



This big boy turned himself into a really huge boy, at least 200+ pounds of fresh pure blubber! I love how far he’s come from being a small chubby to a superchubby! Will he keep going? We’ll find out soon enough!

hotter and hotter

Super hot!

rotguttheclown: He’d already grown so much so quickly for you, but he still had a ways to go before


He’d already grown so much so quickly for you, but he still had a ways to go before he was a morbidly obese blob that could no longer get out of bed. He was so infatuated with you didn’t seem to mind his fate, as long as you were the one fattening him up.


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So handsome and bellied.

Perfect combo of handsome and chunky


Getting my body ready for the summer #chub #fat #gainer #gettingfat #grommr #big #bear #fatbelly #gaybear #chubby #fatgainer

Super sexy!


i’m afraid it’s slowly getting out of hand…

Ohh… it has gotten out of hand! Keep it up!



Cyril Cyril Cyril.. that belly’s back (and it may be at his biggest ever!)

Love how he tries hiding the fact that he’s blatantly flaunting his weight gain with the ‘goofy facade’ he’s such a hog


#chubby boy    #cute belly    #weight gain    #chubby    #overfed    #fat belly    #fatboy    #chubbiness    #chubstr    #so jiggly    #jiggly tummy    #soft af    


Got this swim suit at the beginning of spring break. Safe to say I’m already going out of it !


Short video up on Onlyfans. Doing some self care after a week long cold. Rubbing and oil to be the greased pig you all know I am

Er stellt gerade erschrocken fest, dass seine Wampe bei jedem Schlagloch schwabbelt. Tja die Trips zum Döner um die Ecke blieben nicht ohne Folgen. Hast ganz schön Fett angesetzt! 

He is just startled to find that his belly wobbles at every pothole. Well, the trips to the fast food restaurant around the corner were not without consequences. You’ve put on quite a bit of fat!

Zwei Stopfgänse produzieren ihre Alkoholleber!

Two stuffing geese produce their alcohol livers!

Kleiner Trost: Wenn man sich den Hüftspeck der Anderen ansieht, bist du nicht der einzige Mann, der dick und rund wird.

Small consolation: if you look at the hip fat of others, you are not the only man who becomes fat and round.
