#black laylines


I would be very surprised if anyone reading this has not heard of the term “Lay-Lines”. The lines of power that crisscross the globe, connecting famous landmarks.

But have you heard of Black Lay-lines?

The concept is that like standard lines they cross the globe however their influence is negative rather than positive.

Do you live in a community where bad things always seem to occur?

Where the residents are plagued by bad luck?

Do you always feel tired and drained no matter what you do?

Are you suffering from an illness that has never occurred in your family history?

When you are away from home do you always instantly feel better?

Then you might be living or working near to a Black Lay-line, natures little energy vampire.

What are they?

The earth needs balance, while normal lay-lines give off positive energy there has to be a counter to this, a return of the flow that draws this energy back into the earth and away from the surface and unfortunately anything in the area.

The good news is that like all lay-lines currently the energy levels are dropping off. The planet is currently moving toward the point where it will switch poles (North pole becomes the south pole). This has happen numerous times in the past and once complete all the lines will sing loudly again. It’s also possible that the reversion is causing more Black lines to form as more energy is pulled to the earth’s core.

It’s this decline that has made all lay-lines more difficult to locate in recent years. Our ancestors could easily feel the lines and position their structures to make the best use of them. Records show people recording sensations of feeling faint if they stood in a line too long, these days people struggle to even locate them and others have even stopped believing in them entirely. If you are interested in this topic search for details of the European space agencies “Swarm project” which is mapping the change as it occurs. They have also created a map showing major sights around the world were magnetic anomalies exist.

History :

Did you know that the term is fairly modern, Lay-lines only dates from 1929. Alfred Watkins he came up with the phrase actually decided that he didn’t like it and swapped to calling them “Old straight track” which was far less catchy. He was one of the first to notice that lots of famous sites around the world had been built on an alignment to each other and identified the lines of power.

Prior to this the lines were known by lots of different terms. The Native American Indians called them “Spirit Lines” and thought they were a connection to the spirit realm. The Druids used the term “Mystical lines”. My favourite is the east who called them “Dragon Lines”. Down under the Australian aborigines used the term “Dream lines”

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