
fuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Stafuckyeahmarxismleninism:New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Sta


New York City: Emergency news conference and picket inside Grand Central Station to demand No war with Russia! Stand with Donbass! U.S. out of Ukraine! February 19, 2022

Photos by redguard

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:) the same for me but I put it into my writing!! :) If you have’nt checked out my page yet check it

:) the same for me but I put it into my writing!! :) If you have’nt checked out my page yet check it out at 


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My heart is heavy for Ukraine today. As always, it feels absurd to go about my normal life when others’ lives are being torn apart by the ravages of war and imperialism.

The line.

The line is a back alley surgeon.
It says your liver, it don’t look good
and pockets aren’t full but we’re good
less a scalpel and more
at knife point robbing
like an alley crook would

The line is a magician
step up to the show
see how the collared workers know
their taxed labor goes: poof
disappears but don’t see
whose wallet it when to though

The line is a drama queen
yelling I’m quick I’m falling
please rescue me
tipping back it’s own chair
waiting for that safety net
of citizen’s green

The line is fickle
and it thinks those people
they aren’t humble enough
thinks Raytheon’s belly
it rumbles too much
hungry for missiles to tumble above

The line is watching
as a pandemic spits spreading
it does a little dance yelling
while coffers open to it
and coffins doors are closing
on poor coughing souls departing

The line isn’t an object
its made of people.
Who themselves aren’t abject
but paid hedgers profitable
banking the billions off
the backs of the raging bull

markets mean murder for some
and mansions for fewer
and they laugh from on hilltops
while we watch from the sewers
and it plays out both in motions
of the line.

“Make Love, Not War”Wilfred WeisserThe United-States1967

“Make Love, Not War”
Wilfred Weisser
The United-States

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Been really busy with this war. I’m involved with a few grassroots organisations helping people get out of Ukraine. But I’m still around. If anyone wanted to get involved dm me

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!By Adilah Didi Adi | @AdilahDidiAdi | April 15, 2022War

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

By Adilah Didi Adi | @AdilahDidiAdi | April 15, 2022

War against Black communities, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

Womanist Elder, Alice Walker, has constantly reminded us “why [white supremacist] war is never a good idea” and we should listen to our Womanist and Black Feminist Elders.

The united states government and all white western colonial capitalist governments have no legitimacy to declare war on Ferguson, Flint, Detroit, Port-au-Prince, Havana, Bamako, Lekki, Mogadishu, Johannesburg, Standing Rock, Gaza, or anywhere for that matter.

These white state and corporate officials are genocidal. They are slavocratic and sociopathic. These white politricksters and agents of white politricks are morally bankrupt and have no moral authority to hold anyone accountable.

Any civilian who legitimizes white supremacy, white supremacists, agents of white supremacy, and white supremacist violence against any civilians, does so at their own peril. When white terrorism disposes of us today, white terrorism will dispose of you tomorrow.

And that is why I say no power to the state or corporate and all power to the people!

#AbolitionNow #DefundToAbolish


  1. Photo: Elder Alice Walker. Alice Walker’s Garden, “Alice Walker at a US-Syria-War Protest in Oakland, CA.” (2018)
  2. Video: Ancestar Edwin Star , “War (Live At Soul Train).”

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