#big eden



one of the most touching scenes in LGBT media. henry’s grandfather, sam, lets him know its okay for him to come out as gay (from “Big Eden”) 

#big eden    

Big Eden

This was reccommended to me! Very very cute, feel good movie. The premise is very hallmark (big city guy has to go back to his small hometown and falls in love) but the execution is a lot better than a hallmark movie. It’s definitely a comfort type movie so if you want some gay happiness this is the movie for you. I am OBSESSED with how this small town is so invested in the gay love triangle that’s going on. It’s so nice to see a rom com type film but with gays instead of straights… IT EVEN HAS AN AIRPORT SCENE!!!1!!1 the kiss at the end is one of the most awkward things I’ve ever seen but I’ll forgive them. 7.5/10
