#my poem


almost (poem)

I love you.

Have I ever told you that?

Yeah, I do

and I know I sound crazy,

but, truth is I do love you

and I almost don’t feel guilty.

almost, almost, almost

the word that keeps us apart

In the end, we are almost art.

I don’t wanna be a burden,

so please keep me away

if you don’t really want to stay.

— something about him

enough (poem)

I am enough.

I keep repeating that I am enough

as if that was enough for me.

When I say I am enough

it’s because I can’t allow myself to love anyone else

but me.

— a poem by me on a midnight


Aries: the world is not ending. I promise you the world is not ending. When it does not end, we will need you. The world will need you to help fix what we almost ruined. We need you.

Taurus; Eventually you have to let go. Own up to what you did wrong, sit with it, and let it go. You can’t think you were right forever and you can’t hold on to your wrongs forever. You have to let go.

Leo: Your city is a war zone, for a just cause, I know. Remember we love you. Remember we want you home safe. Remember when history looks back they will thank you. Thank you through the tear gas and blood. Thank you.

Gemini: Some time you have to grow. You can’t grow where it’s comfortable and safe. You have to grow, because we see great things in you. Because we can tell you can be so much more. You just have to step outside.

Pisces: The blood on your hands isn’t even your burden. It isn’t your fault for what choices they made. This isn’t your problem. Responsiblility is a bitch, but you did not deserve this. You do not own this mess.

Cancer: stop digging up your veins just to prove you are still breathing. The voices that come up at night are not your friend. The ghosts of the past can’t and don’t love you like the people in the present. You have to know that

Capricorn: Sometimes you have to give in. Sometimes you have to compromise. I know it’s hard. I know the way forward is clear. But be careful, you don’t HAVE to burn all those bridges, and some of them might save you later.

Virgo: Learn to sit with yourself. The drugs and pills and booze and distraction can only get you so far. Sit with yourself. Let go of your past. Let go of me. Please.

Aquarius: Be careful because wolf in sheep clothing can feel safe. Can feel calm. Do not trust them, the claws are just under the surface. We love you. Stay safe.

Saggitarius: You don’t need them. I know. I know. It feels like it. It feels like they are your air. You don’t need them. You deserve more. Please see that you deserve more.

Scorpio: you are only hurting yourself. You are only adding more scars. Stop. Stop trying to dig the veins out of your skin. Stop trying to kill yourself for others.

Libra: some scars do not heal. Some scars you just live with. Some scars you just survive. Some things are just how they are, and the people who did it will never apologise to you for it.

She never came back

The girl I was before he broke me

I waited and waited

I hoped and I prayed

Her light left one evening

And the darkness stayed

I have very little hope left

My prayers are barely a whisper

I remember a time when

I thought he would change

When I thought that my love

Would take his anger away

What a dangerous choice

I was willing to make

To sacrifice myself for a man

Who could never be saved

I am so tired

It doesn’t matter how much I sleep

The sadness and worry

Are too heavy for me

And everytime I put them down

To breathe a sigh of relief

I hear the sound of fear and anger

Begin to slowly creep

The desire

To be desired

Is a foolish wish

You are the only one who knows

My silence means

I have so much to say 

You listen to me

When I dont say a word

Poetry is my lover

She always let’s me in

To cry

To listen

To confess all my sins

She found me voiceless

Wishing my tears were diamonds

So that I could buy back some time

Her poems come out of my heart

My eyes

My mind

She is so soft

And she never leaves

Thank you

My sweet lover


A woman like me

Wants to be kept and set free simultaneously

A woman like me

Desires to be cared for all the while being all that she needs

A woman like me

Should keep her opinions to herself

Don’t speak

A woman like me

Moon faced but anguished with uncertainty

“The girl of their dreams”

A woman like me

Until it’s my piercing red eyes and deathly screams

A woman like me

Is never fully understood or known

A woman like me

Is better off alone

Was this earth not created through chaos?

Our universe makes love with the clash

Creation is the child of collision

A galaxy of grief

Atom + Eve

Here because God simply said


His mouth is a halo

And everytime he speaks

The words breathe light into me

The day will still come

No matter how hard you close your eyes

The night will kiss the day goodbye

Painting colors in the sky

Welcome the darkness

Embrace the light

Don’t fight against the up’s and down’s of life
