#betsy dobson


How well is fight against the foxes (not if I’d win, just how much effort I’d put into it)

Andrew- 10/10

-Id not only throw the first punch but I’d do it in a public place so I could go in and watch the tape over

-I don’t hate him, but if I saw him in real life I’d punt him across a soccer field

Nicky- 4/10

-done some problematic things so I’d probably like slap him, but I’m a Nicky Stan at heart so I’d probably apologize after.

Matt- 3/10

-he’d say something about the drapes in the room and I’d glare at him, but then I’d shake my head and walk away (I have to pick my battles)

Dan- 0/10

-id let her punch me snd then thank her

Renee- -50

-I’d bring her coffee and then ask her on a date, nothing she says could make me want to punch her

Allison- 8/10

-she’d say something rude and I’d see red

-but all I’d do is walk away and throw water on her to ruin her hair

-we’d probably become reluctant friends after though

Neil- 0/10

-I’m a Neil Stan, but I’d hate him in real life.

-I’d try and punch him but he’d run, I don’t do running so I’d just walk away.

Seth- 10/10

-I don’t know if I need to explain this?

Aaron- 2/10

-me and Aaron would probably be pretty ok friends.

-but he’d do something to Nicky and I’d glare at him till he apologized

Kevin- 10/10

-I don’t have anything against his character but he’d be reviewing my essay and his constructive criticism would come across as an insult and then I’d throw his laptop at him

I’m very short and very weak, I would win none of these fights.

(Oh no Renee I’m very injured, please treat to my wounds in the bathroom while I sit on the sink and you’re in between my legs)

So I am a firm believer that Nicky has bad anxiety and depression just naturally and never got meds for it because his parents were very “why do you need meds? Just pray.”

And his bad days aren’t very noticeable unless you pay attention because his smile will be sort of smaller and he’ll hunch in on himself. He’ll eat a lot of bland foods (specifically scrambled eggs) and he has this one hoodie from Germany that he’ll wear. And slowly the twins become more aware of these signs and they’ll hold off on their comments and speak a little more because Nicky needs to have things said to him (he doesn’t understand subtext) and they don’t want to stress him out more.

I think a big reason Andrew didn’t have any sort of deal with Nicky is because at the time he would’ve given one to him (when he was In high school), Nicky already was required to stay as the twins legal guardian. Andrew always knew the relationship had an expiration date. And that’s why Nickys choice to stay after is so important, because there was no deal or legal document keeping him there. He was there because he wanted to be, say all you want about Neil, but you can’t say that Nicky didn’t choose the twins.

I think it would be great if there was a romcom based on Katelyn and Aaron, except Andrew never like threatened her with knives, just words. And you don’t think he’d actually do it. And then the deals released, happy ending. But at the end credits you get that character moment when it tells you what happens, and you just are so shocked, cause that random side character that appears once has ties to the mafia, the entire team has ties to the mafia, and right now you’re wondering if the funny threats Andrew made were serious. Also he’s DATING the guy from the mafia?

I think there’s something truly poetic about Neil’s original position being a backliner, a defensive position, and then him switching to a striker, an offensive position. IE. him being in the run his entire life and hiding, to staying in one place and fighting for his life.

We all deserve more Nicky and Neil friendship content. Like they were actually really close in the books.

I want to see not only Neil opening up to Nicky, but Nicky opening up to Neil. Like they kinda fit together in a way that I feel like needs to be explored more often.

Neil is someone who grew up with a gruesome life and had his identity taken away from him and had to constantly change.

Nicky didn’t grow up with a gruesome past, he grew up very white picket fence suburbia. But he understands the way people don’t look close enough on the inside. He understands having to change because of other people, especially family. He understands wanting to hold on to family figures (the way Neil does with Mary).

Nicky and Neil are so interesting, and their dynamic would be so cool to look at. How they could deal with each other’s bad days. How they would deal with both their natural martyrdom.

How they try to convince each other that what happened wasn’t their fault. As both of them try to take the blame for what happened at thanksgiving.

Nicky, not imposing on Andrew and Neil’s relationship, but giving respectful advice as someone who was in Andrew’s life and seen his bad days. I never got when people made Nicky the main imposer on their relationship, out of everyone he would probably back off after a little.

I mean he understands what it’s like for people to judge your relationship without knowing what it’s like.

Someone: Neil is the only person who stayed with Andrew without expecting anything in return.


No but seriously, Nicky did stay with the twins without wanting anything. In fact he gave up his life to be with them. Nicky may have pushed boundaries, and that wasn’t okay, but it wasn’t cause he expected to be hugged back. It was because that’s what he would have wanted, he didn’t understand Andrew at the time. we need to remember the book was told from Neil’s POV, he was able to understand Andrew in a way, but Andrew is actually a really complicated person that didn’t give himself away to people. Nicky not understanding him, is a pretty understandable thing.

Shut up, cause Nicky probably relates to Neil in so many ways. Like Nicky does the thing where he says he’s fine all the time and is all smiles the same way Neil does. Nicky had that same self sacrifice thing going on with him and the twins.

Nicky probably turns into a huge mentor figure for Neil, Nicky helps Neil figure out who he is. What clothes he likes to wear, what things he likes to eat. And Nickys there to help with his overall identity any way he can, because he knows what it feels like to not be able to be yourself.

I’m sorry, but Neil is not literally Junior. His name is different then his fathers, Nathan and Nathaniel are not the same. He is not Nathaniel Jr. Or Nathan Jr. their names are just similar.
