#finch cortez


Warnings: none

Summary: What they do for you on your anniversary


Jack Kelly: Paints a portrait of you

Davey Jacobs: Definitely the type to propose 

Crutchie Morris: Takes you on a small vacation

Racetrack Higgins: Mini golf date

Spot Conlon: He takes you to the beach for the whole day

Albert DaSilva: Amusement park date

Finch Cortez: Bakes for you

JoJo De La Guerra: Makes you a nice little video

Darcy: Gets you flowers and chocolates

Bill: Gives you a promise ring

Katherine Plumber: Takes you to a fancy restaurant


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@mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo @werkwerkelizaaa@wiffle-snuffles

Love, Davey Masterlist

Warnings: homophobia, fighting, injuries (blood)

A/N: the amount of times I almost accidentally write who Red actually is, is very frustrating haha

Summary: Davey never understood why he wouldn’t come out to his friends. Half of them were just like him, yet he was still scared to admit it outloud. That’s where Red came in, he was scared too.


Davey and Oscar stood in the secluded part of the library, both of them arguing back and forth for the majority of the morning. Davey couldn’t believe he was in this situation. A few weeks ago he’d never even talked to Oscar, and now they were both arguing over his secret identity that no one else knew about except for Red.

“Maybe if you were a nicer guy she’d say yes.” Davey explained, earning a glare from Oscar. A gasp left Davey’s mouth when his back hit one of the bookshelves, Oscar’s face only inches away from his. 

“You have two days Jacobs. Two days, or everyone will know.” Oscar spat in his face before shoving him back against the shelf, leaving Davey standing there in shock. 

There was no way Davey would be able to convince Sarah to go out with Oscar in two days. Davey pushed himself off the shelves, grabbing his backpack off the floor and he started to make his way to class with his thoughts spinning around in his head. He didn’t have to think much longer, a commotion in the hall drawing his attention away from his class when he saw a group of kids gathered around with some cheering. 

Davey pushed his way to the front, freezing in place when he saw what was happening. There his friend laid limp on the floor as a few guys were kicking the life out of him, a pool of blood already on the floor. Davey stared in shock and horror, the fight only being ended when the school’s security came to pull everyone apart, Davey’s friend being rolled out in a stretcher. The whole rest of his day Davey was stuck with the image in his head, and he was filling with fear with each passing second.

It hadn’t been until dinner that Davey actually started acting normal, feeling safer, but not fully safe, in his own home. He picked at his food, not paying attention to any of the conversations. No one noticed he was quiet, usually he’d stay that way during dinner, only wanting to listen to everyone’s day, but once Sarah started talking about that morning, he couldn’t help but give his full attention.

“A fight happened at school today.” She explained making everyone look at her. “Some guys were beating on Race for being gay, he had to be carried out of the school.” She continued and Davey’s dad shook his head.

“That Anthony never learns. His parents have talked to him about the clothes he wears. He brought it upon himself.” Mr. Jacobs explained making Davey’s blood boil. “If a boy is going to go around dressing in girls clothes, then he should expect it to turn a few heads.” He continued, pushing Davey over the edge.

“Just because Race likes to wear girls clothes doesn’t give anybody the right to touch him, and you have no right to judge him if you weren’t there!” Davey exclaimed.

“David.” Mrs. Jacobs warned but Davey shook his head.

“He’s my friend! He didn’t deserve to be treated that way no matter what he was wearing. If no one came to get him they would have killed him. You didn’t see how he looked, but I did, there was nothing okay with that. He doesn’t deserve to die because you think people who dress like him deserve to be treated like crap.” Davey explained, his voice shaking as he stood up, leaving his untouched food on the table and his chair left pushed out while he made his way to his room, ignoring his father’s calls after him.

A few days had passed and Davey still couldn’t get the picture of Race out of his head. There was a school assembly on what had happened, and Davey couldn’t help but think of it. Half way through the assembly it hit Davey that he hadn’t been messaging Red, and he pulled out his phone, quickly typing a message.

Subject: Parents

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] 

Hey, Red I have to apologize for not talking in the past few days. Did you see what happened Monday morning? I hope you didn’t, I think it’s the worst thing I’ve seen in my entire life. To make things worse my dad heard about it and actually blamed it on what the guy was wearing. I really don’t think I’m coming out to them now. - SomebodyNobody

Davey shuddered at the memory, placing his phone back on his lap until it buzzed again.

Subject: re:Parents

From: [email protected] To: [email protected]

I heard about it, but I can’t imagine even seeing it, I hope it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be. I hope you’re feeling better, Nobody. - Red

Before Davey could get a response his attention was pulled back to the stage, his eyes bugging out at what was on the screen. He’d been too busy with his own things he forgot the two days were up the day before, his worst nightmare staring him in the face.


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Jack Kelly actually being a girl and still being leader of the Manhattan newsies

-via me listening to the album right now and hearing Davey call Jack, Jackie (this has probably already been thought of so oops)

When Les joins the Newsies he gets confused about his sexuality cause our boys are attractive.

(If you come at me saying Les is too young, no no one’s ever too young to question or be confused and it’s not like I’m saying he’s having sex or something so… have a nice day :p)

Jack Kelly: full blown bisexual

Davey Jacobs:bi-curious (once he met Jack haha)

Crutchie Morris:gay (I don’t make the rules :p)

Racetrack Higgins:trans guy (cause lots of people have this headcanon for some reason)

Albert DaSilva:ace/aro(just because of the headcanon I’ve written for him)

Spot Conlon:closeted gay (with tons of toxic masculinity)

JoJo De La Guerra:pansexual

Finch Cortez:queer (because I can’t think of anything else lol)

Romeo:drag queen (again, I don’t make the rules)

Bill Hearst:gay for Darcy

Darcy Reid:gay for Bill

Katherine Plumber:our lesbian queen

Les Jacobs:we support our questioning boy


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Love, Davey Masterlist

Warnings: homophobia, slurs, getting outed

A/N: There’s probably only going to be a few more parts to this series. I don’t know how many more yet, it depends how I write each part, but this series is unfortunately not going to be as long as the other two I’m currently working on. Also if anyone wonders why I never mention any of the other newsies it’s because if I do then it’s gonna be obvious who Red is. I’m sorry it isn’t that long but I had to leave a cliff hanger haha

Summary: Davey never understood why he wouldn’t come out to his friends. Half of them were just like him, yet he was still scared to admit it out loud. That’s where Red came in, he was scared too.


Davey stared at the screen on the stage in shock, a picture of him with the rainbow as the background popped up on the screen, and a picture of his messages with Red next to the picture.

“Ladies and gents.” Oscar started, and all Davey could do was stare in horror. “A few months ago we all got emailed from a secret fag in our school. Now don’t be fooled, it’s not Davey, but Davey has been messaging him, and it turns out there’s more fags in our school than we thought. Just know Jacobs, wherever you’re sitting.” Oscar smirked as he pointed out into the crowd of students. “There will be no secrets at this school.” He finished, a few pictures popping up behind Oscar that showed Davey’s long night conversations with Red.

Davey stormed out of the auditorium, trying to hold back tears. Before he knew it he was followed by his friends, his sister not far behind. It didn’t matter how much support they were showing him, he already knew they’d be supportive and be there for him, but he didn’t know what this meant for his relationship with Red. Davey couldn’t remember the amount of times Red had made it clear he wasn’t ready to share who he was, or that he wasn’t ready to know who Davey was. 

This proved to be true when the entire week Red had stopped emailing Davey. It didn’t matter how many times Davey tried to explain or how many times he told Red that he needed someone to talk to that knew how he felt, he got nothing in return. Although people at school were supportive, there were those who weren’t, and had started throwing around rumors and slurs at him just as they did to his friends. Sarah was the person who was there for Davey the most, listening to him rant about Red, finally understanding why he’d asked if she would go on a date with Oscar, and that’s when she had come up with a plan.

Subject: I’m Sorry

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] 

Red, I’m sorry you had to find out who I was the way you did. I know you don’t want to talk anymore, so this is the last email I’ll send. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Love, Davey

“After this you won’t make fun of me anymore for doing the morning announcements.” Sarah joked when she walked Davey in to give him access to the intercom. “Davey you can do this, okay? I’ll be here with you and when you go I’ll be there with you too.”

Davey nodded and grabbed the intercom with shaky hands, taking a deep breath before he pushed the button and started talking. 

“Attention all students, if I can have your attention.” Davey explained calmly through the intercom, taking a break to look at his sister who gave him a small smile and thumbs up. “Now or never.” He muttered to himself before he started again.


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