#why women kill enneagram


Bertram is jolly, gentle and meddlesome. He has an innate need to help people and to be of service towards making their life better.

At his best, Bertie in a kind soul who wants to love, nurture and help others. He is altruistic as a vet and treats all the patients, owners and his staff with lots of respect and kindness.

At his worst, Bertie takes his compulsive need to ‘help’ and starts euthanising people who seem as in need of his help. He genuinely can’t see the problem with what he has been doing as he has deluded himself into believing that his actions will spare these people any more pain and it is bringing them a peaceful and positive end to their pain.

Bertie comes across as a real family man who loves the simple life with his wife and daughter. He seems to dote on Dee and treats her really well, supporting her in all of her choices. He is also very supportive of Alma and is very loyal to her, even going as far as helping her kill Carlo as he thinks it will help both her and Rita. He tries to win back Alma’s trust and feels very alienated from her when she finds out the truth as he feels like she is pushing him away for his choices.


Bertie is very personable and is seen as an upstanding citizen. He has a stellar reputation as a kind veterinarian and many of the characters comment on how they love visiting his practice due to his disposition and attitude. Bertie chose a job where he could help animals and also provide care to their owners and this is verify indicative of his personality and his desire to be needed.

Bertie has a wing 1 as he is more rigid and stuck in his beliefs than a wing 3 might be.

Tri-type: 2w1 - 6w5 - 9w1

Some quotes to describe Bertie’s motivations:

“Alma, you lied to me. You don’t care about our marriage at all!”

“You know, it’s funny. We take such good care of our pets. When a dog or cat is ready to die, we help them. I’m very much of the opinion that we should show a human being the same kindness. The disease you have is awful. The end will come surely, cruelly. You have no family, no one to take care of you. I couldn’t just stand idly by and do nothing. You are an exceptional woman. You need to know that your life had meaning. You brought joy. You were loved, and you will be remembered.”

“She deserved a beautiful death, and I made sure she got one.”

“They’re mementos. Things that belonged to friends, patients, people I’ve met.”

Bertram:“Can’t we talk about this? I’m not going to hurt you.”

Alma: “I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me. I’m afraid you’ll help me!”


Scooter is carefree, ambitious and foolhardy. He has grand dreams to become an actor and enjoys living the fast life and enjoying himself.

At his best, Scooter wants to be a good man and do the right thing. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone and tries his best to step up and volunteer to Dee that he will be in their child’s life. He becomes more focused and serious and starts to plan more for his future with Rita.

At his worst, Scooter is self-centred and scattered. He doesn’t always think about the feelings of others which can be seen with the way he treats Dee at the start of the series, going so far as making her dress up as an old maid to sneak in and see him.

Scooter goes with the flow and changes his mind often. He always has the dream of becoming an actor but doesn’t always seem like he wants to hustle and work towards his goal. He is content being with Rita and living in the apartment she provides him as he is still enjoying himself and in comfort. He seems more interested in the fun part of being famous and starts to believe that Rita will be able to support him with her money.


Scooter seems to live his life day by day and doesn’t always plan ahead for the future or to consider the lives of the people he feels are important in his life. His lack of planning and foresight see him get caught by Dee with Rita and leads to their ugly confrontation. 

He also changes his mind very quickly as a result of having little plans other than becoming a famous actor. We see this with how quickly he falls for Catherine and how he is more than happy to stay with her out of convenience and to continue living in luxury. He doesn’t rush to help Rita when she is in jail and is only looking out for himself by burning the evidence of their affair to maintain his lifestyle. Eventually, he stands up for her against Catherine resulting in him getting shot.

Scooter has a wing 6 as he seems less practical and more fantastical and childlike than a wing 8 might be.

Tri-type: 7w6 - 9w8 - 3w2

Some quotes to describe Scooter’s motivations:

“Oh, I thought she was an old pickle puss at first, but once she lets her guard down, she’s actually got a really nice smile. And she’s only, what, five years older than you?”

“It’d be better for him if he looks like an average Joe. That way, he won’t expect so much from the world. Small dreams. That’s the way to go.”

“I guess I don’t need to be an actor as long as you’re my leading lady.”

“You’re never too old to have fun.”

Why Women Kill (Season 2): Alma Fillcott - Type 6w7


Alma is manipulative, timid and reserved. Alma has an obsession with being part of the Garden Club and will stop at nothing to be noticed.

At her best, Alma used to be really caring and compassionate, as we see glimpses of this in her relationships with both Dee and Bertie. Alma also did have a strong marriage with Bertie.

At her worst, Alma becomes extremely deceptive and deceitful, because she fears being exposed. She goes to great lengths (even resorting to killing) to protect her security as she doesn’t want to go to jail.

When we are first introduced to Alma, she is very timid and reserved but badly longs for friendship and a sense of belonging. All she wants is to be accepted by the Garden Club and to have a community that supports her, but she always feels like she isn’t good enough. This leads to her feeling like she needs to lie to get people to like her, which I feel like can be a problem for people pleaser types like 2s, 6s and 9s.

Alma envies and admires Rita because she thinks she is fabulous and confident, all things Alma wants to be. Initially, Alma feels like she can befriend Rita, but after Rita finds out about her connection to Dee, she realises they can never really be friends. This is where Alma starts to become more unhinged and act erratically because she has a sick need to be part of the Garden Club. Initially, Alma tries to blackmail Rita, and when that doesn’t work she goes to extreme lengths to be accepted into the Garden Club.

Alma is suspicious by nature and is able to sense that Vern knows something is up with her and Bertie. She and Bertie are also able to continually get away with their crimes as their plans are almost foolproof. However, she starts to have a feeling of being untouchable and goes too far, ultimately leading to her arrest.

Alma shows her wing 7 as she is more overtly nervous and expressive than a 6w5.

Tri-type:6w7 - 9w1 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Alma’s motivations:

“There’s so much suffering in the world because of cruelty and unkindness. Rich, beautiful people with power humiliating weak nobodies who displease them. Rita thought I was weak. So did I. You, you taught me that we all have power. If only we’re brave enough to use it.”

“Now, when I want something, I take it. When I have a problem, I fix it by myself, without help from you or anyone else. And let me tell you, it feels damn good.”

“Killing is stressful enough without quarreling in front of the victim!”

“How horrible you are. To think I ever admired you.”

“Did you hear that, Mrs. Yost? I’m in the Garden Club, the club that you said would never have me as a member. Have fun turning in your grave.”


Rita is ambitious, ruthless and glamorous. All Rita wants is to have a lavish life with her lover Scooter and she sees her elderly and rude husband as a road block to her dreams.

At her best, Rita shows that she is caring and loyal. Deep down under her tough exterior, we see that Rita is unable to turn on her cousin Isabel in order to save herself from prison time over Carlo’s death. She really considers Isabel as family and is willing to stay in jail for a crime she didn’t commit instead of betraying her family.

At her worst, Rita is cruel and callous towards others as a way of deflecting from her own issues and keeping up appearances. She uses her wealth and tries to assert power over others through threats. We see that she manipulates and uses information against others such as the affair with Joan. She also becomes dangerous like we see when she threatens Alma and destroys her prized garden.

Rita is all about her image and how other people see her. She is extremely concerned with her status and likes being the president of the Garden Club. We learn through the series that she came from humble beginnings and she was a cocktail waitress before she met Carlo. She goes to great lengths to present herself as an elite and upper class woman, going so far as to change her accent to appear more proper. However, if you didn’t know this it wouldn’t be evident at all in the way that Rita carries herself and portrays her image to others.


Rita is a very jealous person and can’t stand the idea that Scooter could be with another woman. When she finds out he has been sleeping with Dee, her reaction is to criticise Dee’s appearance and be bewildered that Scooter would be with her. She uses her appearance to her advantage and the other ladies have started to label her as a gold digger due to her relationship with Carlo. It seems like she has hardened over time and that her marriage to Carlo was always unpleasant with a very unbalanced power dynamic. As a result, she changed and became even more obsessed with status and success than before.

Rita has a wing 2 as she is very people oriented and loves to try and charm others or ingratiate herself towards them.

Tri-type: 3w2 - 8w7 - 6w7

Some quotes to describe Rita’s motivations:

“I started the day convinced I would never laugh again. And then… you walked in, wearing that frock. Oh, bless you, Alma.”

Everyone has a price.”

“I don’t want your admiration. I want your fear, and now that I have it, get the hell out of my house.”

“Oh, she’s taking you out of my life. Whatever shall I do? Besides cartwheels, I mean.”

“If you can pretend to be interested in a fat girl, you can fake a bit of passion for a middle-aged woman.”
