#bimbo speak



I said a few times recently that people around me, other than at work, considered me an airhead. Well even at work even if I’m considered as very efficient and knowledgeable in my field of work, I pass sometimes for an airhead especially with people that don’t work directly with me. Work is the part where the looks give the first impression.

Being a social airhead took me quite some time to master, it’s not something you can do in one day. It took me about two years to get to the point where I can even say acting (being) an airhead has almost become a safe place for me. It hasn’t really changed over time the way I do it, but I just fall in character very fast right now and yes sometimes it’s hard to get back to be smart.

In a social context looks and attitude can be a very efficient way to have someone consider you as an airhead. In general being blonde is a good start but to dress rather sexy gives a big plus. People will assume, most of them, that you are dumb. Then you just need to adjust the attitude a bit and there you go. That’s even easier when people around you ask you questions, by being vague you’ll give out the airhead impression to the people you are interacting with. Here are a few examples

People ask you about politics

A : Politics is so complicated (with an eye roll or a giggle)

They will assume you don’t understand anything about politics, but when you really think about it, politics is a very complicated subject if you want to discuss it in depth.

People ask you about travelling

A : OMG it’s so much fun, I love going to the beach (saying it very excited and bubbly)

People will assume you just like to party and wear bikinis. Even though you know you love hiking too, visiting museums, etc… By skiping the full subject people assume you’re an airhead.

People ask you about fashion

A : ‘start talking very fast’ about shoes, accessories, you favotire designers, etc…

People assume it’s your main interest and you’re a bit superficial.

People ask you about your love life

A : My fiancée is so great, I love him so much, etc… and add some details about sex life.

Then they completely assume your a bimbo.

General discussion

(ALWAYS answer the first thing that comes up in your mind, maybe add a little “ummm” before answering like you’re thinking really hard)

As I said it’s probably the same thing an actor does when they get into character, it usually takes me a bit of time to adjust to “play” airhead. With practice the time has dramatically reduced. To get into it, it takes me about 30 minutes… then I go deeper and deeper into my airhead space which I now call my “safe happy place”. For me it’s where all the worries vanish, where I’m just enjoying life in it’s purerest form. Not thinking about work or anything serious, no need to focus anymore, being very confused about simple discussions. It’s a very comfortable place to be. The only drawback about this, the longer I am in that “space” the longer it takes to come back up to normal. If I spend a weekend in that space it’ll take me a few hours to go back to being “normal”. A week, took me about a day and it was very hard I had to focus.

Do I have a trigger, not really, it just happens with the social context I’m in. If we go clubbing then I do drop into that space instantly. Sometimes Daddy asks me to go in that space, then it takes a bit more time. But there’s no trigger, I go in and out as I please usually.

One important thing, even if people sometimes call me dumb in my face I take it as a compliment. To me being dumb isn’t bad, it’s having less worries and being happy. Dumb = happy and I want to be happy in life.

Yes I’ll say it again I do really love using my brain and my job as well. I wouldn’t let go any of this except for maybe one thing. But I love my career at this point and I hope to climb the corporate ladder quite fast. Being very competitive helps a lot

This might seem like a lot to read but this is all great advice from a top notch bimbo who has found a balance that works for her. Wether your goal is to be a full time bimbo, or just a girl who gets dumb and ditzy at home and on the weekends, these are some great tips!

Author’s note: This story originally appeared on this blog back in 2013. Unfortunately the photo that originally inspired it no longer complies with Tumblr’s anti-porn rules. Fortunately I was able to find a PG photo to accompany the re-release of this story. Enjoy!


***WARNING*** This is a bimbo-GHOST story, and is not for the faint of heart. If you scare easily or are prone to erotic nightmares then please do not read the following story.***

So you know this forest is like haunted and stuff, right?


It is so! There’s like this ghost that wanders all through these woods.

No way!

Yes way! An that’s not all, it’s like a bimbo-ghost!

There’s no such thing as a bimbo ghost.

There is so. You see there was like this girl named Wilma, an she was like this scien…

What was her last name?


i think you’re like making this up. What was her last name?

Ummm… It was Wilma Mc Stuffypants.

* giggle *  No it wasn’t!

* giggle *  Yes it was! * giggle *

*giggle*  Nuh uhh…

Okay fine, like i don’t remember her last name, but she was a stuffy pants. She was like this super uptight scientist, and she never even gave her boyfriend a blow job.

NO WAY!  Like i could like almost believe a bimbo ghost, but now you’re just being silly!

No, i like swear! It’s true, and they hardly ever had sex ever!

Whoa! That’s like really sad…

It gets worse. She wanted to like get rid of Men forever. She was like doing research into like amp… amplee… ampillify? um ampilize… yeah like she wanted to ampilize the female orgasm so that girls would never need Men ever again.

But Men are yummy!

Well she was really dumb for a smart lady.

Yeah, like totally.

Anyway! So she thought that she had it. She made like this drug that she thought was gonna make her cum like really really hard.

Oooo! Can i have some?

No, like you wouldn’t want it.

Yes i would!   * pout *

Nuh uhh.. Cuz it like didn’t work. It just made her like super horny.


Well Wilma didn’t think so. She didn’t like being horny. She just wanted to get back to mixing chemicals and stuff. That’s why she tried to make the concoction in the first place.

* giggle *  You said “cock” ! * giggle *

* giggle *  Oh yeah, I guess I did!  * giggle *

Yeah * giggle * cocks are like awesome! * giggle *

*giggle giggle giggle *  

* giggle *  … uh like what were we talking about?

i dunno… I forgot…

Oh… Well until you remember do you like wanna tell me more about the bimbo ghost that like totally doesn’t exist?

She does too! She was like a total stuffy pants…

You said that already.

Oh yeah!  * giggle *  So she took the formula, and it made her like totally horny all the time. And she like couldn’t get herself off.

Oh no!!! What did she do?

Well she was like pretty dumb about it. What she should have done was just gone and like begged her boyfriend for sex right then and there. And who knows, maybe if she had gotten fucked good and hard right away maybe the con-cock-shun  * giggle *  would have worked itself out of her system. But she was so embarrassed, cuz like first off she had made a mistake in her math and she had thought she was a smart girl, and she like didn’t want to admit it. And second cuz she didn’t like to admit that she was so horny. So she just waited! …like for a whole week getting hornier and hornier. Smart girls can be like sooooo dumb sometimes!

Like what about girls? Didn’t she like have a girlfriend or a college roommate, you like gotta go to college ta be a scientist-lady don’t ya? Didn’t she have anybody who could help her get off?

Nu-uh. She was like even more uptight about girls than she was about Guys. She never even kissed a girl.

What about just to turn her Boyfriend on? Or when she was drunk or sum’thin?

Never! Sides, i don’t think she liked her Boyfriend that much.

GASP! i don’t think i like this girl too much. She sounds a lot like a b-i-t-c-h.

Be nice. Besides, she gets better.

i don’t see how she could get any worse.

So any-whoozle giggle She just kept getting hornier and hornier, until one day her boyfriend came home and found her just masturbating on the bed. She was like so caught up in trying to get off she like didn’t even notice Him walk into the room.

* Giggle *  Like what’s so weird about that? Mike like comes home and finds me like that, like all the time. * giggle *

Yeah, but like stuffy-pants never played with herself and…

WAIT! Just wait!!!

What now?

Now i know you’re making this up. Bimbo-ghosts, no blow jobs, and she never played with herself?!? i know i’m just a bimbo ‘n’ stuff, but how dumb do you think i am?

It’s true i swear! But that’s not the point. He like came home and she was like so caught up jilling herself that He couldn’t get her attention. He called her name, He shouted at her, He even poured a glass of water all over her, but nothing worked.

So what did He do?

What would you do?

Well, like if i found her so horny, i’d like totally fuck her. giggle

Uh-huh….  * giggle *

* giggle *   Did He really?  * giggle *

Yeppers! He like fucked her good ‘n’ hard just like she had been wishing someone would.

So what happened?

Well it like helped. ..a bit. She was able to stop playing with herself for a little while. But by bed time, she needed His cock again. And cuz He was like a good Guy, and not a big meanie like she was, He fucked her again and again.

Lucky cunt!

i know right? But His poor cock couldn’t keep up with her drug-possessed pussy. He had to do something to slow her down a bit.

What did He do?

He knew that in her current state she’d do anything to get his cock again. So He did something He’d been wanting to do ever since He met her. He told her that He really wanted to see her wear some makeup. Lots of it. Of course she just put on a little bit of makeup, maybe it was cuz she didn’t like make up…

Wait who doesn’t like makeup!?!

Shhh… Just listen. Maybe it was cuz she didn’t like makeup, maybe it was cuz she didn’t know how to do it right, or may be she was just in such a hurry to get fucked again, but when she came back her makeup was pretty lame and He told her to try again. She growled at Him, but did as she was told, she was just too needy to argue. So she went back ‘n’ tried again. And He told her “More” again. They went back and forth like a hundred times before He said she’d done it right. It was the only way his poor cock got any rest.

Oooo! i luv it when Guys are smarty pants like that, it’s like sooo hot!

i know, right? But the next morning she got it right on like the first try, a needy pussy can be like a powerful motivator!

Tell me about it!

Amen sister! So this time He said He wanted to see her in something sexy and feminine, and if it was short and tight, that wouldn’t hurt either. But she said that she like didn’t have anything like that in her whole closet. So He sent her to the mall, and He told her to take her time ‘n’ to get plenty of new clothes cuz like He was gonna empty out her closet of all the ugly clothes while she was gone.

i’ll bet that was like ALL her clothes  * giggle *

It was! Like totally  * giggle *  So she got home and she looked like sex on a stick. And cuz He had all day to rest up, they like fucked and fucked and fucked!





…But wait! how’d she like get ghost-ified?


Well like how’d she go from being like a super horny bimbo to being a dead bimbo ghost?

Oh! Well like sooner or later He ran out of things to make her do while His cock got some rest. He even had her get new boobs at one point, but eventually He like just ran out of new bimbo stuff for her to do.


So, without any rest she fucked His dick clean off!

No way!

Yes way!

He just should have chained her up to a bed in the basement. That’s what Mike does to me when i get super horny!

Well He’d never had a bimbo before so like He didn’t know what ta do when we get super horny. So with no rest she fucked His dick clean off, poor Man.

* sobs *

Poor poor Man.  ….But she felt so bad about it that she ran off to the woods. These… very… woods… Woooooo…

Quit it out!!! You’re scaring me! Just tell the story okay!

So she ran off to the woods so she wouldn’t be tempted to fuck off any more Guys’ dicks off. She packed a bag with all the lipstick and dildos she could carry and she just like disappeared into the woods.

If it was me, i’d like disappear into the mall!  * giggle * 

Well then the mall would be haunted.

Oh yeah! You’re like so smart!

Aww, thanks sweetie… Yeah, just cuz i’m a bimbo, doesn’t mean that i’m stupid!  * giggle *

* giggle *  But like what happened to her?

Well no one knows, when they finally found her body she had a dildo stuffed in every hole, ‘n’ like the Doctors who did the aww.. aw-tip… aw—tipsey? No wait i got it! ON-TOP-SEE. The Doctor Guy who did the on-top-see said she like orgasmed to death!

* Brrrrr-shiver *  How terrible!

Well how else would you want to go?

Oh yeah… Okay maybe orgasming to death wouldn’t be so bad.  * giggle *

BUT, that’s not all. They say that she haunts these woods to this day, still desperate to orgasm and find some relief. So she like looks for girls ta use, she possesses their bodies trying to cum One… More.. Time… But it never works. All that happens is that she fries the girls’ brains, ‘n’ leaves them like totally obsessed with cumming and makeup and like other bimboey stuff.

No way. That’s not true.

Is so!

Is not!

Oh yeah, i can like prove it.

Fine prove it then!   * pout *

What were you doing yesterday?

What do you mean?

Before we came up here with Mike and Gary, what were you doing the day before?

Like i dunno! i’m sure it was something fun ‘n’ sexy.

No.Really, think, about it. What were you doing yesterday?

Fine! But if I get a headache you have to eat me out till I feel better. ….Umm, like, okay, well like Mike picked me up from the library because i had to study for this big bio-chem test on Monday…

Are you trying to tell me that i was smart and the bimbo-ghost got me, ‘n’ bimbofied me?

* Nods *

* Sobs *

Oh sweetie, it’s okay, she like got me too.

* Sobs *

Don’t worry she can’t hurt you now that you’re a bimbo.

* sniff *  That’s not it…

Then what is it sweetie?

i don’t WANNA take a bio-chem test on Monday!

* giggle *  Oh don’t worry bout that, we can like get jobs at Hooters or Sephora or something.

* sniff *  Really?


Oh goodie! Do you think that we could like make out a bit until Mike and Gary get back?

Um, cha!

* giggle *

* giggle *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(I’d like to thank AuthorSadieThatcher for her help . As I said at the top this story had originally been lost on my blog, it is only thanks to her diligent efforts to archive her blog that saved this story from oblivion.) Happy Halloween everybody!

Bimbo challenge of the day:

Want to come off more bimboey while also spreading happiness and put good vibes way out in the world? Try this… For the next 24 hours, or for the next week if you are really ambitious, every time you encounter someone after you say hello, add a compliment. “Hello! i am so happy to meet you!”, or “OMG! Hi!! you are so SMART!Hi! that’s a really awesome shirt you are wearing.” or “Like hi hi hi!!! I’m so glad you’re here, you always make my day.

Not only will it make you seem more friendly and cheerful (both extremely bimboey qualities), but the sad fact is that too many people mistake kindness as weakness and see the sort of people who give compliments freely as dumb, and those are bimbo qualities too.
