


I keep seeing these people on my dash either in ppl reblogging from them or their comments having been left on other people’s posts, so here’s a reminder (or news if you didn’t know) for why I don’t wanna see them (and you shouldn’t, either)


reminder to block @/fandomisnotyoursafespace  — tw: p*dophilia / r*pe and there are mentions of racism as well!

op is also acephobic as well!

to an extent, the excuse of ‘its just fiction’ will pass because we can’t expect every character or piece to be without flaws but condoning this with the excuse is gross and its important to remember that our perception of media affects how we are in the real world. there’s more nuance i could go into but god, my brain is tired and its easy to see how messed up this is. i’ll come back and edit the post later.

more instances under the cut!

Keep reading


hey, just a heads up, just had a proshipper follow me, despite having people like them on my dni their url is


please just block, report if you can,, and move on, harrassing him is not helpful
