead of your usual pasta, and even though demonus shouldn’t affect humans, you’d definitely looked a bit wobbly when you and asmo came back from that perfume launch party the other day. 

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These are just my personal idea of jealous traits demons might show. This is general and a precursor to the actual jealous demon bros headcanons I’m working on.

All under the cut just because I’m not 100% sure what’s going to come out of it. Potential for NSFW.

Biggest takeaway: jealous demons are like big angry cats + some aspects of their representative animals (in the case of the bros).

Some bros get individual blurbs, some are together because they express similar traits. Just did what I felt like.

I am aware that Levi is technically represented by a sea serpent but I elected to simply give him serpent traits. 

This got unexpectedly long so I’m making a part 2 right after. That part will have Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie.

Note: you will see some of these exact points in the actual ‘Jealous Demon Bros Headcanons’ that I’m working on. I felt like I just have to get some of this general behavior out first for some of those to make sense. 

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Hey! Anyone want a wip I will probably never finish, but it’s too long to just never post? Take it and know I had plans but my dumb brain said ‘no’.

Rating: Mature

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply

Category: F/M

Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!

Characters: Diavolo, F!MC

Additional Tags: AU, yandere, blood, murder, demon summoning, very demonic Diavolo,

Summary: You were supposed to be the sacrifice, but now you have no idea what’s happening…

Word Count: 2314

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{ft. Lucifer}

Part 4 of the Fortification Series  (based on thisrequest)

Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, some fluff
Written for a GN!MC, though the partner is written as male.
TRIGGER WARNING:Each part contains graphic depictions of various types of abuse, please see specific content warnings for each individual part.

Cw: Sexual assault / rape, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, depictions associated with making a sexual assault report,  negative self-talk and poor self-esteem, graphic violence and gore, mentions of sex, use of misogynistic language, Headcanon that Mammon is a SA survivor is mentioned

I know I am seemingly one-note, lol. I just love writing Lucifer beating the fuck out of rapists but I promise I will do others if it’s requested of me!! 

Series Masterlist

Note: Though I do have a masters degree in Psychology and clinical training in treating survivors of abuse, I am not your therapist, nor is this fic intended to take the place of professional help. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please seek support from a professional. Utilize the Victim Connect Resource Center to get connected to the appropriate helpline.


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{ft. Diavolo}

Part 3 of the Fortification Series  (based on thisrequest)

Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, some fluff
Written for a GN!MC, though the partner is written as male.
TRIGGER WARNING: Each part contains graphic depictions of various types of abuse, please see specific content warnings for each individual part.

Cw: Physical abuse, strangulation, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, manipulation, gaslighting, graphic violence and gore, catatonia, anxiety, PTSD, vague bath scene, ch. 16 spoilers, urine mention

Series Masterlist

Note: Though I do have a masters degree in Psychology and clinical training in treating survivors of abuse, I am not your therapist, nor is this fic intended to take the place of professional help. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please seek support from a professional. Utilize the Victim Connect Resource Center to get connected to the appropriate helpline.


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{ft. Beelzebub}

Part 2 of the Fortification Series  (based on thisrequest)

Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, some fluff
Written for a GN!MC, though the partner is written as male.
TRIGGER WARNING: Each part contains graphic depictions of various types of abuse, please see specific content warnings for each individual part.

Cw: Emotional/verbal abuse, restrictive eating, forced dieting, fatphobia, discriminatory language toward fat people, negative self-talk and poor self-esteem, sexual abuse, depictions of the aftermath of sexual assault/rape, Lesson 16 spoilers, graphic violence and gore

Series Masterlist

Note: Though I do have a masters degree in Psychology and clinical training in treating survivors of abuse, I am not your therapist, nor is this fic intended to take the place of professional help. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please seek support from a professional. Utilize the Victim Connect Resource Center to get connected to the appropriate helpline.


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{ft. Mammon}

Part 1 of the Fortification Series  (based on thisrequest)

Trigger Warning:This series contains graphic depictions of various types of abuse, please see specific content warnings for each individual part. 
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, some fluff
Written for a GN!MC, though the partner is written as male. 
WC: ~ 3.2k

Cw: Physical abuse, emotional/verbal abuse, financial abuse, negative self-talk and poor self-esteem, gore/blood, depictions of alcohol use, cigarette smoking, threats of murder, infidelity, swearing

Series Masterlist

Note: Though I do have a masters degree in Psychology and clinical training in treating survivors of abuse, I am not your therapist, nor is this fic intended to take the place of professional help. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please seek support from a professional. Utilize the Victim Connect Resource Center to get connected to the appropriate helpline.


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Let the Brothers be Monstrous Demons

Claws that slice trees like paper, hooves and fangs that could crush concrete. Wings and tails that can cause hurricanes by sheer force!!!

