#blossom speaks


Oh my god I sorta miss this god forsaken site. Twitter is much more hellish.

Haven’t played the Arcana is like 2 years, I’m really not interested in tropical astrology anymore either. Honestly I just want to follow funny people, artists, and black people.

Stuff I like I guess:

• Vedic Astrology

• Beastars

• Fashion

• Haikyuu

• Jojo

• Death Note

• Castlevania

• Hades (the game)

• Music artists: Steve Lacy, Chloe x Halle, Tyler the Creator, Doja Cat, Gorillaz

Interact if you like those things/post about them! I need new people to follow

describe yourself with only the pictures you have; you cannot download or search for any new pictures; tag 10 people

I was tagged by @bruisedvylet

I can think of anyone to tag so go wild

Remember when I hated Lucio?? …. the utter DELUSION

Is it only me or does it feel like it’s been FOREVER since an Arcana update. I’m trying to get kith out here!

Despite my continuous hate of Lucio as a human being (especially in Muriel’s route but also in literally everyone’s route) I am in love with him now and IT’S ALL NIX HYDRA’S FAULT (+ALL THE LUCIO CONTENT)

Me even thinking about doing anyone’s reversed route

The Steven Universe Movie was AMAZING *chefs kiss*

Okay I really don’t know how y’all like Lucio I just finished Asra’s route he’s actual garbage age like he’s charming and funny (in the lol he’s so prissy sort of way) sometimes but he’s genuinely a bad person and I can’t imagine Asra’s reaction when you romance him

Me watching everyone fawn over Lucio but I’m still terrified of him
