#bigfoot vs the illuminati


Bigfoot vs The Illuminati(2020)

“Advanced AI robots have drained the Earth of its natural resources. A rebel human alliance in space with no planet to call home, calls on Bigfoot to do battle with humanity’s greatest enemies, the Illuminati.”

It. Is. Terrible. Produced by Ruthless Studios, I now have to believe that means they put out ruthlessly bad movies. Someone green lit this!

The set up is terrible. I wanted to say stfu the whole time. The beginning narration was so poorly done it was disgusting. Most of the dialog throughout sounded like it was being read live for the first time too? The name of this movie is even total trickery and it takes place in space(ships) 99% of the time. Even the description is fucking poor.

While I went into this knowing it was a low budget film, I wasn’t expecting it to be at the same level of custom content for The Sims 3. Yikes. It was so cringey. The female armor was awful. I promise tiddies don’t need special boob cups in armor like that. Or asscheek cups like that. I mean, unless your gonna produce wild dick cups too? Which they didn’t, of course I also swear you could mute this and listen to Blue by Eiffel 65 over and over again and it would match.

Now, BIGFOOT! He doesn’t show up until about 25 minutes in and they gave him the MOST stereotypical blaccent ever(black+accent). I couldn’t help but scrunch my nose every time he spoke. That and at the 4 praying scenes in it. Wtf? Sure it was to Ra, the sun god but, still???? Why the fuck?? Ra really serves no purpose. And don’t even get me started on the “sex scene” that was just the worst noises ever and no actual scene? I do mean the WORST NOISES.

There wasn’t a real story here. At all. It was a VS movie and there was no real story. This was clearly done by creative appreciators and not actual creatives. Sorry not sorry.

I would NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE EVER and I doubt I’ll ever bring it up in conversations about B and Below movies. I want my time back.
