

In memory of my mother. The references in this poem are ones she would understand and I hope that wherever she is now, she may to get to read this with a smile.

The Tall Grass


The hallway smelled

of disinfectant and sage

as though somewhere in

the numbering of days

they hoped to disguise

the wilderness.

The arrows on the wall

pointed to where I had

been told to go then

followed me into the tall

grass and grove of

redwood trees to a field

of purple flowers that

sloped down to a stream

where behind a curtain

made from motes of dust

my mother lay in a sunbeam.

The Swoon of Time


After all,

are we not

but the echoes

of a miracle,

held together by

the rhythms of

our own personal

mythologies and

the sound of a

reverberating bell.




one day we

will see each

other standing

alone at the edge

of our universe

and remember

that we were

once all made

of stardust.

Sing Sing Nights


Although we have not met

and most likely never will,

I want you to know that

I believe in you.

Even if our sense of right

and wrong is based on a

different moral compass

and we look at the world

through such disparate

eyes that we disagree on

what love is or why so

much suffering exists,

I still believe in you.

I believe in you despite

our differences and

because if I were to choose

not to believe in you,

how would I know what

It means to believe in myself.

Sailing Down the River



I might sound like

I know a few things

but, in truth,

whatever I have

learned along the way

has come from

the collision of my

own self-deception

and some kind of

unrelatable beauty.




After all,

perhaps we

are simply


running from


caught somewhere

between longing

and solace.
