#bleach imagines



Shinji Hirako


Anyone else not listed just ask



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’ll be posting fanfics/headcanons about Naruto and Bleach characters! These will be character/character, character/reader, or character/OC posts!

This blog will contain NSFW content, so if you aren’t above the age of 18, please do not interact by reblogging/liking or reading the content on this blog. Thank you. <3

*This blog is NOT a safe space if you are homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, racist, or a MAP/pedophile.*


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Guidelines/What I Will & Won’t Do

 Tag System◥
m’s scribbles: Fanfictions that are not requests.
m’s journal: Updates/life posting.
m’s answers: Non-anon answered asks/requests
m’s nonny answers: Anon answered asks/requests
Mission Board: Ask memes/prompts

Hi! I missed having an active ask blog, so I made one for Naruto & Bleach!! Go give it a follow and request some things if y'all would like!!

Byakuya Kuchiki x F! Reader ~ The Monarch Butterfly (part 1)

  • a/n: initially a self insert story, but I thought maybe someone will like to enjoy it too so I wrote it in the x reader format! Though reader has orange hair (like i do) but besides that pretty much no other special traits. This work is the first part of a series that tell the story of my OC! Then again remember you can read it too as it’s on a x reader format!
  • tw: a little bit of angst regarding Byakuya and Hisana. completely sfw.
  • wc: 2.9k
  • I drew Byakuya with the butterfly myself for the banner, excuse my lack of artistic skills :P

Special thanks to @the-witch-of-one-piece for giving me the idea of visiting a botanic garden with him! I love you, babe!

Is not that Byakuya doesn’t know how the living world looked like, but he never really cared about his surroundings every time he went there.

The Senkaimon doors opened and after running through the Dangai, as the Kōtotsu happened to be cleaning the place, you two are finally in the world of the living. As always, the city of Karakura seems lively and nobody is aware of your existence until you wear your Gigai.

And the reason why you two are visiting the place is in fact because Urahara Kisuke has communicated you your new Gigai are ready to be picked and tried.

“Captain? Do you think it’s gonna look like the old one?” you ask him to at least have a conversation while you walk to Urahara’s shop. “I hope so, though you are the only one able to tell” he murmurs, fixing his sight straight towards the path you are taking. Byakuya doesn’t smile often and doesn’t waste his time to enjoy his surroundings. Yet, he is aware of everything that might represent a danger or a possible fight.

You, the third place in the sixth squad walk always right next to him ready to receive his orders, yet with eyes that scan the beauty of a lively different society. “Yeah… I think so…” you mumble in response to his short words. But how much you wish he would know your body just as you do.

Right around the corner is Kisuke’s store, but you two take your time to meet a little boy who apparently has lost his way towards Soul Society. Byakuya, as serious as possible takes Senbonzakura and without much explanation gets ready to perform the needed Konsō to the poor, scared kid.

“Captain! He is scared!” you stop him, because the blade of his cherry blossom Zanpakuto is about to make his way towards the forehead of the child.  “So? He needs to transmute, (Name)”.

“Can I do it?” you ask him while wiping the tears off the kid’s cheeks. “Ok, I will go ahead and pick up the Gigai in the meantime”

As Byakuya walks his way towards his final destination, you crunch next to the little child. Dark hair and big grey eyes reminds you of a little version of your captain. “Hi, honey. Listen, this won’t hurt. You will be going to a better place, and I promise that we will meet there, ok?” you swear to him. “But before…What’s your name?”

“Hoshi” he mutters in between sniffles. The name Hoshi, meaning star reminds you even more of Byakuya… he is a midnight sun…

“Fine Hoshi, this won’t hurt. Just close your eyes and you will be soon somewhere else”

The kid has now turned into a beautiful black butterfly and his soul is safe traveling towards the Soul Society. You take a time to process the fact that a child so young has passed away and wonder if you will be able to find him once you are back home.

The bustling sounds of the city distract you enough not to see the person right in front of you. Your face buries on a black cloth covered chest. “DAMN!” you shout, scared because you, in your soul body, have bumped into another person.

“Officer?” he asks, grabbing your arms. And soon you realize is no other than your captain. “Oh… Captain! I’m sorry, I…” you stutter, inevitably blushing as your body was still pressed against his.

“I was looking for you, I’m already wearing my Gigai. Come on, people will think I’m crazy for speaking to the nothingness” he commands, and you take the last words as an unsettling speech.

Nothingness… nothingness my ass.

Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin salutes you as you enter the store. Byakuya waits outside as the relationship between he and Yoruichi has never made him comfortable, and you wonder if there was another reason besides the cat woman being a pain in his ass. But, in your case, Yoruichi is a dear friend… in fact, she was the one who gave you the red ribbon you always use to tie your hair.

After laughing and catching up with them you try your faux body on. As always, Kisuke has made a perfect replica and you are ready to become noticeable in the world of the living.

“Thank you, guys!” you bow and get out of the store where Byakuya waits for you leaning over the side of the store. He is watching in silent as Ururu plays with Jinta and his constant frown doesn’t abandon his face for nothing in this world. Byakuya has a deep sadness, and his heart closed, almost like a hollow.

Your captain acknowledges you with a nod and begins to walk. But Yoruichi, knowing him since he was a child wants to have fun -and maybe help you out-. “Byakuya-bo!” she appears in front of him using Shunpo just to piss him off. “ Yoruichi Shihoin… what do you want?” he asks, annoyed with a twitching eyelid.

She laughs and hands him two pieces of paper. “Here, take this poor girl to the Botanical Garden for once. You will have to get used to your gigai for a couple of hours before coming back to the Seireitei” she lies, well aware Byakuya is not an idiot but hoping his boyfriend would speak up for her to continue with the lie.

“Right, Kuchiki-san! I forgot to tell you! It’s really important for you to stay at least a couple of hours in the world of the living so your gigai get used to the use!” Kisuke also lies, but since he is a genius Byakuya trusts in him.

You narrowing your eyes remain silent and comply to their lie. Yoruichi, and probably Kisuke too, know about your crush with your captain and even if you had stated that he will never be with you she would always try to push some buttons to help you.

“Ok… (Name), do you wanna go here?” Byakuya asks showing the two tickets. A huge smile forms on your lips as you read the papers, “Botanical Garden: Sunset, Flowers and Butterflies Event”. You nod, like a child, excited for such fun proposal. And after saying goodbye to your cupids, you walk in silence with Byakuya towards the Botanical Garden of Karakura Chó.  

Byakuya gives you the tickets as he walks and ignores the people’s stare. “Uh… captain, why did you choose a formal suit for your gigai?” you ask, because he looks like as if he was ready to attend the Oscars. His hair, untied flows with the wind and of course he is not wearing his Kenseikan nor his Ginpaku.

He stops and looks at you rather confused. One of his brows lifts, and his head tilts a little to the side. “Isn’t this what humans wear nowadays? I’m actually surprised about your outfit… is that… a dress?” he asks, maybe insinuating something about the length of your clothes.

“Uh… it’s ah- you look good captain” you decide it’s worthless to explain him about the differences between modern formal wear and casual, so you just opt for the compliment. Compliment that kinda make your cheeks turn on fire.

Byakuya nods and continues walking. “You look good, too”.

That’s it, your heart finally stops. Did he just… say I looked good? You shake your head a few times and follow him as he walks so nonchalantly through the streets of that highly spiritual city. His hair flows with the soft breeze of the autumn, and you can’t help but enjoy the beautiful work of art he is.

When you finally get there, there isn’t a huge line but no more than two sweet couples in love waiting to enter. Byakuya looks at them, but his stare soon looks away. You notice, it’s heart rending. It’s not that he is not open to love, it’s that not enough time can heal the pain of losing his lover, Hisana.

“Captain? Would you like to come back? I-“ you whisper, grazing his forearm feeling an oppressing need to cry in your chest.

You cried and smiled when you knew he was getting married, because he was your love, your forever love. You also cried, cried so much when Hisana died. The many days he wouldn’t come to the squad, when you were just the 9th place, and he was just a trainee. The way his eyes turned from brilliant stars in the night to sad, dull ones… he lose his heart, he said. And you kept it close forever…

“Urahara said we should spend some time here, why you wanna go back?” he asks, unaware you were able to read every expression of his countenance. More than a century looking at him from afar… more than a century learning about him. “Oh, uh… let’s stay then”

Byakuya looks at your hand resting over his arm but doesn’t say anything. You, as always, following his eyes realize he is in fact watching you touch him and quickly try to take your hand off him. But he stops you. Without any word, he grabs you tightly, and offers you his forearm. Like a true prince, dressed in formal wear, and like a princess wearing a short pink dress you walk with him to the entrance of the botanical garden.

“Tickets?” an old woman asks before you are allowed to go inside. “Y-yes. Here” you stutter, in heaven and excited because you are actually walking grabbing Byakuya’s arm.

The old lady checks the tickets and opens a little wooden door for you to pass. “Please enjoy! You make a beautiful couple” she says and asks Byakuya to stay there for a second. You keep walking, happy for the compliment but annoyed as you had to let go of him. The lady comes closer to him and as if she was telling him a secret, she whispers; “Sir, if you are planning something you can always tell us, and we will help you out… that suit could only mean one thing”

You can see the way his steel eyes with a hint of pink slowly narrow, he is either thinking or annoyed and you only pray for that lady not to ruin the moment. But he simply nods and thanks her and walks towards you. “Well, let’s see what’s this about” he simply says, offering you again his arm.

You smile like an idiot, and lovingly grab his forearm.

The grass underneath your feet feels cold and wet but it’s not uncomfortable, in fact it shows how perfect the gigai works. It makes you feel alive, really alive. As for your captain, he is for the first time looking at his surroundings. Byakuya is discovering the beautiful variety of plants and trees all around. He is used to cherry blossoms, but not to the rest.

All hues of green, pink, red, lilac, even blue flowers sprouting from beautiful paths of soil. “Oh… this…” he mumbles, pulling you out the awe of such perfect place. The sun is on its deathbed, and it slowly starts falling behind the horizon bathing the whole place in lilac and orangey tones.

Byakuya sometimes, even if he considers his surroundings are beautiful, fix his sight on you. You have let go of his arm and are admiring the tulips. The warming colour palette of the sunset tints you and it reflects on Byakuya’s foggy irises and fair skin.

You can suddenly sense a raise in his reiatsu, but he is not in danger. You turn around to catch him staring at you with a soft expression. The hair locks of his fringe play with the breeze and both of you look directly in the eyes. The people pass around you and for some seconds none of you move. The connection feels surreal, but it’s there and the dying sunrays of the afternoon are the only thing that gets in between your distance.

You blink and a little smile appears in the corner of your lips, the pink dress you are wearing is nothing compared to your cheeks. Byakuya does not smile, but he doesn’t take his eyes of you either. His lips remain semi open, and he looks like he was in trance, absolutely caught by your beauty.

You dare to take a single step forward, maybe he wants you to come closer? But it only helps to break the spell. He suddenly shakes his head and looks to the ground with desperate façade. It’s over… the dream is over… but he was looking at you, wasn’t he? And so, you giggle, his cute, embarrassed face makes you so happy.

You decide to turn around to keep looking at the flowers with the biggest smile ever. “Thank you Yoruichi…” you mouth and from your wrist you untie the red cord you always use to tie your hair up in a ponytail. If Byakuya knew who the real owner of that ribbon is…

With your hair up, and red string hanging from your ponytail, you are ready to keep enjoying the place until Byakuya decides to come closer to you. And in fact, he does a few minutes after when you are approaching the roses section.

“Uh… I thought roses were only red?” he asks, this time sincerely interested… or maybe he was just looking for an excuse to talk to you. You look at him with a smile, and then again to the flowers in front of you. “Here says that there are as many colours as the florist desires, they tint them with water and dye” you inform him, sensing how his reiatsu grows stronger once again. You can feel it on your skin, but it’s not uncomfortable, nor oppressing. It feels warming and as he was hugging you.

“Ah… I see” he mumbles, looking at the same flowers over and over again from over your shoulder. You take a quick glance at his lips, still barely touching. When Byakuya is serious and concentrated he keeps them seal tight, sometimes even squeezing them a little. But not now.

Something in the back catches your attention, a place called “Mariposas house”. Mariposas… oh! Butterflies!

“Captain! Let’s go, you will like this” you suddenly tell him, acting on an impulse and pulling for his hand. As you walk and Byakuya follows you completely confused, you can feel the softness of his skin disrupted by a little scar in the centre of his palm. You quickly remember his last fight against that Fullbringer and the way he grabbed some of Senbonzakura’s blade with his own hand… he is such a fighter.

Once you get to the door of a place that looks like a vivarium, you tell Byakuya to follow you in. Inside, besides many plants beautiful butterflies dance in the air with their colourful wings. You know them, of course you do. Not only the black ones, the Hell butterflies, but also the rest. Because every time you visit this world, they follow you everywhere you go.

Taking a look at Byakuya, you found him mesmerized. His lips are now open, and his eyes absorb the colours of their wings. He is not able to speak, and you would say he looks like a little child discovering something beautiful for the first time.

The prettiest Monarch butterfly, with bright orange wings poses on the tip of his nose. It’s orange like the sunset, orange like the juicy tangerines you like to eat after training with him, orange like your hair. But it’s delicate like his noble manners. Like the petals of his blade, like the way he speaks and like his graze when he lends you a hand to help you stand up after training.

“(Name)… this… this butterfly is… it looks like the brooch…” he chimes, in awe, even crossing his eyes just to take a better look at the insect resting over his nose. “It isn’t black, Captain! It’s a Monarch Butterfly! Like the flowers, their wings are different colours!” you tell him, ignoring the last part of his sentence and coming closer to inspect the funny butterfly, thinking he is completely absorbed by the fact there are another types of butterflies besides the Hell ones you are all used to.

Closer, closer you get to him. On tippy toes as he is taller than you. Your grab his arm, but you notice he is not able to speak now. His eyes get watery. There is no way Byakuya is afraid of a butterfly, it must be another reason…

“I- I can’t believe it… I thought…” he stutters, and you see a little tear falling from the corner of his eye to his cheek. “Captain…?” you whisper, tilting your head to see what’s going on.

The butterfly flies away and posses this time on the crown of your head. Byakuya follows it and finally lands his eyes on you. “Why are you crying, Byakuya-sama?” you ask, calling him for his name instead of captain. But Byakuya never answers, and instead he hugs you tightly.

The butterfly flies away, far, far away into the sky scaping from the little opening the glass ceiling has. “Thank you, Hisana…” he mumbles, and hugs you even harder. The warm embrace of his arms feels so caring and freeing, and soon you remember all butterflies bring messages from your loved ones…

“I promise I will take care of him, Hisana-sama…”  


This is just an unpolished blergh of feelings post thatchapter. I haven’t edited it and it has next to no plot. I might rewrite it at some point. Also to make @among-the-twinkling-stars suffer. <3 

Warning:This contains heavy spoilers for the 20th anniversary one-shot published by Tite Kubo. 

TW: depression, alcohol, grief, guilt, death.


Shunsui Kyoraku

The grave has become his regular drinking spot over the last dozen years. It isn’t the same, of course, but he still gets to tell Nanao that he is going for a drink with Ukitake after work.

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This fic wrecked me.

First off I don’t know how I missed this but strangely I dreamt that @sexintheseireitei had posted and when I woke up I found that they actually had! Omg!

Anyway…my i-just-woke-up rambling aside…this fic destroyed me. Such delicious angst. Reading your writing is like reading poetry the kind that breaks my heart in the best way!


Soutaicho’s Secret Admirer (Shunsui x Reader) — Part 5/6

Author’s Note:

It should be noted that this story is almost coming to a close…I’m sad to stop writing about Shunsui but it’s time to wrap this one up. So there’s maybe 1 or 2 more parts left.

Warning:A bit of smut ahead. One can only be seduced endlessly for so long without something happening about it.

ReadPart 1,Part 2 , Part 3  and Part 4first!


Uncharacteristically, Shunsui was late to arrive at the office. It was almost ten in the morning when he finally strolled in. Nanao would have admonished him without a thought but the dark circles beneath his eyes revealed he had already had a terrible night. She didn’t want to make it a terrible morning as well.

Shunsui didn’t have the excuse of drunken debauchery at some late night party for his tardiness. The last party he’d been to had been Lisa-chan’s Valentine’s Day celebration and that was over two weeks ago.

It was more or less about how his loneliness and melancholy had kept him up late into the night. Something he definitely didn’t want to burden sweet Nanao-chan about.

He had found himself strolling randomly in seireitei at around three in the goddamn morning because simply staying in his bed staring at his ceiling felt impossible. He didn’t have these kind of difficult nights too often but when he did have them, they were quite terrible.

Sure, he missed Juu. But his loneliness was a bit more than that this time.

It has been over two weeks since he had received anything from his beloved Secret Admirer. Fourteen whole days of complete silence from her was quite unusual, and he felt it acutely. Where was she?

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Reblogging this before the final installment gets posted this weekend!
