

Magical normal moments

Is it sad that I still get a real magical buzz from lighting candles with lightning ⚡.

I love plasma lighters, they seem to work much better than gas and are better for the environment as you can simply charge them back up. A good gift for any storm witches.

Common Heather

Also known as : Ling, Heath

Scientific Name : Calhuna Vulgaris

Identification : A small branched shrub that grows to around 60cm  (2ft). With Pink, White or purple flowers growing over spiky leaves.

Properties : Antiseptic, Diuretic and Anti-rheumatic

Uses: Urinary infections including Cystitis (Disinfects urinary tract and increases productions), Kidney stones, Rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

Try It : 1tsp of dried herb to a cup of water and infuse for 5mins to make a tea to treat Cystitis.

Warnings: None

Parts used:  Flowers and flowering tips. Harvest in late summer.

Magic: Love, Luck and Protection. White heather was traditionally carried as a protection against rape or unwanted passion.

Planet : Venus

Element : Water

Deities : Isis

Folklore and History: Since Neolithic times the flowers have been fermented to make an ale.

From the bonny bells of heather

They brewed a drink long-syne,

Was sweeter far than honey,

Was stronger far than wine.

By Robert Louis Stevenson.

You can make musical pipes out of the root stock. The foliage has been used for generations as a stuffing for mattresses. It is the secret of the best Scottish honey. In Celtic tradition it is linked to the summer solstice. In Scotland white heather is considered lucky.

Plant Tips : Commonly grows on heaths and moors.

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Also known as : Laurel, Sweet Bay, Victor’s Laurel

Scientific Name : Laurus nobilis

Identification : Evergreen Shrub or Tree with leathery dark green leaves. Small yellow flowers and shiny black berries.

Properties : Antiseptic, Antifungal, Mild Sedative, Anti-dandruff, carminative, cholagogue , digestive, diuretic, nervine, and vermifuge, It contains 10 anti-bacterial chemicals.

Uses: Diabetes (It boosts insulin to balance blood sugar), Migraines, Chest infections, Pain Relief, culinary, Cancer, Dandruff and blood pressure.

Try It : Placing a bay leaf under your pillow on the new moon is said to lead to prophetic dreams. Interestingly the priestesses of Apollo went one stage further and chewed the leaves for an extra kick.

Warnings: Never ingest the oil. Patch test the oil as it can cause Contact dermatitis. Sadly some people have died from perforation their intestines with fragmented bay leaf, always remove the leaves before eating the dish. Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) and West Indian bay (Pimento racemosa) are highly toxic and should not be ingested

Parts used: Berries, Leaves and Seeds

Magic: Divination (The Delphic Oracle used Bay), Protection (neither poisoners nor witches can harm those who carry bay)

Planet : Sun

Element : Fire

Deities : Apollo,  Aesculapius, Ceres, Eros.

Folklore and History: Highly valued by the Ancient greeks and romans it was used as a medicine, as a tea or bath fragrance, a spice in cooking and for decoration. For the festival of Saturnalia (Roman winter solstice) the leaves were picked and twisted with holly to make garlands. Greek students would take the berries to help them study as they are a good stimulant. Lighting is not supposed to land where it is planted. In the 17th century it was carried as a protection against black magic. Today it is used as a fragrance in toothpaste.

Plant Tips : Growing well in almost any soil type it just needs to be well drained. It is very slow growing, so if you are using a pot you will need to use a fertilizer.

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My posts use knowledge gained over the years as a qualified Herbalist. However to bring you the best information possible I do use a long list of references. Please see below.

The Herbal Apothecary - JJ Pursell

Plants of the Gods - R E Schultes, A Hofmann, C Ratsch

The magical and ritual use of herbs - R A Miller

Botanical Medicine for Womens health - A Romm

Herbal antivirals - S H Buhner

Magical Folkhealing - DJ Conway

Botanical Folk tales of Britain and Ireland - L Schneidau

Herbs for Children’s health - R Gladstar

The herbal medicine-makers handbook - A Green

Medical Herbalism - D Hoffmann

The wonders of nature - B Hoare

Encyclopaedia of Herbal Medicine - A Chavallier

Madicinal Herbs - R Gladstar

Cough Cures - G Ferrer

Herbal Recipies for Vibrant Health - R Gladstar

Herbal Antivirals - M Jones

The lost book of Herbal Remedies - N Apelian, C Davies

The Hearth Witch’s Kitchen Herbal - A Franklin

A Modern Herbal - M Grieve

Herbal Remedies Handbook - A Chevallier

Alkaline Herbal Medicine - A Aniys

The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism - M Wood

Spices and Herbs - P Lakshmi

Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition - D E Allen, G Hatfield

Herbal Magik - G Dunwich

Asian Herbs - S Ahluwalia

The Green Pharmacy - J A Duke

Herbal Antibiotics - S H Buhner

Backyard Medicine - J B Seal, M Seal

Hedgerow - J Wright

Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine - M Ebadi

The Herbal Home Remedy book - J A Wardwell

Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine - H Han, G E Miller, N Deville

Herbal Remedies made simple - S Dugliss-Wesselman, S Gregg

The Complete Medicinal Herbal - P Ody

The Secret Wisdom of Nature - P Wohlleben

How to Benefit from Everyday Herbs - P Bratianu, D Schwontkowski

Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses of 100 herbs for Common Ailments - A Curtis

Holistic Herbal - D Hoffmann

If you are looking to expand your knowledge this is a fairly handy list.

Happy Imbolc to all celebrating

Our view at tonight’s sunset was breathtaking. May you all find the changes that you need to make in 2022 to achieve harmony. Blessed be

Goodbye 2021

2021 hasn’t really been an improvement on 2020. Three weeks ago a friend decided that it was all too much and took his own life. He was only in his early twenties, it was not his time.

I thought I would use my new year message this year to try prevent others from making the same mistake we made in not recognising the signs until it was too late.

Warning Signs of Suicide.

Verbal markers to watch for ;

  • Feeling empty or hopeless
  • Their life having no purpose
  • Feeling like a burden
  • Feeling Stuck
  • Wanting to not exist

Behaviour markers to watch for ;

  • Web searches for ways to die
  • Withdrawing from friends, possibly even saying goodbye
  • Giving away items that you thought were important to them
  • Taking unusual risk
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Eating or Sleeping more or less than normal
  • Taking drugs or alcohol more often.

Triggers ;

It’s impossible to list every trigger but some are well known and increase the likelihood. If any of the following apply keep a closer eye than you normally would. It is also worth noting that few people die on their first attempt to previous attempts is the biggest red flag there is.

  • If someone is going through extremely stressful life events, like a breakup or finance problems.
  • A recent death of a loved one.
  • Physical illness
  • Mental illness or depression
  • A history misusing drugs or Alcohol
  • Poor living conditions or homelessness
  • Family violence, abuse or assault.

With everyone thing going on please spare a thought for those who struggle with their mental health. It takes no effort to call that friend you haven’t spoken to in a while just for a chat. To offer a shoulder to someone who needs it and most importantly to watch for the warning signs.

Please don’t make our mistake and act before it’s too late.

Happy solstice everyone

Swanage beach UK. More ASMR for sea witches


Also known as : Common Plantain, Rat’s Tail, Waybread

Scientific Name : There are over 1000 different types however most Banana’s you will find in shops are Cavendish “Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’”

Identification : Banana’s need no description, they are available in every supermarket. Growing in Tropical regions this herb (it’s not actually a fruit as it grows on a large plant rather than a tree). Is far more than just a tasty snack with a wealth of health benefits.

Properties : Astringent, anti-diarrhoea, anti-tussive, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial, anti-allergy, blood tonic, lymphatic, anti­-haemorrhagic, diuretic, expectorant, demulcent, astringent, antacid, a great source of minerals including Potassium, Magnesium, Pectin, Phosphorus and Vitamin B6.

Uses : Unripe Bananas are a great Astringent for Diarrhoea. One of the strongest natural cures for Ulcers, it can be mashed and placed directly onto skin ulcers or eaten for Gastric ulcers. Used as a Tea it is a great cure for indigestion and acid reflux. Being low calorie and low fat it can be used for weight control. It is ingrained in the folk magic practices of various peoples for sore throats, laryngitis, coughs, excess menstruation, bruises, scalds, burns, Cystitis with blood even thrush. The root is used to arrest bleeding both internal and external. It also make a great hangover cure as a banana milkshake to replace your Potassium levels.

Try It :

  • Banana Sleep Tea.

Place 1 whole banana and 1 banana skin (Feel free to it the contents, they are good for you). In a pan with 3 cups of water. Raise to the boil and let it reduce by half. Strain and enjoy 1 hour before you intend to sleep.

  • Remove a Splinter.

Mush Banana and place it over the sign of the splinter apply a plaster and it will draw out the splinter painlessly overnight.

  • Vegan Bacon

Scrape out the skins and either fry or roast in the oven with your favourite flavours (Garlic, Paprika, Soy, Agave). It makes are fair replacement for crispy bacon….without the bacon.

Warnings : Not recommend internally for anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Parts used: Leaves, Fruit, Seeds and the Roots

Magic : Fertility

Planet : Venus

Element : Water

Deities : Often used in Voodoo to represent God.

Folklore and History: The Ancient Aztec are believed to have created a form of Antibiotic using the skin of green bananas. US Astronauts had Banana added to their diets to reduce rapid heartbeat caused by inter-space flights. In Cuba a syrup made from the leaves is popular as a traditional cure for respiratory infections. In Jamaica it is more popular as a cure for ulcers. Getting married in Asia under a banana tree was considered a good way to ensure a child would follow quickly. To cut a banana with a knife in some cultures is considered bad luck, they should be broken only.

Plant Tips : The most popular variety the cavendish banana is actually sterile (its seeds won’t germinate) and can only be grown through cuttings. Because of this it gets sprayed with tonnes of chemicals, if you are intending to use the skin always you ensure that you wash it well or buy organic.

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Title: Pumpkin

Also known as : Not known.

Scientific Name : Cucurbita Pepo

Identification : An Annual plant with twining stems. The flowers are large and a yellow. The fruit needs no description as everyone knows a pumpkin.

Properties : Anthelmintic (kills worms), Diuretic, High in zinc, High in Phytosterol

Uses: Treatment of worms, Reduces Prostate enlargement, Cystitis, Kidney function, helps to prevent cholesterol from getting into the blood stream. Boosts the immune system

Try It : Cystitus cure; 2-3 teaspoons of seeds in a cup of boiling water. Infuse for at least 10 minutes, add honey to taste.

Warnings: None Know, safe to be taken while pregnant.

Parts used: Seeds and Fruit

Magic: Clairvoyance, Dreams, Healing, Protection

Planet : Moon

Element : Water

Deities : None known

Folklore and History: The ancient Mayans used the sap of the pumpkin to treat burns. In Native Indian practice in Northern and Central America it was popular for healing. Especially ground with milk and water to cure worms. A trick they taught the early European settlers that became so popular that it became that standard cure. The tradition of carving pumpkins actually started with a folk practice from Ireland. Stringy Jack was a blacksmith who tried to trick the devil into eternal life, he won but he reward was to wander the earth for eternity with burning coal for light. Caving a turnip or Potato into a scary face or Jack-o-lantern would keep him and other evil spirits at bay.

Plant Tips : If you are thinking of growing a prize winner the secret is the variety. Seek out seeds for the “Atlantic Giant”. Always harvest prior to the first frost as this will kill off the vines.

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I would be very surprised if anyone reading this has not heard of the term “Lay-Lines”. The lines of power that crisscross the globe, connecting famous landmarks.

But have you heard of Black Lay-lines?

The concept is that like standard lines they cross the globe however their influence is negative rather than positive.

Do you live in a community where bad things always seem to occur?

Where the residents are plagued by bad luck?

Do you always feel tired and drained no matter what you do?

Are you suffering from an illness that has never occurred in your family history?

When you are away from home do you always instantly feel better?

Then you might be living or working near to a Black Lay-line, natures little energy vampire.

What are they?

The earth needs balance, while normal lay-lines give off positive energy there has to be a counter to this, a return of the flow that draws this energy back into the earth and away from the surface and unfortunately anything in the area.

The good news is that like all lay-lines currently the energy levels are dropping off. The planet is currently moving toward the point where it will switch poles (North pole becomes the south pole). This has happen numerous times in the past and once complete all the lines will sing loudly again. It’s also possible that the reversion is causing more Black lines to form as more energy is pulled to the earth’s core.

It’s this decline that has made all lay-lines more difficult to locate in recent years. Our ancestors could easily feel the lines and position their structures to make the best use of them. Records show people recording sensations of feeling faint if they stood in a line too long, these days people struggle to even locate them and others have even stopped believing in them entirely. If you are interested in this topic search for details of the European space agencies “Swarm project” which is mapping the change as it occurs. They have also created a map showing major sights around the world were magnetic anomalies exist.

History :

Did you know that the term is fairly modern, Lay-lines only dates from 1929. Alfred Watkins he came up with the phrase actually decided that he didn’t like it and swapped to calling them “Old straight track” which was far less catchy. He was one of the first to notice that lots of famous sites around the world had been built on an alignment to each other and identified the lines of power.

Prior to this the lines were known by lots of different terms. The Native American Indians called them “Spirit Lines” and thought they were a connection to the spirit realm. The Druids used the term “Mystical lines”. My favourite is the east who called them “Dragon Lines”. Down under the Australian aborigines used the term “Dream lines”

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Also known as : WILD MARJORAM, Mountain Mint, Rigani

Scientific Name : Origanum vulgare

Identification : Bright green opposite oval leaves that are slightly hairy. A crawling plant that is related to mint. Produces tiny purple flowers

Properties : amenorrhoea, stimulant, pungently aromatic, anti-asthmatic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, Lowers blood pressure, Contain Carvacrol which has anti-tumour properties, boosts metabolism

Uses: Reduces anxiety, Boosts the immune system, Yeast and Fungal infections, Skin problems, Cancer, Heart health, Weight loss, Chest infections, Stomach disorders, throat and mouth problems, Culinary (Works best with Chilli, garlic, tomato or onions)

Try It : Spell to help people overcome the loss of a loved one. Mourning is important but sometimes we need a little spell help to move on. It also settles the stomach and helps with a headache.

Method 1 - Spell tea;

1 tsp Dried Oregano (although you can buy is from a store it is more potent if your grown and dry your own).

½ tsp Lemon and ½ tsp Honey (or substitute sweeten)

Place the herb in a small pot and add 1 cup or hot water (Not a full boil)

Allow to steep for 4 mins and sieve into a cup.

Stir in the Lemon and Honey stirring windshins to banish the negative emotions.

Method 2 - Fresh Herb;

Simply pinch fresh Oregano between your fingers breath in deeply think of the person and them let it drop, releasing your breath and the person.

Warnings: Always mix with a carrier oil, neat it will irritate the skin. Do not ingest the oil. Do not take when pregnant.

Parts used: Aerial parts and essential oil

Magic: A strong magical herb. Used in love spells to build the bond, Tranquillity spells, Courage building, It was traditionally grown in the cottage gardens to protect from black magic and hexes.

Planet : Mercury and Venus

Element : Air and Earth

Deities : Venus

Folklore and History: The earliest use recorded is the Assyrians over 5000 years ago. The best variety is the Greek where the name comes from Oros Ganos “Joy of the mountains”. If you see Oregano growing on a grave it was believed to indicate that the person was enjoying the afterlife. Both the Ancient Greeks and Pagans used Oregano in their wedding ceremonies (Greek as a wreath on the head, Pagans in the hand tying). The famous Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic and for stomach conditions. Oregano is one of the rare herbs that tastes better dried than it does fresh.

Plant Tips : It grows will in the shade. Rich soils and recent flowering will reduce the potency. It like a Ph of 6.8. Replace the plants every four years to prevent them getting too straggly. Warning : Like all Marjoram’s it likes to hybridise with other species, if you purchase seeds and the results seem bland and flavourless then it’s likely to not be true Origanum vulgare.

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Close up you can see the tiny hairs on the leaves that help to identify this herb.

ASMR for sea witches

Recorded live on a beach in Dorset.

The Labyrinth

They say lose yourself in a maze but find yourself in a labyrinth.

Unlike a maze a Labyrinth only has one path with no dead ends, once you enter you will eventually find the centre and will never get lost.

From above

This symbol is ancient and used as an aid for spiritual awareness. The Rocky valley Labyrinth carvings near Tintagel, Cornwall are thought to be over 4000 years old. The symbol was popular with the celts and used throughout the medieval period.

Traditionally Labyrinths were constructed around lay lines and the act of creation harnessed its power so that as the person walked around the Labyrinth they crossed different sections of energy on their path. One of the most famous and powerful can be found in Chartres Cathedral.

There were various uses for Labyrinths. Ceremonial for various religions including the Pagans, Celts and Christians, usually chanting a passage or verse. Some wedding ceremonies would have the groom walk the path to the centre to pickup his bride and carry her back out again. They were even used by sea witches for capturing evil spirits or sprites. But mostly they are used as a tool to help bring spiritual awareness. The simple act of walking the path to the centre and back while concentrating on a specific issue, clears the mind and awakens the senses.

A quick guide to walking the Labyrinth.

Before you start think of what problems are stuck in your mind.

Think on them as you walk to the centre and release them as you walk out.

Some find the act of walking the path barefoot more powerful

It is best to pick a time where you will have the Labyrinth to yourself

If that’s not possible its fine to pass others but be respectful.

This is the Touchstone Labyrinth in Scotland. Its modern but well worth a visit.

For more ideas click here for my witch crafty index

Forest Festival

Great weekend at the fantasy forest festival. The festival does a great job of normalising pagan traditions. Being the UK there is a heavy druid presence but everything from those who follow the force to fae worship and various other types of pagan craft are covered including Wicca. There was even a small goddess healing temple by the entrance. There is also a good showing from fantasy art and Sci-fi.

There were over a 100 stalls selling everything from crystals and spell candles through to hand made leather goods.

It was a great excuse to dress up and meet new people and do some serious shopping . I can’t think of anywhere you could pass a proud green witch and then Chewbacca both shopping for Viking made tankards.

The live bands were good (slightly folk spin for the druids) and there were even crafting displays for wand making, witch runes and spell writing.

The highlight for me though was a traditional wicker Man burning. everyone could simply write a spell or prayer on a card and in the evening it was burnt as a massive offering to more deities that I can imagine.


Thankyou for reporting that the link on the protection magic post wasn’t working. I’ve fixed it now.


Can you help me decide?

I’m thinking of building a garden spell shed, these are a couple of ideas I’ve seen this week what do you prefer A or B

A - Twisted cottage from a fairytale

B - Old witch of the woods feel

Or do you know something better ok please add on you suggestions

Magical movements

Sometimes life is about the big important events, other times it’s about the little things and just making memories.

Tonight while waiting for takeaway I spotted a little wood across the road that was calling to me. I made my way in and found an old dry branch on the ground to sit on and started to meditate.

I’d only been relaxing for a couple of minutes when I heard twigs cracking. Thinking my peace had been broken by someone walking their dog I was surprised when I opened my eyes to find a baby deer passing by. It eyed me and I bobbed my head in respect, it was her wood not mine. She nodded back to me and carried on past.

I waiting till she left, leaving me with an amazing sense of peace. Then my timer went off and I had to run to pickup my food.

I could have sat in my car, played on my phone, talked to the others waiting. But one simple split decision led to magical memories. It’s a well used phrase but live every minute of your life. You only get the one.

Highland beach dreams

Whitchy garden shed?
