#blacklist mythology



In response to @bonescastlefan​ ‘s comment: The girl from the blown up house wasn’t Jennifer though was she. She was our RR daughter

Here are the pictures from Frederick Barnes:

These are the picture they showed us when Katarina was describing watching Jennifer:

That is the Tacoma Park house. They even had Raymond shooting the film Red restores in The Front:

As a reminder, him watching the film was completely private. 

Even if you want to argue that everything Red does in Fredrick Barnes from ripping up the wall panel to look at the hidden growth chart:

To fondly and then despondently remising about Jennifer Reddington:

To saying he raised his family in the house, that he spends every day of his life trying to forget what happened there, and finally blowing up the house, was an elaborate performance for Luli’s benefit, you can’t argue about the film strip. 

No one was watching. Katarina has no reason to spend her free time restoring footage of a girl she babysat once back in the day. She has no reason to fondly gaze at her lover’s child, whose life she destroyed. 

If they go through with the Rederina BULLSHIT they seem to be leading us to they will be in direct conflict with the earliest mythology clues. 

Again another post that is not wrong
