#bnha quirks


You know how they diagnose Quirkless people by the extra joint in their pinky toe? Introducing…

Quirk: Extra Pinky Toe Joint!

This Quirk grants the user an extra joint in their pinky toe effectively making it impossible to identify them as having a Quirk!

You may think I’m overthinking… and maybe yes, I am? 
But will it stop me? Nah.
Just two idiots and their damn hair inspired me to this TED Talks.

Do not be afraid, I will not give a long lecture on biology here :)

Symmetry is one of the most fundamental and one of the most general laws of the universe: living, inanimate nature and society. The principles of symmetry play an important role in physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, engineering and architecture, painting and sculpture, poetry and music.


There are two groups of symmetry.
The first group includes the symmetry of positions, shapes and structures. This is the symmetry that can be directly seen by eyes and can be called geometric symmetry. There is a very complex multilevel classification of types of symmetries: central, axial, radial, mirror and so on.
In the BNHA world, the law of geometric symmetry, for the most part, is preserved. 

And I’m not talking about costumes now, I’m talking about genetics: eyes, hairs, teeth, limbs have their own symmetry. Let me show you some examples.

 - Shoji has 3 arms on each side. Not 2 on one side and 4 on another, or 1 on his back and others hell-knows-where-else;


 - Mina’s eyes both are with black sclera;


-  Kirishima’s teeth are sharp in the upper row and in the lower;


- activation of a quirk is possible with any hand, not just the left or the right;

- hair color also has its own symmetry: Kyoka, Sir, this dude.  


Shouto and Fuyumi have their own symmetry in the color of their hair (we all know how Shouto looks like, so I just give you that Todoroki’s priceless facial expression).


And the question is: what went wrong with these two?


Probably, I would not have had this question, if they still turned out to be blood relatives. Because heredity can explain everything.
But no, they don’t know each other. 
And since they only common things is a quirk and these streak… isn’t it strange?

I may be wrong, but it seems I am seeing something like that for the first time in the BNHA.

That is, it turns out, it’s a natural feature? 
I need to know if this is a coincidence or a purposely pattern.

Two strangers to each other man. The same type of quirk.
The same figure on hair. Not just random spots, but a distinctly visible similar geometric figure. Yes, it is different for them, but at the same time is quite the same and recognizable so as not to be mistaken in what you see.
They don’t hide it, on the contrary they are wearing a hairstyle of that type so that it catches the eye. 
And if this man also have black + yellow hair, I will shout very loud.

Before this man showed his quirk, we were almost sure that he had electricity-type quirk precisely because of this streak in his hair.
Isn’t it stupid from his side then? Didn’t he just tells others in advance what to expect from him? And same for Kaminari. 

I urgently need someone else with an electric quirk. Villain from USJ can’t help cause he have no hair. Or did he hide it under helmet (or that it is?)? If the last one - then he is damn megamind.


So, this streak comes as a bonus with a quirk? And precisely in asymmetric form - only on one side? Are you a magic pony, friendship is magic, all these things? 

What for? Why nature work it this way? Why other people we know don’t have some patterns like that?
I don’t know what it is. And don’t know is it even matters.

Either Horikoshi decided that such a design is too good to not use again, or I don’t understand something. 

Okay but no like

Wouldn’t it be hysterical if Deku ended up inheriting one of his parent’s quirks after all as a late side effect of one for all

Bakugou would lose his s h i t

Like just imagine one day he has a cold just looking pathetically weak as ever and—


Bakugou: *manga turns to ash*


Bakugou: what the f—


