#jason armstrong beck


From a Great Height


Until we learn

how to be present

in a single breath,

we shall remain but

passing thoughts

in continuous flight

looking down on

ourselves from

a great height

on our way to

somewhere else.

Shore Birds


This morning,

I followed a bird’s

footprints along

the shoreline until

they abruptly turned

and walked into the

sea and I wondered

if I should do the

same thing—imagining

myself walking deeper

and deeper across

the ocean floor until

the bird began to fly

and I began to swim.

In memory of my mother. The references in this poem are ones she would understand and I hope that wherever she is now, she may to get to read this with a smile.

The Tall Grass


The hallway smelled

of disinfectant and sage

as though somewhere in

the numbering of days

they hoped to disguise

the wilderness.

The arrows on the wall

pointed to where I had

been told to go then

followed me into the tall

grass and grove of

redwood trees to a field

of purple flowers that

sloped down to a stream

where behind a curtain

made from motes of dust

my mother lay in a sunbeam.
