#bicep flex


Completed a fun bi/tricep day. I usually hit them: 2-3x a week. Depends on what I feel or my training partners feel.

When give you a crazy ass bicep pump. Dieting down. It’s often hard to keep a good pump. Why it’s important to have a plan in place, a extremely good program / nutrition plan that works for your training/life style. Keep in mind, 90-95% of my carbs: ,,, daily. Also good salt and water intake too for some good pumps. I never cut carbs out of my diet there is so many reasons as to why, from protein sparing to leptin/Ghrelin balance. Being in terms of fat loss/gain It’s: cal in V. Cal out. I’m a big fan of flexible dieting.

I do try to post on my Instagram more “educational” content in terms of fitness. Being hey, I went through the: schooling, hours of study/research, passed the exams/certs. Being too much BS is spread around by people without prior education or knowledge.

Incline flyes upped to 20kg. Don’t mind me just showing off some post chest day pumps ✊

On FlexiFriday we do Legs in the morning & Arms at night- Once they start to grow, you just want more
