#betram x alma


Bertram is jolly, gentle and meddlesome. He has an innate need to help people and to be of service towards making their life better.

At his best, Bertie in a kind soul who wants to love, nurture and help others. He is altruistic as a vet and treats all the patients, owners and his staff with lots of respect and kindness.

At his worst, Bertie takes his compulsive need to ‘help’ and starts euthanising people who seem as in need of his help. He genuinely can’t see the problem with what he has been doing as he has deluded himself into believing that his actions will spare these people any more pain and it is bringing them a peaceful and positive end to their pain.

Bertie comes across as a real family man who loves the simple life with his wife and daughter. He seems to dote on Dee and treats her really well, supporting her in all of her choices. He is also very supportive of Alma and is very loyal to her, even going as far as helping her kill Carlo as he thinks it will help both her and Rita. He tries to win back Alma’s trust and feels very alienated from her when she finds out the truth as he feels like she is pushing him away for his choices.


Bertie is very personable and is seen as an upstanding citizen. He has a stellar reputation as a kind veterinarian and many of the characters comment on how they love visiting his practice due to his disposition and attitude. Bertie chose a job where he could help animals and also provide care to their owners and this is verify indicative of his personality and his desire to be needed.

Bertie has a wing 1 as he is more rigid and stuck in his beliefs than a wing 3 might be.

Tri-type: 2w1 - 6w5 - 9w1

Some quotes to describe Bertie’s motivations:

“Alma, you lied to me. You don’t care about our marriage at all!”

“You know, it’s funny. We take such good care of our pets. When a dog or cat is ready to die, we help them. I’m very much of the opinion that we should show a human being the same kindness. The disease you have is awful. The end will come surely, cruelly. You have no family, no one to take care of you. I couldn’t just stand idly by and do nothing. You are an exceptional woman. You need to know that your life had meaning. You brought joy. You were loved, and you will be remembered.”

“She deserved a beautiful death, and I made sure she got one.”

“They’re mementos. Things that belonged to friends, patients, people I’ve met.”

Bertram:“Can’t we talk about this? I’m not going to hurt you.”

Alma: “I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me. I’m afraid you’ll help me!”
