#black doom

herasoufleeart:Alright! So I’m currently writing an idea I had for years. Overall, it’s about Sonic


Alright! So I’m currently writing an idea I had for years. Overall, it’s about Sonic and Shadow time travelling.
I plan on developing their relationship throughout the story. Here’s a sort of “fancomic cover” I made.
I’m still writing the very beginning of it all, so don’t expect comic pages anytime soon, haha!
(I suck at making logos btw)

Post link


“SnapCube’s Real-Time Fandub Goes To Hell” is the newest entry in our long-running Sonic dub series, in which edgy loner Shadow The Hedgehog is challenged by Satan to prove he can become a middle manager in Hell. Shadow, however, discovers he has grander ambitions.

Cast and more info on the YouTube version!

#oh my god    #snapcube    #shadow    #black doom    



Yep, I’m gonna lose followers for posting this, but it has to be said.

I unironically think, though still a terrible character anyhow, that Black Doom is a MUCH better villain than Mephiles ever was.

Black Doom had the power of forcing Shadow to relive the worst day of his life and even possibly brainwash him to believe that he actually slaughtered every G.U.N. soldier that day.

Mephiles… showed Shadow his own T-posing model to convince him that humans bad.

You draw your conclusions :P

Some black arms shadow doots (I specially love drawing Black doom as this wack unhinged support dad but only when shadow is doing what he wants)
