#katarina rostova



Lotte messing with the fans by posting a throwback pic of herself as Katarina Rostova‍♀️



Unofficial cast list for Ep. 8.22 (not including series regulars) from Reddit

Looks like Red’s illness will be back in play with the two doctors (Dr. Clemons played Dom’s doctor who also treated Red). It’s surprising to see Beth Ryker from the Pilot who is now in high school. No Neville Townsend, but we still have Van Dyke.

According to imdB there are a couple of additions to the cast list for Episode 8.22:

Thanks @theblacklistunsolved​ for the heads up.


One of the young Katarinas

12 year old Katarina


In response to @bonescastlefan​ ‘s comment: The girl from the blown up house wasn’t Jennifer though was she. She was our RR daughter

Here are the pictures from Frederick Barnes:

These are the picture they showed us when Katarina was describing watching Jennifer:

That is the Tacoma Park house. They even had Raymond shooting the film Red restores in The Front:

As a reminder, him watching the film was completely private. 

Even if you want to argue that everything Red does in Fredrick Barnes from ripping up the wall panel to look at the hidden growth chart:

To fondly and then despondently remising about Jennifer Reddington:

To saying he raised his family in the house, that he spends every day of his life trying to forget what happened there, and finally blowing up the house, was an elaborate performance for Luli’s benefit, you can’t argue about the film strip. 

No one was watching. Katarina has no reason to spend her free time restoring footage of a girl she babysat once back in the day. She has no reason to fondly gaze at her lover’s child, whose life she destroyed. 

If they go through with the Rederina BULLSHIT they seem to be leading us to they will be in direct conflict with the earliest mythology clues. 

Again another post that is not wrong



They’re really doing it aren’t they? They are really going to make Red Katarina and pretend that makes sense. The voice and image overlay. The bubble girl house in the flashback. The insistence the real Raymond is dead. The parallel shots of child Katarina and the re-made Red. The everything about you is a lie callback.

 NO! NO! NO!

1) Katarina was in Bubble Girl’s house, but that was not the correct emotional response. Red was fond and nostalgic about bubble girl. He ripped the panel off to see the height chart. He blew up the house because he was haunted by what happened there. Nothing traumatic happened to Katarina in that house. She was not fond of Jennifer, nor interested in her growth. She did not “raise her family” in that house (Fredrick Barnes). She would not spend her free time restoring and then privately viewing a film strip of her lover’s child whose life she destroyed (The Front). 

2) The “You will always be her father Sam” speech implying Sam might have reason to think Red will usurp his title (General Ludd). Red already had a title, so why would Sam fear Red wanted to be Father as well.

3) The ballet performance of the girl dancing Swan Lake (Mako Tanida). The girl was too old to be Liz. This seems to be completely missing from this story.

4) Diane Fowler’s “truth about ‘your family’ would also be for naught (The Cyprus Agency). This truth that Red wants to know “more than anything”.

5) There is no way Katarina cares enough about Naomi/Carla to die for her. They didn’t have a relationship. Witsec happened right after Raymond was a fugitive. Raymond was a fugitive before he died and the swap was made. What deal could they have in place if they never met? Why would Kaplan call Naomi Katarina’s wife? Also how in the scenario they gave us was Naomi/Carla able to identify Agent Elizabeth Keen after 25 years?

6) Red’s “relatively normal life” he describes to Liz in 2x09. Katarina’s life was never relatively normal. Ever.

7) Red’s don’t lie policy when in 3x01 he says he’s not sure what happened to Katarina. Split sense of identity is one thing with metaphorically “death” as is sometimes acceptable. “I don’t know” however, is a bald-faced lie if Katarina and Red are the same person.

8) Cape May. He apologizes to himself? Choosing to save the child over himself was that hardest choice he’s had to make rather than killing Sam? He harangues himself for fake attempting suicide?

9) Visits with Dom. Dom said Red made choices for Katarina, and then Masha. Dom said Red killed his entire family. Red wanted hints on how to survive the loss of a daughter. Red was nostalgic about Katarina and glitter. Dom said he had no right to go through her things. 

10) Kaplan thought Liz would turn against Red if she found out he was her mother, not her father? Doesn’t sound like Liz to me. Also Kaplan apologizes to the K in Tanzi Farms which has to stand for Katarina. So while she is dedicated to destroying Red, she’s also apologizing to him?

11) Dembe’s not sure Liz will ever be ready to hear what Red “did to her mother.” Really, he wouldn’t think Liz was be okay learning her Mother was alive and in her life?

12) There were no burns on Katarina’s back in Requiem. There are major burns on Red’s back. 

I swear if they go Rederina I will scream. It’s that simple.

Ok I had to repost these questions are really good questions and the same reason I can’t get fully onboard with Rederina. I just don’t see any other direction the writers are going and unless they can explain these questions or problems above then it will be a complete waste of 8 years
