#blows against empire



“The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has specialized in investigations of the racist right, has detected a disturbing trend that has infested the military. Aryan Nation graffiti has been seen in Baghdad–the latest bit of evidence suggesting that just as left wing cadre often take root in factories, ultra right cadre have come to find the US military quite congenial. In 1996 following a decade long rash of cases where extremists in the military were caught diverting huge arsenals of stolen firearms and explosives to neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations, conducting guerilla training for paramilitary racist militias, and murdering “non white” civilians, the Pentagon finally acted. One general ordered all 19,000 soldiers at Fort Lewis, Washington strip-searched in an attempt to find extremist tattoos. Now, it seems that with the decline in recruitment–or, perhaps, for other reasons–the Pentagon is turning a blind eye to the influx of neo nazis into their ranks.”

Blows against the Empire By Dr. Gerald Horne
