#mlm movie



Ok so this is an old movie set in the old times, which may make it sound very boring, BUT I was actually not bored??? when I watched it like 3 years ago it was in 360p and sound quality was terrible but I STILL persevered because I was so invested in the lives of these pre ww1 gays. Hugh grants HAIRRR❤ hugh grants moustache . It has a HAPPY ENDING!!! This is a pretty incoherent review but just understand that it is incredibly gay and british and old and really good. brb I think I’m gonna go rewatch this now. 9/10

The living end

I literally got like half an hour through and then turned it off. It was just so boring??? I won’t rate cause that would be unfair but understand that out of what I’ve seen it would probably be quite low lmao. Maybe one day I’ll try to finish it idk

Happy together

This movie was ok? I got kind of bored if I’m honest and the story was a bit random and hard to understand for me. I’m pretty sure the plot jumps back and forward in time but I couldn’t tell when everything was happening. If you do watch this be warned for graphic sex as soon as the movie starts, which I usually don’t mind but it was a bit out of place. The colouring is nice 5/10

Alex Strangelove

As a fun gay comedy this works really well. Its nice to see a story about discovering your sexuality that isn’t sad or really deep. I didn’t love it but it’s not really my kind of movie so if you like comedies then definitely watch this. 7.5/10

Jongens (Boys)

SPORTS GAYS! This is a Dutch drama about Sieger, who runs a lot and his budding relationship with one of his teammates, Marc. The movie is innocent and gentle, and it feels very real especially because of the massive use of outdoor spaces that are literally so beautiful. Its pretty short for a movie but it does everything it needs to and didn’t feel like it was cut off short. There are a few too many shots of people just excersizing tho. very beautiful movie 8.5/10

The way he looks

Sweet is the best word to describe this movie. Its literally just so heartwarming and it made me smile. Its a coming of age type film about Leonardo who is blind and wants to have more independence away from his parents, then a new boy comes to his school… and you can guess where it goes from there lol. There are some second hand embarrassment scenes and I had to remind myself it’s just a film so I didn’t implode BUT apart from that it’s literally just a beautiful cute film that you should definitely watch 8/10

Edit 5 months later: I’m sorry but I lied all of what I said is true but I was actually pretty bored everyone loves this movie so much I tried to convince myself I loved it but I didn’t 6/10

God’s own country

This movie made me smile sm at the end. Its about a Johnny a Yorkshire lad who hates working on his dad’s farm and has casual sex with random guys UNTIL Gheorghe, a guy from Romania arrives at the farm to help out, I think because all the sheep are giving birth?? The movie is so raw? if that makes any sense and despite being about gay sheep herders it IS NOT a brokeback mountain remake, theyre two pretty different films with different themes and, spoilers, gods own country has a happy ending. This is a beautiful film that is sad and happy and surprisingly emotional. Explicit sex and straight up animal births also be prepared to LITERALLY watch a man skin a lamb no joke, be warned. 9/10

Brokeback mountain

Ok so i KNOW this is kind of one of the most popular lgbtq movies ever made BUT I’m still gonna review it cause I want to. Brokeback mountain is SO SAD when I watched it I literally cried for like half an hour. Jack and Ennis are cowboys who fall in love on Brokeback mountain BUT Its the 1960s so it can never be, their relationship lasts for I think like 20 years? but only in secret. The movie does a great job of lowkey giving you hope only to RIP it away in the sadest way possible. I’m not really explaining it well but this movie is actually amazing and is probably one of my favourite movies fr. Its a pretty important film in terms of what it did for gay representation in media and stuff like that so it’s sort of something you should watch someday anyways but 10/10 even if Jake gylenhall doesn’t look like a real person (I can’t explain it)

The Power Of The Dog

hmmmmmmmm. guys im just gonna say it. i didnt like this movie very much. im too stupid! i had to search up the meaning afterwards cause i was literally convinced there was no story at all! there is tho. its about cowboys and it is gay… but not really?? its hinted at. but literally everything in the film is hinted at. the first half especially dragged so much and i almost gave up. benedict cumberbatch is in it. and kirsten dunst. i know its probably a good movie technically.. but dont watch this if youre looking for something thats gonna be fun to watch. i think if the ending clicked for me like it was supposed to i wouldve enjoyed it alot more 4/10 it does get a bit more interesting in the middle


Yes guys! I am back almost a whole year later to give you a review of Heartstopper!! wasnt gonna watch it but then i remembered this account and felt nostalgic.

ok so…. complete honesty at first i thought i wouldnt get through the first episode.. it was just so cringe i thought i would die im sorry. but a couple episodes in i was competely invested and could see past some of the weird writing and acting and stuff. SOO fluffy and gay, i knew it was gay but honestly its wayy more gay than i thought, a good surprise. very much reminicient of my baby gay years rip, also i am british and went to a same sex school so it was a bit TOO reminicient? even though alot of it was not the same. for example there were definitely more than 2 gay people out. but very cute and im sure its accurate for A LOT of people. loveee how theres a guy figuring out his bisexuality. u dont really see much of that in lgbt cinema (or at least not enough) and it was very fun and also im sorry but i laughed at the ‘am i gay’ quiz, but im allowed to cause i lived it. there is a trans girl character actually played by a trans girl! which sounds like the bare minimum but its ridiculously rare as your probably know. WHO thought tao’s hair was acceptable???? maybe its realistic to the graphic novel or whatever but i dont care cause sometimes things dont translate well to screen and i literally cannot take him seriously at any time. cute and fun and if you want to be reminded of your young gay self i reccomend although i probably wont be watching again and literally the only thing i do is rewatch shows ive seen before so. 6.5/10 olivia colman is the best part

Young Royals

this is another series lol so i think i’ll just start reviewing series full time as well as movies from now on instead of explaining myself at the beginning of each review. anyways O MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i didnt even know it was gay until i started watching it i just thought it looked like it could be similar to elite (which i may also review, it’s pretty gay) so i clicked on it. knowing it’s gay isnt a spoiler though, i could tell by the first 5 minutes (also i think it’s on some of the posters and stuff idk). basically a swedish prince goes to an expensive boarding school and theres a cute commoner(?) boy there and things happen… i don’t wanna spoil it cause honestly it’s so good and you should watch it. something i like about it is that the actors actually look like they could be in school. especially when you compare it to something like elite (i love it but oml these are obviously 28 yr olds). all the characters are amazing and the plot is SO good there was only one small point where i thought another way wouldve been better. i literally just finished watching the whole thing in one go sooo 10/10 ofc. also completley forgot to mention that it’s swedish and everyone speaks swedish apart from one girl who always speaks in english?? ik sweden is a pretty multilingual country but why just her? and why always? she obviously understands swedish. no one ever mentions it. maybe thats just normal there? idk man this was a really weird tangent to go on im so sorry if you’re still reading this

Big Eden

This was reccommended to me! Very very cute, feel good movie. The premise is very hallmark (big city guy has to go back to his small hometown and falls in love) but the execution is a lot better than a hallmark movie. It’s definitely a comfort type movie so if you want some gay happiness this is the movie for you. I am OBSESSED with how this small town is so invested in the gay love triangle that’s going on. It’s so nice to see a rom com type film but with gays instead of straights… IT EVEN HAS AN AIRPORT SCENE!!!1!!1 the kiss at the end is one of the most awkward things I’ve ever seen but I’ll forgive them. 7.5/10

The cakemaker

Hmm. The premise for this movie is pretty interesting but I think it was a bit too long. Maybe I’m just tired idk. Ok so basically a German dude(Thomas) has an affair with an Israeli guy (Oren) who is married (to Anat). Oren dies and Thomas goes to Israel and by being there at the right place at the right time ends up working at Anat’s cafe. The cinematography(?) is pretty calm and there are a lot of silent moments but I think that works better with the film. It is also kinda predictable. I was literally thinking (spoilers) ‘lmao imagine if Anat and Thomas get together’ and then they fucking did! I ended up being ok with that decision (on the writers part) by the end though. Apart from that its a really sweet movie that explores grief and human connection and I would recommend if you enjoy movies that have unspoken subtext and are more indieish. Random addition I thought Thomas was a pretty boring character. Thank you to the person who recommended this! 6.5/10 not my kind of movie.

Call me by your name

Ok so I know this film is about a romance between a 17 and 24 year oldbut for this review I will be ignoring that since i kinda just want to talk about the technical sort of aspects if that makes sense. I will also be ignoring how armie hammer is maybe a cannibal??? Idk man. Just know that I DO KNOW NOW but when I watched this I didn’t. Ok so first off this film is beautiful. So beautiul in fact you can completely ignore how little you understand about the plot. Maybe I’m just dumb but the dialogue is SO VAGUEEEapparently there’s a confession scene??? I definitely missed that. Everyone is speaking in riddles all the time and I feel like it’s one of this movies where you’re expected to watch it like 3 times so you can dissect every part of the script or something. Somehow though I was still invested in the plot which is great! Not so great is when you watch as mr chalamet cums in an apricot and then watch it get eaten. I know the movies is about intimacy or something and I actually read the book (I know, I know) and there’s an even worse scene in that (GROSSNESS WARNING FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE) where the old one watches the young one do a shit and rubs his stomachto help push the shit out (I am so sorry). On the upside I definitely want to move to the south of italy because of this movie. 8/10 I know I didn’t mention it much but the cinematography and stuff really is beautiful

Dating amber

This is definitely one of those movies where if it was straight I would give no fucks BUT it’s gay so I gave all the fucks. Set in 1995(?) in Ireland, Eddie (the redhead guy from handsome devil!!) is gay and so is amber. They pretend to date to get people off their backs and then shenanigans ensue. I’ll be honest the plots not anything new buuuuuuuuut I don’t care cause it’s sweet and AMBER AND HER GIRLFRIEND ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE!!!! Spoilers ahead a bit just a warning. WHY DID HE KISS HIS TEACHER?!?!?! PLZ I JUMPED BACK IN MY SEAT I HAD TO PAUSE THE MOVIE. The second hand embarrassment was very real from that scene. Fionn O’Shea does a great job of giving me second hand embarrassment cause I had to skip that bit in handsome devil where he sings in the school talent show✋. I know there had to be drama but I wanted so badly for them to be friends the whole time also no shade but why would you just give someone £2000 like come on. Thank you so much to the person that recommended this to me! I absolutely recommend the watch and it’s on amazon prime!8.5\10
