#bill hearst


Requested:  date with Bill and Darcy HC?

Warnings: none



  • You were child hood friends
  • It surprised you along with everyone else when he asked you on a date
  • You hadn’t expected it 
  • But that didn’t mean you were complaining
  • Katherine helped you with your outfit
  • Both of you spending almost all day getting you ready
  • Bill would have loved you dressed in anything
  • But what Katherine had whipped up had the boy at a loss for words
  • He found out your favorite restaurant from Katherine
  • Surprising you once you’d arrived
  • Even though you had tried to deny it multiple times, Bill insisted on paying got the bill
  • Bill paying for the bill haha
  • You both shared a dessert
  • Smiling when your spoons would accidentally hit the others
  • You were a blushing mess the entire walk home
  • Your hands swinging between the two of you
  • Bill wanted to take things slow
  • Leaving you with a small kiss on the cheek to last you until you’d see him again


  • Darcy shows up as an anxious mess
  • Most of the boys lecture him while you’re still getting cleaned up
  • He’d brought flowers for you, and he couldn’t help but perk up when he saw you
  • You’d thanked him for the flowers, putting them on your bed before you both walked hand in hand down the streets
  • Darcy originally planned to take you to a fancy little place
  • That had been until you explained it didn’t interest you
  • But really you’d been slightly embarrassed about not having anything nice to wear
  • You didn’t want to go and stick out like a sore thumb
  • He took you to a little bakery
  • Knowing you liked one of the pastries to death
  • You’d frequently saved up for a while so you could get it on special occasions
  • You couldn’t hide your excitement when Darcy brought it up once you declined his fancy date
  • Both of you got your own drinks and different pastries
  • You shared, going half with each other so you could try something new
  • Your first kiss was on the front steps of the lodging house
  • The boys cheered and whistled behind you but neither of you took notice


Tag List: 

@mathletemadison@hats-or-badges  @theatrequeer  @snakeyboimusical  @mariah-vg @briefexpertgladiator  @the-moon-looks-old-and-gray  @neko-kaiyo

Jack Kelly: full blown bisexual

Davey Jacobs:bi-curious (once he met Jack haha)

Crutchie Morris:gay (I don’t make the rules :p)

Racetrack Higgins:trans guy (cause lots of people have this headcanon for some reason)

Albert DaSilva:ace/aro(just because of the headcanon I’ve written for him)

Spot Conlon:closeted gay (with tons of toxic masculinity)

JoJo De La Guerra:pansexual

Finch Cortez:queer (because I can’t think of anything else lol)

Romeo:drag queen (again, I don’t make the rules)

Bill Hearst:gay for Darcy

Darcy Reid:gay for Bill

Katherine Plumber:our lesbian queen

Les Jacobs:we support our questioning boy


Tag List: 

