#satan x you



i shall be mr seek

or: it’s not as easy at it looks, to live in a detective novel.

as gregor samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into a gigantic beetle. entering my body horror era and ooh, it feels good. once again, i owe much to @house-of-laminations for inspiring me with their wonderfulness - i thoroughly recommend their blog if you’re interested! gn!reader, is this angst? it’s definitely horror, one mention of mc eating spiders if that’s a dealbreaker for you. when i say body horror, i really do mean it - there’s blood, scratching, losing control of your own body, all of that stuff. please stop reading at any point if you become too uncomfortable or upset. reader discretion is advised. it was no dream. satan wandering in the uncanny valley for 2000 words or less.

there’s something very wrong with you, and it’s starting to freak satan out a bit.

it had only been little things at first. you’d look a bit dizzy after coming home from RAD, mumbling some half-baked nonsense about your PE teacher being particularly harsh lately. you’d laugh quietly at his muttered jabs about lucifer’s stupid haircut, even though he’s not sure you’ve studied enough infernal to know exactly what he’d said. you’d started to prefer eating devildom food to human food, going so far as to choose red spider sandwiches for lunch instead of your usual pasta, and even though demonus shouldn’t affect humans, you’d definitely looked a bit wobbly when you and asmo came back from that perfume launch party the other day. 

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