#big tummy


Does anyone else’s hips and belly ever knock down aisle displays and small, unsuspecting children? Asking for a friend.

A cheetah ravenously stalks her prey (anything slower than her)

Feeling soft and silky and horny af after eating a 10000cal dinner

Rubbing lotion and witch hazel on my belly to make it pretty and I just wondered—do my appendectomy scars bother and upset anyone besides me? Gimme the straight dope please?

Eigene Definition von Übergewicht: „Ich bin nicht zu dick! Ich kann problemlos die Waage ablesen. Solange man die Anzeige noch ablesen kann, ist man auch nicht zu dick!“

Own definition of overweight:
“I am not too fat! I can read the scale without any problems. As long as you can still read the display, you are not too fat!”

Er grillt mehr als er essen sollte! Schenke Männern einen Hochleistungsgrill – und sie werden fett!

He grills more than he should eat!
Give men a high performance grill - and they get fat!

(Posted with permission)

Jesus where do I start with this human blimp?! I’ve seen some big bellies in my time but this guy must have his own gravitational field! He’s a literal planet! He clearly knows his way around a buffet, the owners must dread seeing him waddle in, that huge belly swaying in front of him. He’d likely put them out of business how he fits all that belly into his clothes I will never know… it looks like he’d need a team of strong men to winch and stuff that huge balloon belly into his shirts. And they’d need to be made of steel to contain that enormous blubbery tummy!

He is the definition of fat boy! No muscle, a pear shaped torso where nearly all of his weight piles into his fat round belly! Imagine seeing that gut coming towards you… it would cause an eclipse

Check out this big fat bellied boy’s patreon and tumblr. And leave some teasing comments below


