

I thought everything would be okay. I thought I was safe. But I never thought you would ever grab a knife and stab me through my heart. The heart I let you hold with security and love. The heart I trusted with you to take care of like I did yours. The heart that was once bruised that was healed by you. The heart that finally had hope again in beating after being met with yours.

I bled, and bled, and bled. You knew what you were doing to me. You watched me fall like all those times, and this time you didn’t help me up. You walked away claiming to be sorry. But I can’t rely on words alone anymore. I can’t rely on promises you made anymore.

And still today, no matter how much time and effort I put into myself, the wound won’t stop bleeding. The cries that echo from my throat won’t stop screaming. The pain throughout my entire body won’t stop aching. Aching for you and the pain you planted inside of me.
