#bipoc women




I have never seen a single “ugly” or not amazing girl. I know this is an nb/mlm/nb acc but I think solidarity is important :)

Straight girls are valid and beautiful

Bi girls, lesbians and girls who like girls in general are splendid and amazing :) aro and/or ace girls deserve so much love and attention

Girls who are questioning are lovely and powerful

Trans women and girl related people should honestly rule the world /hj

Girls who don’t use labels are super rad and valid too!

Masculine, androgynous and gnc girls are incredible btw, y’all get all my love <333 same with feminine girls :)

Also pssst! Neurodivergent and neuroatypical girls: you rock too! Your unique experiences don’t reflect your value as a person! You can and deserve to find happiness, even if the journey to do so is different for you than your peers :)

Chubby+fat girls, you deserve so much more love and respect than society offers.

Girls, if you’re seeing this, you rock, you’re amazing, you’re strong, you got this :) let’s build a better world together

Also i stg if I see a single one of you saying ur an exception /j but please don’t do that bc I mean all girls and girl related people :)

Anyway ily now go be urself and do things that make ye happy bc u deserve it (yes, you. Don’t deny it or you will catch these hands /j)

**do not derail**

(Will be making edits as time passes)

Girls with bumps in their noses! Girls with strong jawlines, girls with strong brow ridges or bold eyebrows!! Girls with thin lips or small eyes :0 bald girls, skinny girls, plus size girls, muscular girls, tall girls, average sized girls, short girls, girls with stretch marks, skin conditions, girls with big noses! All girls who don’t fit the societal beauty standards! I see you, I love you

*feel free to add on, just don’t derail. Mens positivity coming soon*

Mid sized girls are lovely, I know y’all are often forgotten about

BIPOC girls are so precious, you’re all important and you have a place in this world

Hey, disabled girls, you go through so much. Your struggles are real, you’re worth loving and respecting

Hey girls who use xenoidentities/microlabels, you’re so cool! I think it’s amazing that you use these to express yourself/your identity. The same also applies to those of multisexual identities (Eg: bi, pan, omni, ply, etc)

Girls who like collecting, girls who don’t

Girls who like sports/outdoors activities, girls who prefer to stay inside

Girls with paranoia or anxiety or unhappy obsessions/obsessions that get in the way of your happiness/ability to function, I know you worry. I know it’s hard. I hope that someday soon you’ll have peace of mind

Girls who are broken hearted, you’re so strong. You’ve gone through a lot I’m sure but you got this! You can do it /g

Girls who need encouragement, I love you. You’re doing great :)

Once again this applies to all girls, feel free to add on but don’t derail!

Keep discourse away from this post!

Hello! I feel like this is the first actual newsletter type thing I’ve ever written. I’ve never been one for super formal announcements in written form. I’ve never been one for a long spiel about what is coming or what I’m up to, but this is different as you’ll see. As I’ve been on my own personal journey, spiritually and otherwise, one thing that has remained consistent is my connection to the ocean and to my blackness, though this has come through in different ways as far as my practice.

Over this past year I’ve been thinking of how I can create healing space for my folks to reconnect to that and each other. This concept was solidified for me in the past week. I saw a post on facebook going into the depths of black trauma as it relates to water. This fear and trauma extends beyond fear of swimming and the waves themselves, but goes into fear of being swept away, fear of feeling, and knowing all the ways we’ve been disconnected from our bodies makes sense.

This is a call with open arms

If you are black (or a poc) and feeling a call to the ocean, a call to the water of any sort please reach out to me. I would love to help you cultivate that in a way that is safe. How would I help with that? It will be heavy on ancestral work, heavy on raising the vibes of the sea around you on dry land. I would like to point out that this isn’t only a space for healing that one particular wound, but we are moving through trauma, shadow work, and anything else the spirit deems fit in this watery space.

As we return to the sea that is our mother, and the sea that is ourselves I pray that you feel held.

There is a public facebook for events and open doors, but most if not all of the work will be done in discord and zoom calls. Please feel free to contact me for anything.
