#bipan solidarity




confirmed-ish orientations (pan for Ally, bi for Jess!) from the Amphibia color designer!! <3

Hello there! My brother came out this year, so far to me and our mother, as pansexual. He didn’t really need a label but looked up the different sexualities and said pan is what seems to fit. The only other person who knows is my husband. I myself am bisexual, I’ve known since a very young age. I’m just so proud that he’s my brother and wanted to share. We’ve been through so much in our lifetime so far, he just deserves to be happy! He has a boyfriend too & he’s adorable/cute!

~BiSister90, 30, via survey




pan people are good and I like them. if ur pan I’m mentally shaking ur hand and “nice.”

bi/pan solidarity is really good and easy actually. I walk up to my pan friend and ask “hey why do you id as pan?” and they say “because I feel it matches my internal perception of my orietation. why do you id as bi?” and I say “because I feel it matches my internal perception of my orietation. yknow, our lived experience of being attracted to multiple genders is almost identical, it would be really stupid if I were to treat you badly and spend large amounts of my time insulting you because of some weird idea that your identity means you inherently think you’re better than me and wish I’d stop existing, right? that would be fucked up and mind numbingly pointless, right?” and they say “yeah man, it would be” and then we make a cake :)

happy pan visibility day

As a bisexual myself I would like to wish all pansexual people a happy pan visibility day
