#blackwatch reaper

sakyora: Look at this passionate stare. Enjoy Mcreyes while it’s canon I can feel the sexual tension


Look at this passionate stare. Enjoy Mcreyes while it’s canon

I can feel the sexual tension XD

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dovahbutt: my final piece for the @mcreyeszine ! despite how old it is now, i’m still pretty happy w


my final piece for the @mcreyeszine ! despite how old it is now, i’m still pretty happy with the result

thank you to everyone who supported and bought the zine, and i’m super grateful for the opportunity to participate. if you want a digital copy, or one of the prints/a misprinted copy, you can still purchase them here!

Such cuteness! Eeeh! ^-^

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Author’s Note

Howdy, my fellow readers! Y'know, when I first saw Moira, I didn’t take that much of a liking to her. I really didn’t think she was a character that attracted me, but after playing around with her and seeing numerous comics of her, I began to love her.

And so I decided to dedicate one of my Blackwatch Boiz to here since she can cause more havoc for the trio to enjoy, yet we are focusing on McCree on this fic~

Jesse couldn’t be more riled up. He was sleeping in his dorm soothingly until Athena set off his alarm an hour earlier than it was supposed to be. The young man whined and begged for Athena to let him sleep and leave him alone, yet Athena persisted since Gabriel commanded her to do so.

With her annoying computer voice, he couldn’t go back to sleep even if he ignored her, and so he slumped out of bed and got ready.

“Whatever Reyes got me waking up in the mornin’ for better be worth a while.” Jesse gritted under his teeth as he slumped through the Overwatch hallways until he made it down below into Blackwatch quarters of the building.

He made it all the way to Reaper’s office, riled up to explode all of his fury on his commander. He also saw some other face through the door’s glass window, but he didn’t care if Reyes had company, he was gonna taste his medicine from Jesse’s mouth.

He barged through the door, pointing a finger at Reyes, but then the cowboy’s eyes met with an unfamiliar woman. She had orange flaming hair, thin yet tall body, pale skin, and sepeate color eyes. His mouth hanged open as he stared the intriguing looking woman as she stared back, head cocked to the side.

“Why, hello Jesse. Glad you actually got out of bed. I wanted you to get up earlier to meet our new recruite: Moira O'Deorain,” Gabe said.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Moira said in a monotone voice.

“Howdy, m'lady.” McCree tipped his hat at her.

Moira couldn’t help but grin at his odd southern accent, but quickly returned to her emotionless expression.

“Moira is our genetic engineer that’ll help create new advancements for Blackwatch. You can be her new play mate today instead of you pestering Angela,” Gabe said.

“What’d ya mean ‘persterin’? I was just tryin to have fun with h-”

Gabe snapped. “McCree! You spilled toxic chemicals inside her laboratory. They burned a hole through several floors and nearly caused harm to countless agents! And Angela is tired of all of the constant flirtation you give her. It is time you stop fooling around.”

Jesse hanged his head in defeat. “Yes, sir.”

“Now, go with Moira and help her with her studies,” Gabe commanded sternly. “I have work to do in the office and check up on Genji on his mission.”

Moira and McCree left the office, but as soon as Jesse closed the door, the scientist shot him a smirk.

“What are ya bein smug about?”

“You have an interesting character. Both in attire and personality described by Reyes. A troublemaker, cowboy, and a hopeless romantic all rolled up in one.”

“I am more than that, Moira. Ya just met me.”

“Mm…I challenge that.” Moira’s smirk grew even wider.

Moira had gotten into her combat gear, and so did Jesse. They were in her laboratory, full of metal gizmos and glass whatnots that were foreign to McCree’s eyes. Her lab was certainly more advanced than Angela’s.

“In my ways of combating,” she started, “I have abilities that help me fright with my comrades, but also heal them as well.”

“Really?” McCree asked.

“Yes…Now hit me for a demonstration.”

“What?” He chuckled slightly, pondering if he heard that correctly.

“Hit me.”

“Er, wait a minute now. I can’t hit a lady. I’m too much of a gentlem-”

Moira slapped him across the face. “Too much of a pussy, that’s what.”

McCree was a velvet red, nostrils blowing steam. “Mc'scuse me, bitch?! I’ll show YOU how much of a pussy I am!” He punched her straight in the face at full swing.

Moira rolled her eyes as she saw stars twiddling across the sky, not even feeling her nose shatter.

The scientist tumbled to the ground, face planting. The last thing she saw was her nose gushing with blood and Jesse’s shocked face.

“Oh, ma'am! I’m greatly sorry! I wish I didn’t punch ya that hard!” Jesse scrambled along the room, getting napkins and anything available.

“I didn’t expect you to punch that hard either. I knew you had quite the build, but I didn’t think you would be that strong, yet my calculations proved false.” Moira voice was a little stubby due to the face she applied pressure to her bleeding nose with napkins. She was still a dazed with a light headache. “God…That wasn’t my brightest idea. And my nose and heads hurts as a result.”

Jesse immediately grabbed a glass measured beaker and went to the lab fridge. He poured some ice into it. He was about to apply it to her forehead, but she shewed it away.

“Thank you for the offer, but I can heal myself.” Moira faced the palm of her left hand on her face and as she expended yellow biotic energy onto her. She sighed of relief as the gas regenerated her cellular structure in her nose, fixing it. It also soothed her headache and other facial featured that were damaged. Soon, she looked like she was never hurt.

McCree watched in awe. “Woah…That’s amazin. Never seen such a way to heal. Medics are gettin so advanced now adays.”

“I also have more up my sleeve, but I don’t have time to show you. I have a weapon to test out, Jesse. I know you’ll love this one.”

“So, what does thing exactly do?” Jesse examined the gun in his hands. It resembled much like a pistol, but instead of bullets, it had plenty of tiny pink beads, no smaller than a penny.

“A bubble gun, simply,” the scientist said.

Jesse cracked some chuckles. “So we’re going to use bubbles to harm our enemies? Really?!”

“No, it’s a way of capturing them if you want them unharmed,” Moira explained. “Quite useful if you say, but I haven’t tested it. I’m not good at fire arms, but I know that Reyes said you had a 'good eye’.”

The cowboy engulfed in his pride, smiling proudly of his superior marksmanship. “Indeed I do.”

Moira picked up a rat from a cage and placed it on the ground. “Test it on the rat.” She commanded as she got a pencil and a notebook. “I will record as you do so.”

'But I can’t harm an animal. There’s no way. Even if their small mice,’ Jess thought. His hand started to ship. He aimed straight at the mouse, his throat felt like it was closuong up. The cowboy’s pulled the trigger, but his finger slipped from position.

The bead missed the rat by an inch. It hit the floor and then cracked open and turned into the bubble. The bubble bounced all over the place at the speed of sound until it aimed for Jesse and Moira and engulfed the two.

They both yelled as the bubble bounced over the laboratory with them in it, reaking havoc over the place: smashing beakers, busting gadgets, computers and tv screens sparking.

They even busted into the air. They soon bounced their way to other parts of the building as they traveled along the air duct in the ceiling.

Overwatch and Blackwatch agents stopped their work and listened to the thudding and the screaming amongst the ceiling.

Jesse and Moira continuously bounced along the air duct, toppling over eachother and smooching their faces along the walls of the bubble.

As that happened, Gabriel was discussing his new recruite to Genji in his office since the cyborg just returned from his quick mission and it was best to inform him about her.

“Moira is the smartest woman I met, even smarter than Angela, Winston, and Mei. She can give Blackwatch the boost it needs as long as we keep her a secret from Overwatch, especially Jack and the Overwatch officials.” Gabriel smiled in fondness of the scientist. “I might even ask her to make improvements on me and other Blackwatch agents.”

“Sounds like an interesting comrade. Where is she now?” Genji asked.

“She is in the lab using McCree as her personal lab rat.” Gabriel smirked. “Hoping that’ll do him good use while he isn’t busy doing missions. Why, I bet there’s no more trouble from hi-”

The two Blackwatch men stopped once they heard screaming. They tilted their heads up to the ceiling, where the sounds came from.

“Oh Lord, help us!” Jesse’s voiced could be heard calling out.

But soon the noises by passed Gabe’s office and went down into the hallway.

“Erm, what the h#@$ was that?!” The cyborg asked nervously.

Gabriel sighed and facepalmed. “An annoyance…”

~ The End~

Don’t worry! Jesse and Moira eventually get out of their bubble trouble, but their relationship got better in the end! ^^

Author’s Note

Hello there, FurryGirlSylvy here! Bringing you back with a fanfic series. This series is about the Blackwatch trio and their mishaps they have in there casual day-to-day life outside of Blackwatch. I started up this series on Wattpad and Overwatch Amino, and I decided to share it on Tumblr!

One peaceful day, Overwatch members had absolutely nothing on their hands. Why, not a single thing has happened over the week.

  Of course, that means time to enjoy leisurely fun! Yet…Gabe had no idea what to do. It’s like he forgot how to function like a human being outside of Overwatch.

  At least Genji had a bright idea of going outside and “enjoy nature”.

  Gabe scoffed. “This is such a stupid idea…” A simple stroll down the neighborhood wasn’t a great idea of “enjoying nature”, especially when there is no nature to begin with. Everywhere he saw was pure concrete and not a single speck of life. Even not a single person roamed this place.

  “God…This place is more barren then McCree’s love life,” Gabe muttered and threw his hood over his head. The cowboy didn’t come yet since he was trying to “romance” Mercy, even though she clearly has no interest in him.

  “I know, commander, but what else is there to do in such a small settlem-” Genji was interrupted by a sudden noise.

  “Mm?” Gabe turned around. A little chihuahua continuously barked at the two men.

  “Heh…Cute.” A light smile spread across the commander’s face.

  “Looks like we have taken an interest in a little creature,” Genji said.

  Loud clanking footsteps could be heard from behind them. They turned to see the cowboy running up to them.

  “Took you long enough, cowman,” The ninja mumbled.

  “I know! I know!” McCree hunched over, huffing and puffing as he tried to catch his breath. His speech was mighty quick to get his story out. “Ya should of seen Mercy’s face. She was playin hard to get from ignorin me, but she was so red from me flirtin with her and-”

  McCree saw the little chihuahua sitting in the middle of the road. The cute pupper was nicely groomed and it’s little tail wagging in excitement. Tiny teeth, button nose, and shiny baby doll eyes.

  Yet…All McCree saw was long, serrated teeth. Giant claws that can rip flesh, matted brown fur. And especially…Those beady and dark eyes that resembled satan, glowing red at the cowboy.

“Jesus Christ…It’s Jason Bourne." 

  McCree stepped back, his skin turning whiter than chalk.

  Gabe smirked and took it as an opportunity. "Oh?~” He cooed. “Got a snake in your boot, cowboy?”

  “D-dogs!” McCree’s voice began to crack. “Oh my goodness! I despise them! Those little monsters can bite yer hand clean off!”

  Genji pointed at the chihuahua and in chuckled. “That innocent creature bites?”

  “D-don’t call it innocent! That’s what it wants ya to think. Since it’s a dog, it’ll bite.”

  “McCree, relax. It won’t,” Gabe said.

“It will!" 

  "No, it won’t,” Genji and Gabe said in unison.

“It will!”

  Gabe rolled his eyes and sighed. He was now getting fed up with the cowboy’s over the top fear of dogs. He went over to the pupper and kneeled infront of it, both Blackwatch men watching.

  “G-Gabe! No! D-”

  McCree was silenced by a glare from Gabe. “Quit your whining! This dog won’t bite.” He looked at the chihuahua and it kept barking, yet its voice was high pitch and small. “Why, it’s just a chihuahua. Chihuahuas are all bark, and no bite. They think they’re all tough, but they are weak.” He extended his hand to pet the tiny pupper. “They’re my country’s native dog, and so I should know-”

  The dog bit his hand.

  Gabe didn’t realized it at first. But pain surged through his body, making an all mighty power build up in his body. And then…


  A huge red beam burst out of the Latino’s mouth as he used every ounce of air in his lungs as if he busted a n@#!$. The beam grew brighter than the sun, and shot towards the sky until infinity.

  After for what seems like forever, Gabe finally stopped. He bend over on his knees and clutched his hand bitten hand. He whimpered as he rested his head on the concrete road.

  Genji and McCree shuttered in absolute horror in what they witnessed. Gabe was their leader. THEIR TOP DOG! If he is defeated mercilessly by a puny pup, that what makes them?!

 Of course, McCree was absolutely traumatized. He kept still, eyes showing the most white as he stared at the Chihuahua, still barking. "Oh my lord, oh my lord, oh my lord, oh my lord, oh my lord…” He rambled over and over non-stop.

  Genji snapped out of it, but his voice was still shaky. “M-maybe that chihuahua did it in self-defense. M-maybe that is just Gabe playing a mind t-trick on the creature.”

  “A-are ya sure?!” McCree asked. He could always trust his best friend, right?!

  “Y-yeah! You see?” Genji pointed at the chihuahua.

  It was sniffing Gabe and didn’t bark anymore, appreciating Gabe’s submission and taking an interest in him.

 McCree was able to clam down a bit. “Ah…”

  “Everything is gonna be ok. As long as we don’t go near it and-” Genji paused.

  A white, puffy, and mini poodle had sneaked up on the cyborg and bit him behind his leg.


  "Genji?” McCree asked.


  A green laser shot out of Genji’s mouth. The laser split an abandoned building in half, making it crumble to the ground.

  Soon, the ninja tumbled to the ground and gripped his bitten leg, rolling around and squealing. Tears running down his mask.

  "G-Genji! G-Gabe!” McCree couldn’t stop shaking and watched the two men in pain.
Then…More dogs emerged from the alleyways and any possible object. Their teeth baring, and fur spiking up along their backs. They started to surround the Blackwatch men in a huge circle. There was no place to hide…

  Gabe and Genji gained their consciousness, but they felt like they were better off the way they were once they saw the dogs.

  “Lord! Help us!” They all said in unison as they hugged each other.

  Then…A ray of heavenly light divided the clouds. God’s face appeared between the cracks of the clouds. “How about…” He paused.

  The men’s eyes glimmered with hope as they waited for his answer.


  God quickly shouted and then closed the ripples among the clouds.

  "God! WHY?!” They said in unison as they watched the dogs surround them.

  While he let the men confront the dogs by themselves, God sat at his desk. He turned on his computer and tablet. “Like I got time to solve everyone’s problems. It is time for some ME time…Me enjoying my Roblox and Minecraft, hehehe." 

  Eventually, the men did find a hiding spot…A pole. They had crawled all the way to the top, and holding onto it for dear life. Dogs continuously barked up the pole from the bottom.

  "Never again, Genji….never again,” Gabe said.

  “Agreed!” Genji immediately said. This was his worst idea ever…

  “G-Gabe?! What are we gonna do now?” McCree looked at him for hope.

  The commander sighed. “I have to do what I dislike the most.” He whipped out his phone while he let one hand clinging to the pole. “Hey, Jack…Can we get back up?”

 "What for?“ Jack’s voice could be heard mumbling on the phone.

  "Dogs…Very dangerous dogs.”

  Jack was sighed. “I’ll bring backup right away…” He hung up and immediately pinched the bridge of his nose. “They are always calling for help for the most stupidest situations, but never during missions…Idiots…”

~ The End ~
