#block me if you dont agree


This post is dedicated to everyone bitching about the removal of the female sign on sanitary products because it is PISSING ME OFF. First, lemme start by saying that it’s FUCKING NOT ABOUT YOU, get your heads out of your asses. (Warning some of this may be a but gross, sorry it’s not my usual posting but needs to be said)

I am a female, born female, I have a vagina, I fucking bleed out of it. I do not CARE what is on my sanitary packages because it’s there to help me deal with the massacre that comes out of my body every month. It does not change me being a female or “takes away my femininity” by removing a female related sign, and I’m sorry but if you believe your womanliness is being taken away by a sign being removed? You need to fucking reevaluate yourself. I identify as a woman, therefore I’m a fucking woman.

Reason two, aka the ACTUAL FUCKING REASON FOR REMOVING THE SIGN, is for trans and NB individuals, not. You. Tell me, every day you wake up, do you have people misgendering you, telling you you’ll NEVER be what you identify as? No, so shut the fuck up. Every day transgendered individuals face hell bc of a choice they didn’t get to make (bc some of y’all out there still believe that being trans, not being the body you were born into, is a choice, it’s no more of a choice than the hair colour you were born with) and the female sign for trans men is just another fucking reminder of what they used to be and were born as.

So if you’re out there bitching about a drawing being removed from a package that only relates to being female bc its there to stop blood going everywhere, reevaluate yourself and redirect all this stupid energy into stuff like REMOVING TAXED FROM SANITARY PRODUCTS OR MAKE THEM FREE. This is such a first world fucking problem, some people don’t even have access to pads and tampons. Get. Over. Yourself.
