#blame it on the summertime


Blame it on the summertime part 1

Miles Kane x reader x Alex Turner (platonic)

Summary: When a creativity block forced you out of the country and out of your comfort zone, making you travel completely alone, you realized that this might have been the best decision of your life.
Warnings: cigarettes and alcohol, slight anxiety and mention of a panic attack
Words: 3,7K

Blame it on the summer time part 1

Going on a vacation alone wasn’t something you would do very fast but here we are in Ibiza all alone. You needed another surrounding and a different town in your country wouldn’t do anymore. You needed a different country and apparently a last minute ticket for Ibiza and a shared Villa was the cheapest. You didn’t knew the people who you would share the villa with but decided to get out of your comfort zone and just go.

For a while you had a creativity block and couldn’t really get rid off. You were a multimedia designer and currently working for an upcoming band. Once you were at the festival they were playing for, you grabbed the attention from other people who wanted you to work for them as well and you did. But the block really made you stuck in your life, so you booked a ticket, grabbed your stuff and your computer and decided to work from somewhere else, which wouldn’t be a problem at all.

You were lying if you weren’t anxious and it would just build up in a full blown panic attack at the airport. You went to a quite place and tried to gather yourself. You were completely pulled out of it when you saw a familiar face. Miles fucking Kane. Your favorite artist ever. You saw him walking with a car and suitcases on it. He was with one friend and the Alex Turner, who was taking some pictures with fans, while Miles waited and looked your way, seemingly pulling all the air out of your lungs as you quietly gasped. He smiled at you, which you automatically returned. You wanted to walk up to him and ask for a picture but seemed stuck on the bench you were sitting on.

He walked away and that was when you realized you just saw Miles Kane in Ibiza…. The world can be so small and never have you been happier about it. Your phone pinged, letting you know that your uber arrived. You stood up and tried to gather yourself some more, knowing you would soon meet the people in the villa and sincerely hoping you would get along with them and that they would be nice.

You greeted your driver as he helped you with your stuff. You got in the car and made some small talk with the driver and he gave you some very useful tips for your trip here. You stared out of the window as a spark of excitement went through your body when you saw the beach and the ocean. Apparently the villa was linked to the beach. You would also have a big pool outside and a big place to sit there. They didn’t call it a villa for nothing…

The ride was about 30 minutes and you tipped the man. He also gave you some good tips for where to eat and some nice clubs along side beach clubs. He helped you with your suitcase and gave you the key to the residence. You walked in the big villa and entered. It seemed that there were already people inside and you felt your anxiety along with social anxiety go to the rough. You heard a familiar voice but couldn’t place it in your head yet.

You placed your suitcase by the stairs and gathered yourself and your nerves before walking to the backside. There was music playing and the vibe was nice as far as you could tell. You walked out, only to be met with the one and only Alex Turner. You were staring as he looked at you with a grin, waiting for you to speak but you were gob smacked. You looked to the other people and made eye contact with the kindest brown eyes you ever saw from none other than the only Miles Kane. He was smiling as well at you. Everyone went quite, waiting for you to say something.

“Hey! You must be Y/N! I’m Zachery but you can call me Zach! We’re sharing the villa right?” he pulled you out of the trance which you were very grateful of. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m Y/N.” you told him kindly with a smile as you gave him a hand. You turned around towards Alex and gave him a hand as well. He still had that grin on his face and it felt like you could just bury yourself then and there. He made eye contact with Miles who shook his head with a smile. “Hi, I’m Alex and that’s Miles over there.” he told you pointing towards Miles. You smiled and gave him a hand as well. When you made eye contact, he looked intently at you. You could tell he was thinking as if he recognized you, which could be. You’ve met him two times before after a show of his. You could see the ball drop in his head and he smiled warmly at you, which you returned. He didn’t say that he knew you just yet and you weren’t sure that he would.

“So, what do you want to drink? We’ve got many things to make you a cocktail if you want. We also have wine, beer and just normal drinks. So what’s your poison.” He asked you. You chuckled “Surprise me.” you told him and he smiled. “Alright, coming right up!” he walked inside after you thanked him. “I’ll show ya, yer room.” Miles told you, surprising Alex. “Oh, thank you.” you were a little surprised as he stood up and walked past you, giving you a warm smile.

He walked to the stairs, getting your suitcase along. “Oh you don’t have to do that Miles, I got it.” he turned around “Don’t wurry luv, I got it. Ya must be tired from tha flight.” He was always very kind when you would meet him but it still surprised you. You followed him upstairs and saw that he was wearing shorts and a blouse. “This is meh room, that one is Alex’s and that one is Zach.” He pointed out while you nodded. He showed you the way and walked you up to your room until he turned around.

“Don’t mind meh askin…But we’ve met before aven’t we?” he asked you and you felt your cheeks heat up. You looked shyly to the ground “Yeah, I’ve been to your show 2 times. I really like your music and I’ve met you after the show.” you saw the smile on his face grow bigger. “I thought so. You looked very familiar. Thank ya for the luv ya know! Really appreciate it!” he told you, making you smile. You wanted to ask for a hug but didn’t want Miles to feel uncomfortable. “It’s nice to see ya again babe! Can I give ya a hug?” He asked you, making you smile even brighter “Yeah, absolutely!” He gave you a short hug, making you long for more. “Well I’ll see ya downstairs! I’m glad we’re sharin the villa with ya! We gonna ave a blast!” he told you before walking downstairs with a smile plastered on his face.

You stood in front of your room, a little starstruck at what just happened and what would happen in the future. You were beyond excited to share a villa with your favorite artist the one and only Miles Kane and Alex Turner.

You walked into your room, which was just beautiful. You had a big bed and a balcony with the view of the ocean. You could hear the music and the boys as the balcony was overlapping them. You placed your suitcase down and quickly changed into some more comfortable things. You texted your friends and family that you’ve landed and about who you shared the villa with before walking downstairs again.

Zach was still in the kitchen, making the cocktails for everybody. “You like your room?” he asked you sincere. “Yeah, it’s amazing!” he smiled and handed you the cocktail, walking outside with you. Miles smiled at you, making you feel flustered. Alex eyed the two of you and chuckled slightly. You sat down on the couch and sipped your cocktail. “Oh this is really good.” You told Zach, who chuckled “Thank you, thank you it’s a talent.” He playfully said, making everybody chuckle.

Miles got a cigarette, offering one to Alex, you and Zach. You took one, making eye contact again and he smiled warmly. This man is going to be the death of you this vacation. “Wha brings you ere, if I might ask?” Alex asked you interested. “A creativity block.” You chuckled slightly and they waited for you to continue. “I’m a multimedia designer and right now I’m doing a lot for different bands, like leading there social media, filming videoclips and editing them, making posters and business cards for them. Also photograph a lot for them and stuff but lately my creativity is lacking a lot and hoped that a different surrounding would maybe help with that you know? Like seeing different things and hoping that that would stimulate my creativity.” You told them honest. They looked intrigued at you.

“Well, I’m a photographer myself so if you need help with that I can help.” He told you. “Thank you, that would be lovely.” You told him “So ya’re all alone here?” Miles asked you softly. “Yeah… It’s a little out of my comfort zone…. Well actually a lot but sometimes you need to do that.” You told them and they nodded in understanding. “Well, ya’re always welcome with us.” Alex told you and Miles nodded. “Thank you! That’s very nice and comforting.” You chuckled feeling shy and a little overwhelmed. “This is actually my first time traveling alone so it makes me a little nervous.” You told them honestly.

“That’s quite understandable.” Zach told you. “We’re actually going to eat dinner later somewhere. Want to come along?” Miles asked you his voice glanced with hope. You didn’t want to disturb there vacation and be a burden so you were doubting until Alex spoke up. “We would like it if ya would come along. We can use some femininity here so it would be nice ya know.” he told you, taking away the feeling of being a burden. “In that case, I would love to!” Everyone smiled and you all chatted along. You were getting along great with them and it felt like you’ve known them for years, taking away all the anxiety. They made you feel incredibly welcome even so much that you felt more welcome here with them than with your family.

You were all laughing a lot and it really felt like you were a part of their friend group and you actually were but that was still a little hard to believe. “I should go to the store. Do you know where it is?” you asked them. “Yeah, I’ll walk with ya. Need some cigarettes any way.” Miles told you and Alex grinned again. You smiled at Miles and nodded while you both stood up. You got your linen bag, keys, phone and wallet.

Miles opened the door for you and walked next to you while leading the way. “I meant it when I told ya that it was nice to see ya again ya know.” he told you sincere. You smiled “Yeah, I can’t really comprehend that I’m sharing a villa with my favorite artist you know, let alone walking to the store together.” You chuckled a little embarrassed. Miles stopped walking for a moment, getting the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. You realized that you slept up and felt completely embarrassed right now.

“I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” You told him but he kept smiling “I’m your favorite artist?” you looked up in surprise at him. “Well… yeah I mean… Your music is great but when you perform you do it with so much passion and emotion… no other artist had that effect on me but you do.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Oh my god bahebe. That means a lot to me realleh!” he told you, pulling you into a hug. You chuckled “Well, thank you… Your music helped me in many ways.” You told him as you continued walking.

You had to walk up a stair and walk over the rocks, which felt like a hike. You were chatting about music and you both were enthusiast about it, talking fast like there wasn’t even enough time and you could feel a spark between the two of you. “Oi babe, wait. Let meh walk in front. Is a bit tricky here. Been ere before.” he told you and grabbed your hand so he could help you over the rocks. If you would be on top of one, he would hold both of your hands and help you down. His hands were soft and you never wanted to let go. Apparently neither did he as you kept walking hand in hand and continued chatting.

It didn’t took long in the store as you grabbed the things you needed along side Miles. The trip back went just as the trip to the store. You both talked about almost everything and continued chatting while you walked into the villa. Alex looked at Zach with a grin, which he returned. You all drank some more cocktails outside until it was time to get dressed for dinner. You wore a nice, casual yet sexy dress and put your Dr. Martens on and fixed your make-up a little bit. You walked out of your room at the same time as Miles. His room was next to yours. You both stared at each other in awe. He was wearing a white blouse with black jeans. The blouse fitted very nicely and showed off his muscles. He was wearing something around his arms over the blouse. It was golden jewelry. It was like a bracelet but then around your upper arm. “Babe… Ya look amazin….” He told you as he checked you out. You felt flustered. “Well, have you seen yourself? You look amazing as well!” you complimented him. You swore you could see him blush.

He offered his arm for you and you wrapped your arm in his before walking downstairs and let go when you arrived downstairs. You were the first to be the done so you waited for Alex and Zach. Normally you would have a lot to talk about but there was a noticeable tension between the two of you, both feeling shy and flustered around each other. Alex hopped down the stairs and noticed the tension between the both of you. He eyed Miles with a smirk and looked away.

After Alex came down, it didn’t took long before Zach walked downstairs as well and all made your way to a restaurant/beach club next to the beach. You all climbed your way over the rocks and obviously Miles helped you once again, not wanting you to hurt yourself. Unfortunately there wasn’t an easier way to get to the beach, unless you want to walk for over an hour.  

Once you finally arrived in town, which you had to go through in order to get to the beach in this case, you looked your eyes out. There were people everywhere and you were overstimulated. Miles softly grabbed your arm to get your attention, since you weren’t really looking where you were going. You looked at him and he gave you a kind, warm smile before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulled you gently against his side. You took his hand in yours which rested on your shoulder and walked with him. It didn’t took long before some fans to come up to Alex and Miles, asking for a picture.

Miles reluctantly let go of you but you gave him a reassuring nod and smile before standing next to Zach so the fans could have their moment with their attention. Zach looked at you with a grin, hinting towards the fans, making you chuckle. “Happens all the time.” Zach commented. “I could understand that. But it’s nice you know. That their music such an impact on people.” Zach agreed with you as you both waited patiently for them to be done.

After 15 minutes they said their goodbyes before more fans would come up to them. Besides you were all pretty hungry at the moment. Miles placed his arm around your shoulder again and you held his hand which was incredibly soft and made your heart flutter. In all fairness, everything he did at this point made your heart flutter. Some fans made pictures and videos of the four of you.

When you finally arrived, the sun was already setting. Miles pulled the chair out for you like a gentleman. You thanked him and he sat down next to you. Everyone got their menu card and looked at the various different foods they had. You ordered a sangria which Miles thought was a good idea and ordered one too and all ordered your food. You were chatting with Alex who was very interested in your work and you showed some pictures and told him where your journey had started.

Alex was very impressed by your work, which made the rest interested in it as well. You showed your work and they were all a little stunned by it. “Ya’know, if ya ave time and stuff, Maybeh ya can work for us.. of course we’ll pay ya.” Miles asked you carefully. Alex nodded, completely agreeing with Miles. You were taken by surprise “Are you kidding me? I would absolutely love to!” They smiled and shared their ideas with you.

When the food arrived, Miles took his phone out for his Instagram and filmed the table with the food on it and then Alex after that Zach and then you. “What’s ya insta babe?” Miles asked you so he could tag you in it. He gave you his phone and you searched your name, tagging yourself in it. Miles immediately followed you and saw that you were already following him. He looked at you with a smile and tucked his phone away again. Zach and Alex eyed each other quickly knowing that the both of you had a connection.

You all ate your food, while chatting in between. You told you some crazy tour stories, making you laugh and Miles laughed some more when you did and couldn’t take his eyes off of you.  Alex and Zach knew damn well that Miles liked you and was very attracted to you. They could see that you felt the same way and how you had an instant connection with him that they haven’t seen before. The only thing they were curious about was how long it was going to take the two of you to admit it.

After dinner you all had some drinks at the beach club where they were playing some music. You felt complete at that moment. This was your dream and here you were living it. You all agreed to go swimming tomorrow and you couldn’t wait, happiness overflowing your heart and you haven’t felt this great in years, losing all the weight that you’ve carried around for so long. You all laughed a lot and took many pictures and videos, along side with Miles. You were all pretty buzzed and jetlagged since they arrived today as well and decided to go back to the villa, knowing you still had a lot of evenings left to go out and party.

Miles helped you on the rocks again and you finally arrived at the villa. You gave them all a hug, whishing them a good night before you walked upstairs. Miles’s eyes followed you when you walked up the stairs. Alex chuckled and swatted his best friend on the arm, grabbing his attention. That’s when Miles knew that Alex knew and he wasn’t so subtle after all. His cheek had gotten completely red and Miles laughed a little embarrassed.

You got into your room and freshened up before getting into bed and having some good night sleep. You went through your phone before going to sleep and opened Instagram. You had gotten a lot of followers in a short time, all fans of Alex and Miles. You went through Miles’s stories and couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face, feeling butterflies in your stomach again as the realization sat in. You placed your phone in the charger and tried to get some sleep.

~next morning~

You woke up, feeling a little disoriented and felt like everything was a dream until you looked around. Excitement already setting in and replacing the tiredness. You knew you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep again. You looked at the time on your phone, seeing it was 9 o’clock in the morning. It was a nice time, you thought and stepped out of bed, changing into your bikini and put a dress on and freshened up in your own bathroom before walking downstairs with your laptop you already heard some music coming from downstairs, hinting that someone was already awake. You saw Miles in the kitchen, the door to the backyard already open he was wearing shorts again and a shirt with only one button holding it together and teasing his abs from underneath.

Miles turned around from the sound. He got a big smile on his face when he saw you. “Good morning” you said happily. “Good morning luv. Sleep well?” he asked you, his voice was husk from sleep and his scouse accent coming through while he was making coffee. “Yeah slept great actually and you?” you asked him and he couldn’t stop smiling. “Good, a little short but it was good.” He replied. He signed at the coffee if you wanted some. “Yeah thanks!” you told him and walked outside with your laptop, opening it. Miles kept looking at you but you didn’t really notice it since you finally had some ideas for the bands you worked for.

Part 2
