#blog things



12/10 pure, red and Blobby

Everything I’m going for then ;3

Thanks ~

quick note I wanted to make: when I post a set with a shipping tag like “cloti” it is always meant to be seen as romantic and is meant to be viewed in that context. and if you don’t see them as romantic, I kindly ask you to keep that to yourself and not use those tags on my post explaining how they are best platonic. thank you

so for everyone who obviously hasn’t noticed I am currently trying to do an imagine spam so by all means anyone who has any imagine requests for fandoms I do please send them in and ill try to get to them. I have to be up for several more hours for the new episode of Sandition anyway and I have a lemon drop martini at the ready so let’s do this. Also fuck/marry/kill or as sometimes called bed/wed/behead here on this blog is also up for grabs tonight. I’ll probably regret this when i have to be up bright and early in the morning to deal with a class full of toddlers but hey

Okay so I have an anon who is currently sending me in a bunch of random dialogue prompts and the like. I normally don’t really do these type of things. I do appreciate the love, but this is just not really my thing. Generally I like to have an idea of the character I am writing because how they react and do things would depend on the character.

I am off on a new adventure elsewhere, but do not despair. There are plenty of recipes here for you to try! And who knows, maybe I’ll find myself back here someday- life moves in circles like that sometimes. Just remember…

Treat life like a video game:

Generalize your practical skill stats but when it comes to your passion, taking on the extra challenge to specialize is often worth it.

Just because the world is a PVP server doesn’t mean you have to play that way. Be kind to everyone.

Some things you just can’t do alone. Fill your party with people who love and support you.

Wear your clothing like it’s Tier Armor. Wear your makeup like it’s war paint.

Well Fed and Well Rested are two of the most underrated stat buffs ever. Take advantage of them. 

There is no one “final” boss fight. Use your items, don’t hoard them.

Take the sidequests and find the easter eggs.

When in doubt, consult a strategy guide.

Save often.

I love you all,

<3 B

Hey everyone, how’s things? Things have been crazy and I’ve had a lot of difficult decisions to make. But I wanted to let you know that once I have finished the last reader request, I will be shutting down the blog for a while. I love video games and I love food, that hasn’t changed. The fact of the matter is, I’m trying to improve my skills in other areas and projects (mostly those having to do with art and drawing) and I simply don’t have enough energy to go around. (On top of that, I will be out of country with my SO for some work he’s doing and I have no idea what my schedule or life will be like for the next several months.)

I have enjoyed making video game recipes so much, every time I see food in games it brings a smile to my face. But I do think that, for now, this creative chapter in my life has come to a close. There is always a chance I will return to this realm of food and fiction (funny enough, I am participating in Inktober and my over-arching theme is kitchen witches, ha.), but at this point, it’s time for me to move on. 

I’m not leaving the internet completely, and obviously I will be keeping this site up (and even have backups should something happen to the blog). If you do wish to keep in contact with me you can always follow my normal tumblr, or I will be trying to stay in touch via my art twitterandinstagram.

I love you all so much! This blog, and the connections I have made with all of you through it, has been a wonderful thing in my life. 

Goodnight, but not goodbye. 

<3 B

Just want to thank people for this. Honestly my follower count fluctuates a lot, because I know my posts vary, but this is the first time I’ve really gotten through to 3.3k as I’ve been sitting at 3.2 for months, if not a year. I hope those still with me enjoy things I’m making soon enough.

Hello, All! I am sorry I disappeared for so long. One day became another, and all of the sudden it had been four months. I don’t have good excuses, only that I was very undecided about how to proceed with the blog and so I just avoided it instead of making a decision.

I will be a Pacific Rim fan, a Herc/Chuck shipper, and a Herc/Chuck/Rob/Max lover for life, but the energy and time (and zeal) it took me to run this blog the way I wanted to run it was just not sustainable in the long term. I’m too type A to just reblog a post here and there - I can’t be casual about it. And though my Pacific Rim obsession lasted for a very long time, I’m afraid I will always be the type who eventually moves on to something else in a way that doesn’t leave much room for old passions.

I want to thank all of you for following me, and for making my time in the fandom so pleasant and rewarding. I really put myself out there with some of my edits, meta, headcanons, and silly crack posts and you were always so supportive. I know a lot of you are not into Hansencest and Becketcest, but even though those are such controversial ships I experienced nothing but respect. No one brought any negativity directly to me and that was wonderful. I appreciate that so much.

There are so many of you that I interacted with that I have missed. And even if we didn’t communicate directly, I felt through your notes and your tags that you were fangirling with me. This movie, and these characters and relationships are once in a lifetime.

I put a lot into this blog and I have absolutely no intention of ever deleting. I hope you’ll make use of my tags for checking out old posts if you’re ever in need of more Hansens than your dash is giving you.

I will be posting some of my remaining drafts over the next few weeks. And who knows, I may be back. I may rewatch PR at just the right time in my life and feel like diving back in. Some of my unfinished projects may haunt me so much that I’ll return to finish them. This isn’t a goodbye, necessarily, but I wanted this message to be here and I wanted to express these things. 

I love you all!

Should I make a queue tag? If so please leave some lovely suggestions!

 Template by AsterianMonarch Closing off 2020 with a year in review! Sure was an interesting year lm


Closing off 2020 with a year in review! Sure was an interesting year lmao… It doesn’t really feel like I did a lot, but I think I drew more than I expected and I know I was experimenting a lot this year, which is all I can really ask for.

Some of these examples have yet to be posted, but consider this a preview of sorts LMAO

happy new year’s everyone! 

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